The city council of the city of Amsterdam is migrating to a complete open source Voice Over IP (VOIP) network solution based on Asterisk. We see that more and more people recognize this.

City of Amsterdam is run by the city council and a college of aldermen. Resilience is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the world transition away from fossil fuels and build sustainable, resilient communities. Together they hold a majority of 26 of the 45 seats in the city council, AD reports.

A pilot project took place in February 2008 at the city's harbour deparment. We never imagined that we would be launching it in a context of crisis such as this, but we believe that the need for such a transformative tool could hardly be greater right now, and its use in Amsterdam has the chance to inspire many more places – from neighbourhoods and villages to towns and cities to nations and regions – to take such a holistic approach as they begin to reimagine and remake their own futures.

One system works better.

One example is the city of Heerlen, where the administration is using some of the connections developed for Amsterdam.

We just had someone from Dubai calling us about it, and I am supposed to do a presentation in the US in two weeks time.". Our newly created team at DEAL is currently focused on setting up this platform, so please be a little patient, and by the end of May we will get in touch with our plans for taking this downscaling work forward. She is a senior visiting research associate and advisory board member at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute and teaches in its masters program for Environmental Change and Management.

I am currently focused on working with DEAL’s fast-growing team, as well as homeschooling my two children, and looking out for my local community – so please do understand that I may not be able to reply to comments personally, but you are of course welcome to comment and discuss with each other.

The City Portraits that our team has made are what we call public portraits of the cities – made using publicly available targets and data. Read The Amsterdam City Doughnut: a tool for transformative action. Connections between the VOIP telephone systems and computer applications such as time registration and the link between the telephone system and radio-applications for harbour workers or the fire department, can be used by others, he explains. The City of Amsterdam is surrounded on the north, east, and west sides by the town of Amsterdam.The city developed on both sides of the Mohawk River, with the majority located on the north bank. Ever since then people have asked: can we downscale the Doughnut so that we can apply it here – in our town, our country, our region? Seven Ways to Think Like a Twenty-First-Century Economist, For 21st Century Progress, Pick your Paradigm…, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist. The city council of the city of Amsterdam is migrating to a complete open source Voice Over IP (VOIP) network solution based on Asterisk.

What if a city were to turn this into its own self portrait, gathering together residents’ lived experiences, their values, hopes and fears, their ideas and initiatives, their own understanding of their deep interconnections with the rest of world? How can humanity also learn to create settlements big and small that promote the wellbeing of their inhabitants, while respecting the wider living communities in which they are embedded? The city's IT department expects to integrate an extra 9000 mobile phones. Some 18,000 VOIP telephones will be installed, replacing the current phone. The motion is supported by GroenLinks, DENK, Bij1, SP, PvdD, and ChristenUnie. Together they hold a majority of 26 of the 45 seats in the city council, AD reports. So You Want to Downscale the Doughnut ?

The open source VOIP system allows the Amsterdam IT workers to put the new system into place without disrupting the existing infrastructure and without having to invest in expensive new hardware. According to Jolink, the Amsterdam system is using both Digium and Sangoma VOIP hardware to make telephone exchanges (PBXs) "The city wants us to favour companies that actively support open source software.". City of Amsterdam. "Our colonial past has laid the foundation for this racism. Jolink says the Amsterdam public administration wants the entire project to use open source software. © 2012-2020, All rights reserved. The Asterisk network will connect the central city administration and the fifteen city districts. Doughnut Economics Action Lab is already working on creating version 2.0 of the methodology and, once ready, we plan to share it on our forthcoming platform, which will make working collaboratively like this far easier and more effective. The Amsterdam city council wants July 1, Slavery Remembrance Day in the Netherlands, to be a national holiday, according to a motion submitted by the local PvdA. The new leftist Amsterdam city council coalition of the GreenLeft – PvdA – D66 and the SP is seriously considering some powerful policy changes to tackle Amsterdam’s biggest challenges such as (lack of) housing, overcrowded streets and the traffic situation. "We are only using open source, and that is why the project has attracted attention from all over the world. The city's IT department expects to integrate an extra 9000 mobile phones. The government has issued measures for the whole of Netherlands.

The tool is not really designed for printing out at home – it is far easier to read it on screen – but here is a single-page view of it for anyone who might prefer. That is why it is tie for political action.". I believe this newly downscaled Doughnut tool has a great deal to offer and I look forward to seeing it turned into transformative action, in Amsterdam and far beyond. As we all start thinking about how we will emerge from this crisis, let us seek to be holistic in how we reimagine and recreate the local-to-global futures of the places we live.

According to him most other VOIP projects will use at least some proprietary applications. Everyone is likewise welcome to leave responses and suggestions about Amsterdam’s City Doughnut, and the City Doughnut tool, below in the Comments section of this blog. The city is basing the network purely on open source software, which makes it the largest such project in the world, says the project manager, Arno Jolink, VOIP expert at Israpunt, a Dutch IP telephone firm. Media coverage in The Guardian, Parool and VPRO.

