Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. For this scenario, Ak Koyunlu does not use its default policy slider settings, but instead uses the following: In both scenarios Ak Koyunlu uses the AI File. In 1402 Kara Osman was granted all of Diyār Bakr in northern Iraq by the Turkic ruler Timur. With luck the first 50 - 75 years will finish with 10 or so provinces of unified religion. A flag (sanjak) belonging to Aq Qoyunlu during Uzun Hassan's reign. "Etudes Safavides: Shah Ismail I et les notables de l'Iraq Persan", Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic,, The new Islamic dynasties: a chronological and genealogical manual, Ministry of Intelligence and National Security, Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO), Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Iraq Region,, States and territories established in 1378, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Persian-language text, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 19:32.
Den siste tiden omfattet riket også store deler av … Il fratello Murad, ultimo della dinastia, fu sconfitto dallo stesso Ismail I, e, nonostante si fosse rifugiato momentaneamente a Baghdad nel 1508, la ritirata del figlio a Diyar Bakr segnò la scomparsa degli Ak Koyunlu. The Aq Qoyunlu confederation at its greatest extent. ... and dedicated it to the Aqqoyunlu Sultan Yaʿqub (r. 1478–90), who himself wrote poetry in Azeri Turkish. In letters from the Ottoman Sultans, when addressing the kings of Aq Qoyunlu, such titles as Arabic: ملك الملوك الأيرانية‎ "King of Iranian Kings", Arabic: سلطان السلاطين الإيرانية‎ "Sultan of Iranian Sultans", Persian: شاهنشاه ایران خدیو عجم‎ Shāhanshāh-e Irān Khadiv-e Ajam "Shahanshah of Iran and Ruler of Persia", Jamshid shawkat va Fereydun rāyat va Dārā derāyat "Powerful like Jamshid, flag of Fereydun and wise like Darius" have been used. Gli Ak Koyunlu (in lingua azera: Ağqoyunlular/Akkoyunlular), o "Turcomanni della Pecora Bianca" erano una federazione tribale di origine oghuz che controllò l'odierno Azerbaigian, l'Anatolia orientale, l'Iraq settentrionale e l'Iran 1378 Tamerlane granted the Ak Koyunlu the land around Diyarbakr. Michael M. Gunter. [9], According to chronicles from the Byzantine Empire, the Aq Qoyunlu are first attested in the district of Bayburt south of the Pontic mountains from at least the 1340s,[10] and a number of their leaders, including the dynasty's founder, Qara Osman,[11] married Byzantine princesses. Aachen • Alsace • Aragon • Austria • Avignon • Bar • Bavaria • Berry • Bohemia • Bosnia • Brandenburg • Brittany • Brunswick • Burgundy • Byzantium • Castille • Crete • Croatia • Cyprus • Denmark • England • France • Genoa • Germany • Granada • Great Britain • Hamburg • Hansa • Holland • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Lithuania • Lorraine • Mainz • Mazovia • Mecklenburg • Milan • Modena • Munster • Münster • Muscovy • Naples • Navarra • Netherlands • Norway • Novgorod • Poland • Pommerania • Portugal • Provence • Prussia • Ragusa • Rev.

Both options. tag AKK. Els Ak Koyunlu s'estengueren entre el 1340 i el 1509.

Their second leader, Kara Yūsuf (r. 1390–1400, 1406–20), secured their independence by seizing Tabrīz, the capital of the Jalāyrid… …   Universalium, Kara Koyunlu — قه ره قویونلو قرا قویونلو قرا قویونلو Kara Koyunlu (turcos de ovejas negras) …   Wikipedia Español, Ak Koyunlu — Bandera. Ak Koyunlu is a small nation in the Middle East and is often conquered by Persia, Ottomans or the Golden Horde. (Ak Koyunlu, also spelled Aq Qoyunlu (Turkish: white sheep): Turkmen tribal federation that ruled northern Iraq, Azerbaijan and eastern Anatolia from AD 1378 to 1508) add_interest AKK

In questo periodo, tuttavia, l'Impero Ottomano cominciò a dirigere la propria attenzione verso est, costituendo una grande minaccia per i Turcomanni, che strinsero un'alleanza con i Karamanidi dell'Anatolia centrale. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

