Public Goods through Private Eyes. He is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including a Guggenheim fellowship, Fulbright scholarship, and a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Study Center.

: A Comparison of Russia and China”, “The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism” Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Paper proposals will be reviewed and accepted only if it can be fit into a coherent panel, and if that panel is then approved by the Program Committee. “On big cycles in development of global capitalism”, Joint Workshop «Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Perspectives», Al Ain - Abu Dhabi, UAE. Organizers are responsible for letting panelists know about registration fees and membership rules. Finland, Helsinki, October 22-24, 2014, Problems of Law Enforcement and Judicial System in Russia: an Assessment of Attorneys", A. Kazun. The Program Committee STRONGLY urges all scholars to use the ASEEES Paper/Panel Wanted Board, SEELANGS, H-Net, and other means of networking to form a full panel rather than submit an individual paper proposal. Presenters: To submit your paper proposal, please complete the below linked form, which requires a maximum 300 word paper abstract. April 11-14, 2017, D. Ivanov, E. Borisova “Loss of human capital and development: evidence from Russian Germans repatriation”D. “Little Women: Greta Gerwig’s Love Letter to the 19th-century Novel” article for Perspectives on History, March 2020. June 22-24, 2017. While one role per participant is strongly preferred, the chair may serve also as a roundtable speaker, if necessary. Seattle WA, 98195-3650, The Ellison Center, The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Box 353650, Seattle, WA 98195-3650, Room 203B Thomson Hall | Phone: (206) 543-4852 | Email: Germany, Freiburg. 114th APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. 23rd Silvaplana Workshop in Political Economy.

If an individual has attended an ASEEES convention in the last ten years, they should already have a profile in our database. Denny Hall is located on the UW Seattle Campus.

16. You may disable cookies in your browser settings. UK, Cambridge, March 31-April 2, 2017, A. Yakovlev, I. Levina, G.Kisunko (World Bank), I. Marques “Uncertainty as a Factor in Investment Decisions: The Case of Russia’s Regions” A. Yakovlev “How to Expand the Rule of Law in an Imperfect Institutional Environment? We will honor specific scheduling requests only for religious reasons. If a professor is serving as a discussant on a panel with her or his current graduate students, ideally a second discussant should be added to the panel. Workshop on Institutional Analysis - The Ronald Coase Institute. We will do our best to accommodate all requests depending on space availability. Box 353650

Reuter “Political Centralization, Governance, and the Persistence of Bad Housing in Russian Municipalities”, 11. December 6-9, 2018, Yakovlev A. Each organization is allowed only ONE meeting. Switzerland, Pontresina. 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics. Trust, Social Norms and Redistribution Target Groups”A. Non-members can create a profile; one does not need to become a member in order to create a profile. "The Five Obstructions" or "Why somebody's panel has to meet on Sunday morning". Germany, Bremen. Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia”A. If a scheduled panel/roundtable participant is unable to participate in the convention, he or she must notify the session organizer AND the ASEEES Convention Manager. You may organize as many panels or roundtables as you wish. While one role per participant is strongly preferred, the chair may serve also as a roundtable speaker, if necessary, but in such a situation, there must be at least 4 roundtable speakers. May 21-22, 2015, European School on New Institutional Economics.

Workshop “Policy Process and Social-Economic Structure in Russia and Ukraine” at the University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan. “Co-investment Under Weak Institutions: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Russia’s Regions”Buckley N. “Verticals and Horizontals: Networks of Power under Consolidating Authoritarianism”Reuter J. REECAS Northwest 2020 will take place in Denny Hall at the University of Washington. As an affiliated society, SHERA may submit one sponsored panel. If you are not currently a member or have not renewed your membership for the current calendar year, you must do so upon receiving notification of proposal acceptance, which should be announced in late April. ASEEES affiliate organizations may request a meeting room at the convention.

There can be no exceptions to this rule. RoundtableRoundtables entail structured discussion of a topic/theme, without the presentation of papers. "Is Rule Following Good or Bad for Economic Growth? “Tax Evasion, Income, and Support for Redistribution”, Kazun A. The primary contact is responsible for the logistics of the screening during the convention, that includes supplying a laptop and necessary adaptors to show the film.

В старых версиях браузеров сайт может отображаться некорректно. In the session title, please add "Book Discussion" followed by the title of the book and author. Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 In the session title, please add "Book Discussion" followed by the title of the book and author. Acceptance rate for individual paper submissions is MUCH LOWER than for panel submissions. Workshop «Political elites and political rents under electoral authoritarianism: evidence from Russia and beyond» (University of Oxford). The meeting will be listed in the convention program. Lightning Round PresentationAs of 2017, ASEEES will schedule a limited number of lightning round sessions, made up of a Chair and 6-8 speakers each giving a 5-minute presentation in one of the following presentation types: The presentation proposal will be reviewed and accepted for the conference only if it can be fit into a coherent session (broadly defined) and if that panel is then approved by the Program Committee. 9-13 September, 2020Borisova E., Marques I. Proposals for roundtables should be submitted only when the topic clearly justifies this format. (Learn more about membership in ASEEES). In 1921, facing one of the worst famines in history, the new Soviet government under Vladimir Lenin invited the American Relief Administration, the brainchild of Herbert Hoover, to save communist Russia from ruin.