Slavery has led to oppression and unequal treatment. Working together they are becoming a catalyst for transformative change, generating inspiration and action within Amsterdam and far beyond.

The Amsterdam city council wants July 1, Slavery Remembrance Day in the Netherlands, to be a national holiday, according to a motion submitted by the local PvdA.

To be clear, this city portrait is not a report and assessment of Amsterdam: it is a tool and starting point, ideal for using in workshops to open up new insights and bring about transformative action. The company has developed its own VOIP management layer, made available as open source.

The city's move to VOIP was inspired by a similar VOIP migration project in the Belgian city of Schoten. The likelihood of this happening in Amsterdam is high, thanks to the newly launched Amsterdam Donut Coalition: a network of over 30 organisations – including community groups, commons-based organisations, SMEs, businesses, academia and local government – that are already putting Doughnut Economics into practice in their work. The answer is a mystery.

The city is named after Amsterdam in the Netherlands..

The National Slavery Monument (2002) by Surinam artist Erwin de Vries (1929) Joop Reuvecamp/flickr, Amsterdam city council wants slavery memorial day to be a nat’l holiday, Dutch gov't: Schools can make face masks mandatory but no legal obligation, Amsterdam sea captain caught smuggling six on sailing yacht, Third arrest in fake nurse scam where thousands were stolen from elderly, ICU expert pairs with former anti-Covid rules influencer to teach young people, First decrease in Covid-19 hospital patients since Sept. 2; Infections up 33%, Divers find sunken car in Zeeland; Bodies possibly inside, Dutch students strongly advised to wear face masks at secondary schools, Coronavirus test shortage was predicted in April; Advice was ignored: Report, Covid-19 caused 10,000 deaths in first wave; 2020 deaths 9,000 higher than 2019, Belgium puts four more Dutch provinces on Code Red.

How do you improve enforcement in a large city with seven city districts each using a different computer system? If you are interested in applying this tool for downscaling the Doughnut to your own place – your neighbourhood, village, town, city, region, nation – please do let us know by filling in this short form. The process of creating such City Self Portraits is, we believe, what will make this tool really take off. Amsterdam City Council. Christian Democrat city council members Marijke Shahsavari en Diederik Boomsma think the council as pimp is taking things a step too far. Our team at the Thriving Cities Initiative has also worked with city staff to create city portraits for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Portland, Oregon (these are not yet published) and the initial workshops that have been held to date in all three cities have brought together policymakers and change-makers in dynamic and thought-provoking discussions.

Amsterdam is a great place for launching this tool because this city has already placed the Doughnut at the heart of its long-term vision and policymaking, and is home to the Amsterdam Donut Coalition, a network of inspiring change-makers who are already putting the Doughnut into practice in their city.

"It allows us to do the migration gradually", writes Barth Prehn, one of the IT administrators in a post on the city's website. To dive into these issues, we explore four interdependent questions, applied in this case to Amsterdam: These questions turn into the four ‘lenses’ of the City Doughnut, producing a new ‘portrait’ of the city from four inter-connected perspectives. Information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Amsterdam. I am very low income and only donate a small amount to a few organizations.

Today sees the launch of a new and holistic approach to downscaling the Doughnut, and we are confident that it has huge potential at multiple scales – from neighbourhood to nation – as a tool for transformative action.

Drawing on the city’s current targets for the local lenses, as well as on the Sustainable Development Goals and the planetary boundaries for the global lenses, we compared desired outcomes for the city against statistical snapshots of its current performance (see the published tool for full details). The Amsterdam Donut Coalition, founding meeting, December 2019.

According to her, the fatal arrest of George Floyd in the United States and the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests that followed showed that more and more people are opening their eyes to the issues of institutionalized racism and discrimination.

The IT department began the VOIP migration in August of last year.

More is allowed in the coming months.

Applied at the scale of a city, it starts by asking this very 21st century question: It’s a question that combines local aspiration – to be thriving people in a thriving place – with a global responsibility to live in ways that respect all people and the whole planet. The result is a holistic approach that embraces social and ecological perspectives, both locally and globally. working very closely with fantastic colleagues at Biomimicry 3.8, Circle Economy and C40 Cities, all collaborating as part of the Thriving Cities Initiative. The city expects significant cost savings, not least because the single VOIP network will replace most of the current telephone exchanges in use in the city districts.

Among other responsibilities, the council sets the city's annual budget. Building a world of resilient communities, The Amsterdam City Doughnut: a tool for transformative action, Out With Predatory Capitalism, In With a “Life Economy”, Transforming democracy in times of crisis, What Indigenous Wisdom Can Teach Us About Economics, Basic income could virtually eliminate poverty in the United Kingdom at a cost of £67 billion per year. Here’s How.