1987. Review of the marine life history of Australasian temperate species of Anguilla. Celebes Longfin Eel - Anguilla celebesensis Naturwissenschaften 84: 17–21. They are elongated fish with snake-like bodies, their long dorsal, caudal and anal fins forming a continuous fringe. 1997. Short-finned Eel - Anguilla australis Celebes longfin eels are found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. TRAFFIC report prepared for the European Commission. Japanese eels may crawl over land at night from one place to another. 59: 1989–1998. Jellyman, D.J. Biological Bulletin 204: 104–108. Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment.

80: 445-452. 52 p. Ege, V. 1939. Teng, H.-Y., Y.-S. Lin & C.-S. Tzeng. Bastrop, R., Strehlow, B., Jürss, K. & Sturmbauer, C. 2000. Freshwater eels belong to the genus Anguilla. A new molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the evolution of freshwater eels. 2010. Lin, Y.-S., Y.-P. Poh, S.-M. Lin & C.S. Tsukamoto, K., Miller, M.J., Kotake, A., Aoyama, J. Tsukamoto, K., Aoyama, J. and implications for the evolution of oceanic migration in the genus Anguilla. Zoologica Scripta 34(3): 225–234. Location Key Indonesian shortfin eels live in fresh water areas as an adult and in estuaries and seas as young The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Long-finned Eel - Anguilla nebulosa The New Zealand longfin eel is found in lakes and rivers in New Zealand. African longfin eels are found in rivers on the east coast of Africa and on Madagascar. 45–61 in Haro, A. et al. Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes, American Eel - Anguilla rostrata Pacific short-finned eel Anguilla obscura Günther, 1871 in Australia : recent records of its distribution and maximum size. 2002. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, Philippine Mottled Eel - Anguilla luzonensis Report 5943, version 1.1: 139 pp.

1984. A new Anguilla species and a reanalysis of the phylogeny of freshwater eels.

They are catadromous, spending most of their lives in freshwater before migrating far from home to breed in tropical waters. Crook, V. 2010. Indonesian longfin eels are found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. 39-43 in McDowall, R.M. Sci. They are marketed fresh, smoked, canned or freshly cooked, as well as being sold live as glass eels or juveniles for stocking purposes. The European eel is found on the floor of the ocean or river in which it is living.

& Tesch, F.W.

Highlands Long-finned Eel - Anguilla interioris, Japanese Eel - Anguilla japonica Usually catadromous fishes in tropical and temperate waters, except eastern Pacific and … Discrimination of catadromous eel species, genus Anguilla, using PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial 16SrRNA domain.

Female American eels can grow to be 4 feet long; males are around 1.5 feet long. Trade in Anguilla species, with a focus on recent trade in European Eel Anguilla anguilla. After entering freshwater, glass eels rapidly develop pigment and remain in freshwater for many years.

Watanabe, S., J. Aoyama, M. Nishida & K. Tsukamoto.

Lin, Y.-S., C.-H. Tzeng & J.-K. Hwang. Smith, D.G. The eggs hatch into transparent leaf-like leptocephalus larvae that metamorphose into elvers or "glass eels".

Eel larvae, called leptocephalus larvae, drift back to Europe in the Gulf Stream. Rev. Marine Ecology Progress Series 309: 233–246. Polynesian Longfin Eel - Anguilla megastoma Along the east coast of Australia, south to Tasmania, live 2 species of freshwater eel, the shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) and Australian longfin eel (Anguilla reinhardtii). Minegishi, Y., J. Aoyama, J.G. Freshwater eels occur in all tropical and temperate oceans, except in the Eastern Pacific along the western coast of the Americas and in the south Atlantic.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129: 873–878. Bulletin of Marine Science 74(2): 337–351. Source: USGS Non indigenous Aquatic Species Database Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No, Pacific Shortfin Eel - Anguilla obscura R. Soc. Indonesian Longfin Eel - Anguilla borneensis Western Australian Museum, 394 pp.

Chapman & Hall 434 pp. Chow, S., Kurogi, H., Mochioka, N., Kaji, S., Okazaki, M. & Tsukamoto, K. 2009. 2009. Indian Mottled Eel - Anguilla bengalensis Like all true eels, they have a distinct transparent leptocephalus larval stage. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, Japanese Eel - Anguilla japonica Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Family Anguillidae (freshwater eels)Scales present, gill slits ventrolateral. Int. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! American eels can be as much as 15 years old when they spawn. Silfvergrip, A.M.C. & K. Tsukamoto. Indonesian Shortfin Eel - Anguilla bicolor 2004. 2003. Like all true eels, they have a distinct transparent leptocephalus larval stage. 409 pp. African Longfin Eel - Anguilla mossambica & Miller, M.J. 2002. Kuroki, M., J. Aoyama, M.J. Miller, S. Wouthuyzen, T. Arai & K. Tsukamoto. Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Not Enough Data Aoyama, J., Nishida, M. & Tsukamoto, K. 2001. 2005. Marbled Eel - Anguilla marmorata Reexamination of Ege’s (1939) use of taxonomic characters of the genus Anguilla. McDowall, R.M.

marine ecosystem: Migrations of marine organisms. Fish. Croom Helm, London. The adults probably die after spawning.

