It starts with becoming President of her grade at school. See all 3 questions about President of the Whole Fifth Grade…, #1000BlackGirlBooks: Suggestions for Marley Dias's Amazing Book Drive. I did really enjoy it and am looking forward to adding it to my fifth grade classroom’s library.

I wanted to support it because the main character was a POC and because this was prominently displayed on the cover. The authors tone in the book is very uplifting and encouraging. When Jasmine's campaign starts to impact her friendships, Bree decides to change her tactics.

I thought the jealousy and competition could have been conveyed without taking it to the level of "mean girls." I am very harsh when judging books but I love this book. There is plenty in this book that I found to like. Holding the elections and the connections with U.S. History was great and how the author pulled in historical figures and connected it to modern issues and in a way that the elementary audience would understand. But will she steal votes by revealing her opponent's embarrassing secret?

. I decided not to give this book a rating, since it’s a middle grade book and I’m not in the target audience. It's engaging and fun. Winston even manages to break down the importance of philanthropy, introducing this topic to readers likely for the first time. Since she thinks so much is at stake (her whole future success), Brianna will do almost anything to win the election.

Yes and no, Weasel can be a threat because of his rumor-spreading abilities, also no because his mother can keep him from doing that really nicely. I like that the author used historical figures and tied them in a way younger readers would understand. When her role model speaks to her student body at school one day, she knows just how to start, by being President of the 5th grade. I applaud the messages of this story but feel that the execution could have been a little tighter. Learning is promoted as interesting and fun rather than imposed drudgery. Maybe the author is planning a series where each girl gets her own book in which the reader gets to know her because the book does have that breezy, Baby-Sitters Club feel to me and would serve as a good intro to a whole series. Your BFFs ... until Jasmine Moon enters the picture, and then you're not so sure.

Brianna "Bree" Justice has one goal: have her own cupcake cooking show. Brianna Justice has had a goal since fourth grade, to become president of her fifth grade class, ever since she heard her hero the famous chef Miss Delicious, was also class president. Enter an ally who encourages her to put ambition ahead of ethics. She nominates herself so that she can become popular quick and look like a good person to everyone.

This book is about a girl named Brianna who runs for president of the fifth grade, but encounters troubles on the way to victory. Thus begins Brianna's campaign, where she will learn about friendships, how power can corrupt and about forgiveness. this book is very pleasant i really enjoyed it. There are a lot of things about this book that I really liked, most importantly that it had a non-white protagonist as well as supporting characters.

Readers will feel the emotions Brianna feels as she experiences pride, guilt, envy, and humility. Brianna Justice's attitude towards education is refreshing. I think younger readers will like it more than I did. Welcome back. This novel is fantastic. To gain leadership skills needed to run a cupcake-baking empire when she grows up, Brianna runs for president of the fifth grade--expecting little competition--until a new girl enters the race. Not only does she have serious entrepreneurial aspirations but also practical plans for how to begin moving towards them. This is such a cute book that is very relatable to children, and also teaches them the importa. I could tell I didn't like it very much just because I am getting a little too old for it but it was worth it to read it. I really loved this book.

Also, as a Michigan native it was great to see a few links to home. I liked that while they were kids, the main character had aspirations of being in business for herself as a baker, rather than the normal little girl dreams of being a singer, dancer, etc. As youngsters grow, this novel will help them put their friendship drama into perspective and teach a lesson in individual integrity. Winston’s incorporation of cupcake recipes, bold, and font, gives the novel personality. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  The Reading Tub started as a website to help you find that “just right” book for your child. It explained the positions too much rather tell the story. This book is great! A wonderful read! Start by marking “President of the Whole Fifth Grade” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Will she stick to the recipe or put her presidency and cooking empire at risk?

My 8 year old daughter loved it from beginning to end. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The author developed great, believable characters that boys and girls can relate to. There's much to be said for satisfying your target reader above and beyond anyone else. Brianna gets more competition than she bargained for when the new student, Jasmine, decides to run against Brianna. The setting of this book is mostly at school. Not much here.

Took this out to the elementary schools in May/June 2016. When Brianna learns that her idol not only attended her school but was president of the Fifth Grade. First, she needs to be elected Fifth Grade president at Orchard Park Elementary, just like Miss Delicious. Brianna Justice has had a goal since fourth grade, to become president of her fifth grade class, ever since she heard her hero the famous chef Miss Delicious, was also class president. Her plot draws constant analogies between the fifth-grade presidential race and United States presidential history, and her audience will come away with knowledge they didn’t even realize they were learning. It also helps children learn that perseverance and hard work can help you achieve your goals. Will she stick to the recipe or put her presidency and cooking empire at risk?

Product details. As a fifth grade teacher I was very excited for this book because there were several areas where fifth graders will be able to relate. Maybe the author is planning a series where each girl gets her own book in which the reader gets to know her because the book does have that breezy, Baby-Sitters Club feel to me and would serve as a good intro. Does Jasmine Moon become president of the whole fifth grade?Does Jasmine know the twist of the election when she comes in to the school?Why does Jasmine Moon nominate herself for president when she walks in the school?Is Jasmine Moon really nice like Sara says she is?Is Weasle really a threat to Brianna Justice career or campaign?Has Weasle really changed?Is Weasel spying on Brianna Justice so Jasmine Moon can win? The story starts off with many instances with Briannas hero who she really looks up to. Now, our broader approach to family literacy includes offering easy-to-do activities to incorporate literacy concepts into everyday life, as well as helping you decode the jargon in a way that is meaningful to you as a parent. President of the Whole fifth grade is the story of Brianna who has big dreams and plans for her life. It features an ambitious African American girl who sets no limitations on her future. By: Parent Perspective: Our only complaint it that the protagonist was always called by her full name and that was really unrealistic and annoying. A perfect book for 3-5 graders.

Enter a conniving rival who is willing to stoop as low, There is plenty in this book that I found to like. Grades. Those ambitions are not superficial things like being a movie star or pop star, or hoping to marry her favorite movie/pop star.

#WeNeedDiverseBooks. This book gives a fresh and truthful outlook on what growing up is like and what it truly takes to stay true to yourself. Brianna also hopes to one day own her own bakery where she can sell her delicious cupcakes. by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. BTSYA / Teen Reader:

What do you get when you mix together big dreams, friendship dilemmas, cupcake recipes, and a school election? Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I really enjoyed reading this story of Brianna's journey through an elementary election.