5e Gestalt rules (wip, feedback required), I am the very model of a Roguish Elven Gunslinger, Rakdo Gavrilovich, Chainaxe-wielding Murderer, Assassin's Creed Hidden Blade Feats (D&D 3.5e), Sorcerous Origin: Jade Phoenix Mage (D&D 5e), End-of-Book Hiatus (and Holiday Ornament), Reduced Pre-Order Shipping Rates to Canada and Europe, If this is your first visit, be sure to

It's a bit of my own flavor mixed with hints of old Dicefreaks canon, plus stats for the Overlord, the Ruby Rod, and two new cleric subclasses: Fire and Tyranny, all for free! Asmodeus then leaves the battered Arthur who decides to escape with Gabriel. As one of the Princes of Hell, Asmodeus is one of the most powerful demons to ever live. In The Rising Son, after the birth of the Nephilim Jack, Asmodeus arrives at Crowley's former lair where he introduces himself, stating that he is there to "rule until such time as Lucifer returns with his son." More in keeping with other statblocks to define the options: three pit fiends, or five osyluths, etc. Unless very specific parameters are met, there is nothing the Amoeba can do to kill a human.

When he heard of the possibility of an invading archangel he made a deal with Arthur Ketch to procure Jack, just in case it got hairy.
Gabriel admits that he did, but not as much as Lucifer who "killed him" the last time they met. This was seen again after he pretended to be Castiel in a phone call with Dean after he captured the real one.

Total P Mar 23, 2016 7:04 pm PST

I really hope they don't stat the Gods this time around. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Innate Spellcasting (3/Day) Asmodeus can innately cast divine word (spell save DC 25). In The Thing, Asmodeus was extracting Gabriel's archangel grace out of the archangel and injecting it into himself while he was making Arthur Ketch wait outside of the throne room.

(1) He is physically stronger than any other devil (as strong as a storm giant) and the most cunning and artful. Take a peek at my 5E conversion of Asmodeus, on the DM's Guild!

I want the legendary actions, attacks and actions checked. A majority of Asmodeus' henchmen always carried. In Bring 'em Back Alive, Sam and Castiel learn from Gabriel's story that after faking his death when Lucifer "killed" him, he was eventually captured and sold to Asmodeus who tortured Gabriel.

While discussing Asmodeus with Castiel, Lucifer tells him that Asmodeus was his weakest creation and that some of his powers, including Asmodeus' shapeshifting ability, were not given to him by Lucifer. In War of the Worlds, Asmodeus tries tracking down Jack but is unable to find him as his servants inform the Winchesters don't have him either as he wonders where the Nephilim is if they don't have him. Fëanor. This proved true as his source was a weakened archangel he kept captive and tortured to keep him from possibly overpowering him. You realise that malaria is an amoeba? Regeneration Asmodeus regains 30 hit points at the start of his turn.

In a flashback to shortly after the Apocalypse in Stuck in the Middle (With You), Crowley visits Ramiel to take rule of Hell, but Ramiel refuses. Arthur explains that Asmodeus had been holding Gabriel prisoner until Arthur rescued him and he knows they need Archangel grace. Also, summoning three creatures who reside in the Nine Hells is extremely open to interpretation. He rules his domain with iron rule and punishment he inflicts for crossing him are legendary. Asmodeus.

Asmodeus is the literal lord of hell. Asmodeus 5E Asmodeus 5E. The Mouth remains open for 3 rounds. However, she reclaimed her position after Bel proved inadequate in managing the Blood War. I could be wrong, but I think usually saves to resist planar displacement effects are Charisma, not Wisdom.

He then mercilessly killed a number of demons he did not want to keep, which showed that he held little regard for the lesser demons.

Hell on Earth (Costs 2 actions) Asmodeus can cause the surrounding area of 30 ft. to turn into that of Hell any creature that enters or is in the area makes a constitution saving throw of DC 25 on fail they take 2d10 fire dmg for each round they are inside the area on success they take half the damage and are immune to the areas affects . And no realistic character who is not an absolute lunatic would even begin to think that storming the Nine Hells is possible without some serious celestial or demonic backup.

When a powerful being he has manipulated turns on or stands up to him, Asmodeus is often left in shock to the point of inaction at the fact that they are not responding in fear to him. Despite hearing about him, Asmodeus never saw the Alternate Michael. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Asmodeus's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

He relishes in corrupting mortal souls with his honeyed words.


The shard is slowly draining the true asmodeus's power and tranferring it to mortal plane where the avatar is siphoning this energy to himself. Traditionally Asmodeus is about equal to Demogorgon (he was weaker in 1e) who is CR 26 or 27 in OotA (5e), so CR 27 is about right for the official CR. At some point, Asmodeus sought to please Lucifer by freeing the Shedim, "things so dark and base God himself would not allow them into the light." Asmodeus with his white suit, beard, and Southern accent strongly resembles Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. After checking John Winchester's Journal, Sam determines that if it truly was Asmodeus they encountered, then he is in fact the last one. When faced with an enraged Jack, Asmodeus was willing to flee rather than fight. Gabriel tells the Winchesters that Asmodeus tortured him day after day as well as feeding off his grace for years, something that still affects him greatly though Gabriel admits that roasting Asmodeus gave him pleasure "for a hot moment." This is why you're the best, Ninja Prawn. After a moment's consideration, Jack angrily turns on Asmodeus for hurting his friends. A blind man came into my bar, clutching it, wanting to exchange it for a drink of anything that would burn on the way down. She was nearly the maximum possible level in 4e.

When Arthur Ketch openly criticized him and didn't back down from Asmodeus' obvious attempt at intimidation, Asmodeus backed down rather than threaten or harm Arthur as if in respect for Arthur's fearless attitude.

Aubrey Arnason (as Bartender)Keith Szarabajka (as Donatello)Misha Collins (as Castiel), Asmodeus was a Prince of Hell and a retired demonic general.