These are then sold on to the restaurants for about GBP 2.70 (USD 4.20). 10. The other way to monetise poaching is through the sale of animals In the global black-market pet trade, an industry that generates GBP 20bn (USD 32bn) per year. Beginning of the end – The collapse of many of Earth’s plant, Insect and reptilian species then Initiated the total extinction of ground-based dinosaurs.

From non-governmental groups such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), through to governmental and intergovernmental ones such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the protection of the planet’s environment and its wildlife is being taken more and more seriously. This caused a vast glacial retreat and rising sea levels that would have severely shrunk the mammoth’s typical habitat. The common name for the sturgeon, as for the unrelated beluga whale, is derived from the Russian word белый (belyj), meaning "white", probably referring to the extensive pale colour on the flanks and belly in beluga compared to other sturgeons.

}, [20] The flesh of the beluga, though, is not particularly renowned but is a hearty white meat similar to that of swordfish. From Europe to Asia, illegal logging is decimating protected and unprotected environments alike, sacrificing Earth’s most diverse ecosystems. Today, while natural extinction remains as potent as ever, it has been bolstered by a raft of human-generated activities.

Please reload the CAPTCHA. It is a protected species listed in appendix III of the Bern Convention, and its trade is restricted under CITES appendix II. A recent dig site in the Ukraine also suggests Neanderthals used mammoth bones for the construction of their homes.

The two main causes of habitat fragmentation are both human caused and are agricultural clearance and rural development. By removing one, you threaten to Instigate a knock-on effect In which many other species are forced to rapidly adapt or perish. function() { Of course, interglacial periods can both aid and hamper speciation, with new species emerging thanks to favourable alterations to the environment and the decline of other competitor or predatory species. (function( timeout ) { 7. The most recent of these was the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction event that wiped out all non-avian dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago; for a detailed analysis of this event, see the ‘Mass-extinction’. Stellatus and Toffees in stock now.

The European mink is currently threatened by a lethal combination of habitat loss, hunting and competition from the alien American mink. Pyrenean ibex – The last ever naturally born Pyrenean Ibex was found dead on 6 January 2000. While many may argue that humans hold dominion over all other species, it doesn’t make it true, ethically right or something that should be exploited. Even parts of animals are highly desired, with bear paws costing GBP 32 (USD 50) for four, shark fins GBP 250 (USD 400) per pound and rhino horns selling for up to GBP 62,000 (USD 97,000) per kilo. The largest accepted record is of a female taken in 1827 in the Volga estuary at 1,571 kg (3,463 lb) and 7.2 m (23 ft 7 in). [6], Huso huso shows typical characteristics of sturgeons, i.e., elongated body, heterocercal tail, partially cartilaginous skeleton, naked skin, longitudinal series of scutes.

To put this in perspective, the most powerful manmade explosive device ever detonated had a yield of 50 megatons of TNT (and there are 1 million megatons in a teraton). Entanglement in fishing gear,  =  The reasons that Its effects were felt all the way around the planet was its generation of vast quantities of dust and toxic gases in the atmosphere. Time limit is exhausted. And it’s a vicious circle, with every death inflating their black-market price even further and, as a direct consequence, making them even more desirable to poachers.

All Rights Reserved. Studies have shown large quantities of mercury in the region’s streams. Consequently, there is significantly less diversity in food sources and potential mates, which decreases the chances of survival and reproduction considerably. if ( notice ) More importantly, the mass destruction of Earth’s forests and jungles leads directly to large-scale habitat loss for a plethora of species. = "block"; one From 2001-05, over 11,000 specimens were seized in Central America. 3. Warming – The Earth went through a warming trend at the start of the Holocene period 12,000 years ago. Siau Island tarsier – The Siau Island tarsier is one of Indonesia’s rarest creatures. The Victorian notion of humans being the God-given rightful rulers of Earth and its animals, despite being largely quashed today, has sadly permeated into the 21st century, leading to small but fanatical areas of horrific hunting. Homeless – One of the main causes of the dodo’s swift extinction was the effect of human-caused habitat loss. The rain would be increased due to the injection of water vapour – from the ocean collision – into the atmosphere. Quick facts.

Small dinosaurs such as pachycephalosaurus were wiped out quickly from malnutrition due to a lack of viable food sources. It is dioecious, with male and female cones developing on separate plants; it is also poisonous to humans.

Blue-crowned laughingthrush – With an estimated 240 left in the wild, the blue-crowned laughingthrush is an incredibly rare resident of China’s Jiangxi province that nests commonly in camphor and maple trees. While an impact of this magnitude obviously led to the immediate annihilation of many species, it would only do so In a relatively small area on a worldwide scale. Hunting, one of the earliest causes -by early humans and later homo sapiens – has caused many of the world’s most notable animals to become extinct, a process that Is continuing even today. Studies of Late Cretaceous hadrosaurs show that they started to eat decomposed wood material to try and gain some nutrients. Dead sea – Oceans worldwide -specifically those in close proximity to the impact -suffered massively, with thousands upon thousands of species, ranging from micro-biota through marine invertebrates and up to large species such as pliosaurs, dying off rapidly. Natural organisms, born from our planet’s natural environment, can also succumb to It -from environmental factors such as inter-species competition, volcanic activity and population saturation, through to atmospheric ones such as climate change, extinction is caused in a wide variety of ways. The rapid clearing of forests for firewood and building construction drove the dodo into smaller and smaller territories, generating habitat and population fragmentation, which exacerbated the other causes of extinction. Juveniles feed on benthic invertebrates in rivers and shallow coastal waters, where they grow quickly, then, at the length of 8–10 cm, they become largely piscivorous.