“From Imperial Bourgeoisie to Intelligentsia: Pre-Revolutionary Estates, Modernization, and Political Contestation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia”, Rochlitz M. “Anti-Corruption Campaigns as Tools of Authoritarian Political Support? Unlike the ASEEES Annual Convention, ASEEES membership is not required to participate in the biennial summer convention in the region. 1, 3rd floor “Elite Networks, Electoral Incentives, and Fiscal Transfers in Hybrid Regimes” Remington T. “Authors Meet Critics: Coalitional Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective” Reuter O.J.

EACES-HSE  Workshop “Human Capital in Cities: A Comparative Perspective”. If unsure, contact for assistance. Burkhardt F. “Performance management and the implementation of landmark executive orders: Evidence from Russia's 2012 May decrees”, Yakovlev A. Japan, Makuhari. 7.

Members qualify for lower convention registration fees. September 10-12, 2017.

Scotland, Edinburgh, June 19 - 21 2014, 11.

“Evolution of State-Business relations in Post-Soviet Russia”, EACES Workshop “The Rise of State Capitalism: Consequences for Economic and Political Development” (Higher School of Economics). ASEEES encourages, but does not require, that film submissions align with current convention theme. October 25-27, 2018, Burkhardt F. “On Presidents and Presidencies: Single-Country Studies and Comparative Authoritarianism, the Case of Russia”, BASEES Uppsala Conference 2018, Uppsala, Sweden. The Soviet government quickly began to erase the memory of American charity. The Program Committee STRONGLY urges all scholars to form/join a full panel rather than submit an individual paper proposal. February 16, 2017, A. Yakovlev “Raiders, Property Rights, and Investment: Evidence from Russia's Regions”, 14. International Conference “Eastern Europe’s New Conservatives: Varieties and Explanations from Poland to Russia”. To be used only for spelling or punctuation mistakes. July 21-25, 2019. "Global News Flow in G-20: Attention to Countries vs Attention to Leaders", 9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA). If an individual has attended an ASEEES convention in the last seven years, they should already have a profile in our database.

May 9, 2016, 12. Film screenings must start with a formal introduction and end with a brief post-screening discussion. Highlight it, click Ctrl+Enter and send us a message. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 203C Bellefield Hall

USA, New York.

However, MA students who have not presented at national conferences are encouraged to present at one of the regional affiliate conferences first. USA, San Antonio, November 20-23, 2014, 4. . All participants - session chairs, discussants, paper presenters and roundtable members - who are Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies scholars in the US and abroad must be current ASEEES members. Для оптимальной работы с сайтом рекомендуем воспользоваться современным браузером. France, Cargèse. XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Higher School of Economics).

September 19-22, 2018, Yakovlev A. Rules on Panel Discussants: Panel discussants should ideally be at the post-doctoral level. The Benefits to Autocrats from Popular Approval", Miami Vice: The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaigns on Money Laundering", Garifullina G. “Political Leaders and Risky Decisions: Selection and Survival Effects”, Borisova E., Ivanov D., Schoors K. “Generalized Trust, Preferences for Redistribution and Institutions”. For the lightning round, proposals from graduate students at all levels will be considered. ASEEES annual conference. June 23-25, 2016. April 11-14, 2017, . A/V help will be available on site. Kazun “Devil’s advocate for dishonest law enforcer: who defends law enforcers in Russian courts?”, 10. University of Washington On November 17-20, 2016, Irina Savelieva, Alexander Dmitriev, Boris Stepanov, and Oksana Zaporozhets took part in the 2016 ASEEES Conference held in Washington D. C. On November 17, they organized and participated in the roundtable "Internationalization of Social Science and Humanities in the History of Russian Science."

RoundtableRoundtables entail structured discussion of a topic/theme, without the presentation of papers. In America, fanatical anti-communism would eclipse this historic cooperation with the Soviet Union. All registrants will have access to recorded sessions after the convention. An affiliate group business meeting moderator does not count as a "participant".

We will honor specific scheduling requests only for religious reasons. Individual PaperThe Program Committee will consider proposals for individual papers that are not associated with a panel. A complete panel must have: one Chair; 3 papers (NO MORE than 3); and at least one discussant, with a maximum of 2. June 20-22, 2019Buckley N. "Why So Insecure?

"Past Experiences and Current Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from The Moscow Housing Renovation Project"Zadorian A.

The SHERA Board invites proposals for the Society’s sponsored panel at the 2019 ASEEES Annual Conference. 7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association. Project concluding conference. Israel, Ariel.