If you use a 1 rep max calculator (which roughly converts reps * weight to 1 rep max weight) and you enter your bodyweight * 8 reps you'll find that your 1 rep max is 1.25x your BW. Any set/rep scheme will increase strength to some extent, some just work better than others. 5x5 is usually done with higher intensity, therefore its better for building strength but harder to recover from. All strength is “functional”. That being said, the 2 are not even comparable volume wise. Remember this is for a bodybuilding perspective only. This has always been my impression as well. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Can someone give me an ELI5 on the differences/benefits of doing my lifts in a 5x5 format vs a 3x8 format? It correlates reasonably well for me. Whichever lets you actually do a workout consistently. Everyone is not born with the exact same strength level. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. The 5x5 format depends on you increasing intensity every session/week, which is difficult/impossible to do with bodyweight training. It has NOTHING to do with “functional” strength. If you just want to add more sets, that's another option. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. On my accessories I usually stick to 3x8. Wednesday, OFF. Dips 3x10-12, (I’m doing the range thing but I’m going for the highest number there but if I don’t get it I won’t cry), Chins 4x6-8 Anyone has some different ideas? 5x5 is 25 and 3x8 is 24. 3x8 vs 5x5 for lean-ness. This would put more of a focus on strength than hypertrophy or endurance...but again, it's not always that cut and dry. Learning proper form has to be done before really building strength and stacking on plates. 15 - 25 - 9 - 15 done. Saturday, Tris, Bis, Shoulders, Abs, mirror muscles basically. You get these kids paying online PT’s tons of cash to write sport specific routines thinking that it will magically make them better on the field, pitch, rink or cage when in reality it makes little difference if you have zero, or minimal, skill to begin with. I've been contemplating what would be a better set/rep scheme. 5x5 for most people will have you using a higher % of your 1RM than you can on 3x8 despite the extra sets. If you’ve noticed increased strength with the lower rep ranges, and the bigger guy in the gym says that’s what he did to get to his level, then yeah it would be a good idea to switch things up. Archived. Generaly before starting with gymnastics and all the way to this day I have used 5x5. 3x8 vs 5x5; Results 1 to 19 of 19 Thread: 3x8 vs 5x5. Any advice would be helpful. 5x5=25 and 8x3=24 so obviously 5x5 is better. Get strong first, because you need to lift heavy weights to get big. I was always wondering which rep/series choice is better - 3x8 or 5x5. So let's have a look at Starting Strength 3x5 vs. Stronglifts 5x5 programs and break them down to see similarities, differences, and their purpose. Deadlift 4x6 I'm training not just to be strong but to move well, and move well even when I'm fatigued. You do 3x8 on your accessories to add more muscles that benefits your big lifts, or to work your weak parts to get better at your big lifts, or to get more aesthetics. 3x8 will possibly make you better at lifting at higher reps. The thing is, I don't know why, it's just something that I've always done without thinking about. Assuming that he can easily and slowly increase the intensity of the exercise in question (i.e Weighted Pull Ups/Weighted Dips) the total work done is going to be better for hypertrophy and strength with those additional sets and greater intensity. In short, 1-4 for strength, 5-8 for both size and strength. Skill and knowledge of the game is more important. Trial and error. What I’m saying is when me and my friends fight just for fun, some of them do better against me yet they are very weak in the gym. Therefore it's always on the last rep? ... All the posts on reddit saying that people treat you differently when you are a more natural weight is true. With that theory in mind, you do 5x5 on your big lifts to get strong and get better at those lifts, which greatly benefits your strength, which is your main target. Calf Raises 5x5, Military Press 3x8-10 View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Jun 2013 Posts: 123 Rep Power: 90. In 5x5 what weight should you lift in relation to your 1 rep max? Start your fitness journey with our Recommended Routine and wiki. Shoulder Press 3x8-10. On the other hand if you do have skills then a simple bodybuilding routine (although probably a bit less volume because you’re also taxing your body with practices and such) will be enough to strengthen your body and let you do what you know while playing. switch to a 3x8 routine after you finish your noob gains. Assuming you weren’t practicing the “sport” behind your friend’s back I’m guessing they will dominate you again because, for whatever reason, they are more skilled at this than you are. Tell you what… feel free to do crossfit (which is popular with combat athletes and law enforcement agents) for a few months and then “play” with your friends again. 5x5 is 25 and 3x8 is 24. If you want to build more mass on 5x5 just make the sets last longer and decrease the rest in between sets. Strength gains are relative because instead of being able to lift a certain weight for 5 reps well, you will just be … 5x5 would be @ 85% of your 1RM (25 reps of 170lbs) 3x8 would be @ 75% of your 1RM (24 reps of 150lbs), Same volume for both but your reping 20lbs more on the 5x5 equaling more hypertrophy/strength gains. APLASTICSPOON wrote: I'm currently lifting 3x10 for all of my weights, and I've noticed that a lot of people do 3x8 or 5x5. Squat 5x5 Deadlift 4x6 Leg Press 5x5 Leg Curl 4x6 Calf Raises 5x5. Posted by 5 years ago. also, I get the whole 5x5 = less volume per set = higher weight per set. So you are confusing innate skill and strength with building strength in the gym? APLASTICSPOON wrote: Tuesday, Back: Pull Ups 5x5 Chin Ups 4x6 DB Rows 5x5 BB Rows 4x6. This is a convoluted mess of half-math and generalizations. Provide proof for the statement that higher rep training is better at inducing sarcoplasmic hypertrophy when compared to lower rep training. On my heave lift ( bench, decline bench, squat, deadlift, rows, shoulder press ) if I do 5x5 resting about 3 minutes or if I do 3x8 with 1-2 minutes of rest between each set. Thread Tools.