Discovery of mature freshwater eels in the open ocean. Molecular techniques to identify freshwater eels: RFLP Analyses of PCR-amplified DNA fragments and allele-specific PCR from mitochondrial DNA.

Niem (eds.) Worldwide, but not on the Pacific coast of the Americas and South Atlantic coasts. The American eel spawns in the Atlantic Ocean and moves into streams and rivers in North and South America. & M. Allen. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, Celebes Longfin Eel - Anguilla celebesensis Sci. Inoue, J.G., M. Miya, M.J. Miller, T. Sado, R. Hanel, K. Hatooka, J. Aoyama, Y. Minegishi, M. Nishida & K. Tsukamoto. The nineteen species and six subspecies in this family are all in the genus Anguilla . Fish Biol. 1990. The anus is located slightly in front of the middle of the body. As they mature, the eels develop larger eyes and become silvery and migrate back to the sea to breed. in east Australian waters. Water & Atmosphere 14(1): 24-25. pdf. Qld. Aoyama, J.

Watanabe, S., J. Aoyama & K. Tsukamoto. Tsukamoto, K., Nakai, I. Allen, G.R., Midgley, S.H.

Proc. Lin, Y.-S., Y.-P. Poh & C.-S. Tzeng. Arai, T., D. Limbong, T. Otake, K. Tsukamoto. Both species also inhabit New Zealand, which has its own endemic freshwater eel species, the New Zealand longfin eel … (eds) Challenges for diadromous fishes in a dynamic global environment, vol. Scales are small and … Sargasso Sea near Bermuda to spawn. Aoyama, J. Tagging along when longfins go spawning. Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist. New Zealand Longfin Eel - Anguilla dieffenbachii

A molecular genetic evaluation of the taxonomy of eels of the genus Anguilla (Pisces: Anguilliformes). They also occasionally take small aquatic birds. That means they can be found in freshwater or saltwater during maturation. Beumer, J.P., Pearson, R.G. The mottled eel is found from East Africa to Indonesia. 128 figs. & Penridge, L.K. Important as food. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, New Zealand Longfin Eel - Anguilla dieffenbachii Source: US Fish and Wildlife Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: No, American Eel - Anguilla rostrata 2001. 2009. Distribution of leptocephali of the freshwater eels, genus Anguilla, in the waters off west Sumatra in the Indian Ocean. Freshwater Fishes of South-eastern Australia. Can. Short-finned eels are found in streams, lakes, and swamps.

2009. A phylogeny of freshwater eels inferred from mitochondrial genes. Tropical Atlantic.…. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, Indonesian Longfin Eel - Anguilla borneensis Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 134–146. Philippine mottled eels are found in the Philippines. Freshwater eels, pp. The sexes are separate and freshwater eels are egg-layers (oviparous). Suharti, T. Kawakami, K.O. FRESHWATER EELS (Anguillidae) Freshwater eels occur in Europe, on the east coast of North America, and throughout the eastern Pacific and Indian Oceans. Most New Zealanders are familiar with this fish and know what eels look like.

Reassessment of morphological characteristics in freshwater eels (genus Anguilla, Anguillidae) shows congruence with molecular phylogeny estimates. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No. & Uchida, K. 2009. 1988. Eel larvae, called leptocephalus larvae, drift back to Europe in the Gulf Stream. 1981. Profile Photos Video Audio, American Eel - Anguilla rostrata 7(4):443-462. Hall, D.N., Harrington, D.J. FAO, Rome.

Inoue, M. Miya, M. Nishida & K. Tsukamoto. A revision of the genus Anguilla: a systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study. Just recently scientists discovered that not all American eel elvers return to freshwater to mature. The Polynesian longfin eel is found in rocky pools, often in coastal streams. Elvers return to rivers to grow to adulthood. Aqua-BioScience Monographs 2: 1–42. Marine Ecology Progress Series 188: 193-200. Migration, speciation, and the evolution of diadromy in anguillid eels. Freshwater eels such as the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) undertake great migrations from fresh water to spawn in the marine waters of the Sargasso Sea (catadromous migrations), where they die. Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School Teacher Section: No, Indian Mottled Eel - Anguilla bengalensis Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Teacher Section: Yes, Indonesian Shortfin Eel - Anguilla bicolor Biology Letters 6(3): 363–366. Marine Ecology Progress Series 216: 253–264.