Oral Tradition. People have looked to religion to answer questions like "Where did the world come from?

But in spite of their various cultures, Africans do share some dominant traits in their belief systems and have similar values that mark them out from other peoples of the world. lobola, where the groom pays the father of the bride in order to compensate for the ‘loss’ of the man’s daughter. The protection of the family is the core value in most and "What happens to us when we die?" The major faiths practiced in South Africa are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, traditional African religions and Judaism. Visiting the fascinating tribes of Africa and immersing yourself in their tribal customs is a sure way to make your African safari unforgettable!

This is a new project that we’re busy working on. Hypnotic drumming is performed at Kumina ceremonies to 'catch' a spirit © Jozef Klopacka / Shutterstock. Source: www.purdue.edu. Most of them were Bantu -speaking people and were the ancestors of many South Africans, especially the Nguni groups like the Zulu and Xhosa.

specifically to Zimbabwe.. Can't find what you are looking for? The traditional healers of the past collected bark or roots in a way that did not damage the plants, or if the entire plant was needed, they would not, African Religions and Philosophy (1969) by John S. Mbiti, Environmental conservation anchored in African cultural heritage, Ecological Implications of Water Spirit Beliefs in Southern Africa.

Many of the sacred environments which are believed to be the abodes of nature spirits or which are sacred places of learning about traditional healing, divination and rites to connect with the ancestors have been polluted or destroyed by mining, deforestation, dams and commercial cash crops. A man can have as many wives as he can afford and the wives share the responsibilities of the daily chores, such as babysitting, pounding corn, preparing meals and washing clothes.

Oral tradition is very important in African culture, as it insures the passage of cultural practices from one generation to another. One is Ol’Hige, who leaves her skin at night to go and feast on babies’ blood. In order to fulfill this obligation we must do everything in our power to protect the environment as a vehicle for saving the lives of millions of humans and diverse species worldwide, especially those unable to adapt to a changing climate. The large size and extreme diversity of the continent leads to enormous diversity among the marriage ceremonies and traditions that take place. Book through Rough Guides’ trusted travel partners. Skills in healing, sacred knowledge, psychic abilities, and medicinal plants are some of the gifts imparted to those chosen by the water spirits. Traditional African Religion What is traditional African religion? Jamaica is an island full of folklore, magic, and spirituality, with a rich culture of traditions, customs, and rituals, many of them religious in origin (although by no means all). African societies, together with their value systems and beliefs are close, even though they vary slightly from one another.

The elders are the final authority and are trusted completely. Africans or South Africans and Bantu-speaking people form the major part of the population (approximately 35 million). Check out The Rough Guide to Jamaica to find out more about Jamaica's fascinating culture, and start planning your perfect trip to this Caribbean paradise. Although the musical styles and instruments vary from region to region, there are some common forms of musical expression. Jamaica is a country with a rich and diverse culture, and there are countless traditions, rituals, and superstitions that have developed over the centuries and help people maintain a sense of connection to their past.

Listening is an equally important skill, which has been perfected by the traditional oral practices. One traditional custom in African culture is that of Some ethnic groups are unique to South Africa while others like Basotho crossed the border into the country. From celebrating freedom to raising awareness of what that freedom means, African-American holidays and traditions are a significant aspect of American history.

And we believe there is no need to

These traditional healers have to be called by ancestors. Multi-faith dialogue based on equity, justice, and mutual respect for the Earth, is a way we can build a sustainable future for all. The victim seldom seeks medical care from a hospital because they are often abandoned by their family and their tribe for doing so. Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in. Earth-aware Quakers propose living in a “right relationship” with the Earth to preserve the integrity, resilience, and beauty of the commonwealth of life. To stop the terrifying Ol’Hige ghost, you'll need to douse her in pepper © Carol La Rosa / Shutterstock.

South Africa is called the rainbow nation because of its variety of people, cultures and religions. Use this to your advantage by dropping stones and matches along as you walk along a darkened, lonely road. The ritual is usually spread over a period of several months and the one being circumcised is forbidden from screaming or crying because doing so is considered cowardly Mandatory - can not be deselected.

The Zulu people are well known for their intricate Naturally, singing is very important to the African society because the melody and rhythm follow the intonation of the song text.

Friends and relatives will meet and celebrate the life of the person who has passed, and the gatherings are normally very lively and fun. It also indicates that the groom is financially capable of supporting his wife. Traditional African religion and culture is passed on from parents to children through stories. Return from African Customs to our

The rite of passage is a controversial African custom that varies from tribe to tribe. But it's not quite as simple as that – the practice of obeah is an important part of many people’s lives and one has been practised by families for generations. Other holidays include Harriet Tubman Day (March 10) and Edward “Duke” Ellington Day (April 29). The boy will court her for a while and at the appropriate time, he will ask her the meaning of the beads.

Followers believe in the guidance of their ancestors spirits. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images. African Tradition is expressed through many different art forms, such as music, dance, art, sculpture and beadwork.

It’s a form of black magic and people will turn to obeah to put a curse on an enemy (or protect themselves against one), to bring themselves luck, or to be healed. Art and sculpture are prevalent in African culture, and the most common themes depict a couple, a woman and child, a male with a weapon or animal, or a “stranger.”.

Environmental conservation is not a recent phenomenon in indigenous African communities. This Quarter we are also giving away a Free Screensaver to Every