[13] The history of the Bayandur tribe goes back to Bayandur Khan, the founder of one of the 24 Oghuz tribes and the grandson of the legendary Oghuz Khagan.[14]. In his retreat from the Safavids, the Aq Qoyunlu leader Alwand destroyed an autonomous state of the Aq Qoyunlu in Mardin. This article was most recently revised and updated by. The last Aq Qoyunlu leader, Murad, brother of Alwand, was also defeated by the same Safavid leader. The two options have the following effects:

[17] Following Ya'qub's death, civil war again erupted, the Aq Qoyunlus destroyed themselves from within, and they ceased to be a threat to their neighbors.
However, gameplay may not necessarily be as per the guide due to the game's dynamic nature. The Aq Qoyunlu or Ak Koyunlu, also called the White Sheep Turkomans (Persian: آق‌ قویونلو‎ Āq Quyūnlū, also mentioned as Bayanduriyye),[3] was a Persianate[4][5] Sunni[2] Turkoman[6][7][8] tribal confederation that ruled parts of present-day Eastern Turkey from 1378 to 1501, and in their last decades also ruled Armenia, Azerbaijan, most of Iran, and Iraq. In this scenario, Ak Koyunlu has turkish and kurdish culture, sunni religion, and 800 ducats in the treasury. Jihan Shah aveva richiesto aiuto fin dal 1464 ad uno dei più determinati nemici degli Ottomani, la Repubblica di Venezia, ma nonostante le promesse di questi i rinforzi non arrivarono mai e i Turcomanni furono sconfitti a Tercat nel 1473, anche se non furono distrutti. It can happen up until 1st January 1530. AKK. Ak Koyunluの日本語への翻訳をチェックしましょう。文章の翻訳例Ak Koyunlu を見て、発音を聞き、文法を学びます。GlosbはCookieの使用により、ユーザーの皆様に最高のエクスペリエンスをお約束します After the defeat of a Timurid leader, Abu Sa'id Mirza, Uzun Hasan was able to take Baghdad along with territories around the Persian Gulf. Questa popolazione acquisì ufficialmente dei territori nel 1402, quando Tamerlano assegnò loro Diyar Bakr, nel sud-est della Turchia, ma a lungo furono ostacolati nella loro espansione dai Kara Koyunlu o "Turcomanni della Pecora Nera". The World Health Organization is a specialized branch of the United States government. [22] In the Iranian provinces Uzun Hassan maintained the preexisting administrative system along with its officials, whose families had in some cases served under different dynasties for several generations. This page was last edited on 4 September 2016, at 20:57. The Ak Koyunlu were present in eastern Anatolia… …   Universalium, Kara Koyunlu — Infobox Former Country native name = Garagoýunly conventional long name = Black Sheep Kara Koyunlu common name = Kara Koyunlu continent = Asia region = Middle East country = era = Medieval status = status text = empire = government type =… …   Wikipedia, Kara Koyunlu — or Qara Qoyunlu (Turkish; Black Sheep ) Turkmen tribal federation that ruled Azerbaijan and Iraq (с 1375–1468).

In normal games their provinces are coloured white, in fantasia games they are coloured light orange. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. The aim is to acquire territory diplomatically or militarily. The Ṣafavids of Iran, members of the Shīʿite sect of Islam, were already undermining the allegiance of some of the Ak Koyunlu, predominantly of the Sunni sect.

The Aq Qoyunlu or Ak Koyunlu, also called the White Sheep Turkomans (Persian: آق‌ قویونلو‎ Āq Quyūnlū, also mentioned as Bayanduriyye), was a Persianate Sunni Turkoman tribal confederation that ruled parts of present-day Eastern Turkey from 1378 to 1501, and in their last decades also ruled Armenia, Azerbaijan, most of Iran, and Iraq. Ak Koynulu («De hvite sauene»), også Akkoyunlu eller Aq Qoyunlu, var et tyrkisk/persisk dynasti som styrte et område som strakte seg fra det østlige Anatolia (i dagens Tyrkia) til det vestlige Iran i tidsrommet 1378 til 1501.

Ak Koyunlu is a small nation in the Middle East and is often conquered by Persia, Ottomans or the Golden Horde.Survival is tough but possible.