After throwing a fit, Glasya agreed and was tasked with organizing the erinyes' work. As well as begging for leniency in a reportedly embarrassing manner, he changed his shape, it was believed, to signify to Asmodeus that he was reborn. His wounds ooze blood daily, and the drops of … Challenge 30 (155,000 XP).

[96] The two serpents had spent so much power in creating rules for the multiverse and in their struggle that they were unable to prevent other, newer gods from taking over positions of importance. [1], The other sect, led by Mordai Vell, was populated by cunning and manipulative individuals who cared more about the acquisition of power rather than paying homage to their god. He easily could have you out hunting Demons and conquer the world for him. Hit: 47 (8d8 + 15 ) piercing damage.

[98], Once the Prime Material Plane was populated and made more-or-less safe from demons, the gods noticed that mortals had a tendency to disregard divine law and overstep boundaries.

Baalzebul was the choice for the downtrodden and rebels and Asmodeus was the choice for those in a position to grasp for power. The gods realized Asmodeus had a better grasp of law than they did and could find no counter to his arguments.

Asmodeus was also the source of the divine magic the devils used alongside the archdevils.[63].

[45] However, to become a petitioner, a person needed to have faith, which atheists lacked, and their souls arrived at Nessus regardless of their moral and ethical outlook. The pit fiends honestly believed their lord saw value in the Blood War, which kept Asmodeus's armies motivated and sharp, his underlings busy, and his enemies looking for meaning in a war without one. Hell's Gate (Costs 2 Actions) As the King of Hell, Asmodeus has absolute control over all of the gates and portals that lead to Hell, as well as those within Hell. Glasya was a Princess of the Nine Hells and ruler of Malbolge, the sixth layer of Hell. When a devil was not sure to whom it was supposed to report, Asmodeus was the one they had to choose. One reason for Asmodeus to elevate Glasya was to tie her to one layer with a lot of responsibility, thereby preventing her ambitions going too far.[67]. Asmodeus allowed her to hire whomever she wanted for her personal staff, even to headhunting from other archdevils. [98], As far as killing demons was concerned, Asmodeus was the most successful of the angels. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. However, she reclaimed her position after Bel proved inadequate in managing the Blood War. [125] The third was Asmodeus's hunger for faithless people: at least for a moment, Geryon believed life was pointless and became food for Asmodeus. The war was simply the result of a violent first contact between devils and demons that after various acts of retribution grew into a wasteful war. However, if Asmodeus and his angels moved their workplace to Baator, they would be unable to draw power from the gods to conduct their duties. She was the daughter of Asmodeus and was noted as being one of the most powerful and influential of the female devils, as well as one of the most unpredictable Lords of the Nine. [8] His confidence was real and rooted in his knowledge to be one of the most powerful creatures in existence. He had magical abilities that allowed him to slow people while decreasing their physical combat capability or to instill fear while sapping physical strength by merely looking at somebody. Asmodeus built two more levels onto the plane of Baator, and transformed it into a place of eternal damnation for evil souls. [2], This origin story had Asmodeus fool the gods into signing the Pact Primeval, a contract between Asmodeus and gods that effectively allowed devils to legally take mortal souls to Baator by corrupting them and draw energy from them. The best specimen of this new species in every regard was Asmodeus. Hit (5d8 + 7 ) Bludgeoning damage plus (4d6) fire damage. Hell on Earth (Costs 1 action) Asmodeus can cause the surrounding area of 90 ft. to turn into that of Hell any creature that enters or is in the area makes a constitution saving throw of DC 25 on fail they take 5d8 fire dmg for each round they are inside the area on success they take half the damage. He should get Wish once per year like Tiamat.

Although Favria disagreed with the plan, she did not deny it's effectiveness. [79], Another was Malkizid, an exiled former solar under the employment of Corellon. [116] Levistus ambushed Bensozia and tried to get her help in deposing Asmodeus, but she refused, so in a rage[80] Levistus tried to rape Bensozia[81] and when she wouldn't submit he murdered her. [8] Despite this, one job Mephistopheles was assigned to do by Asmodeus was to guard Nessus from intruders.
His form's sheer size made it impossible for him to meet and enter into conversations with others. [93], Asmodeus was also a supplier of pacts for warlocks[94] and a tiefling's or half-fiend's warlock pact was most likely one made with him.[86]. [140] Asmodeus also supplied pacts for warlocks.[94]. [101], Afterward, Asmodeus worked as a watchman over Tharizdun's prison.

Instead, he broke away and became a demon lord himself. If they fail the saving throw, they take 3d10 poison damage. [1], A huge part of the Shadovar–Thay War was the conflict between the Ashmadai and the Abolethic Sovereignty.

They enter Hell and begin fight with Asmodeus. This arrangement gave Asmodeus a place to expand his influence and Baalzebul a place with a power structure to destroy. He was well aware of the danger the demons represented for the continued existence of the multiverse. It has has the ability to unleash the dragon fire of the great wrym Black (15 ft. line & 5 ft. area, DC 11 Dex Save, 5d8 acid dmg on fail or half dmg on save), Blue (30 ft. line & 5 ft. area, DC 12 Dex save,4d10 lightning dmg on fail or half dmg on save), and White (15 ft. cone, DC 12 Con save, 5d8 cold dmg on fail or half on save) types each can be cast five/day. Asmodeus stood as the ruler of fallen angels and remaining devils alike.

He almost commands the order of the entire Blood War and is literally seeking universe domination. [52], One way he intended to deal with the Blood War was to change its supposed objective from a struggle of law versus chaos struggle to one of good versus evil. Asmodeus's fall into the Nine Hells and the ancient struggle with Jazirian caused him severe wounds and basically created the underlying laws of the Great Wheel cosmology, which drained his powers. Each of those members had their own pod, and the members of that pod reported to that individual and so on down through the ranks. As the name implied, the Ruby Rods owned by the avatars and aspects looked like a big solid ruby that was formed into the form of a rod. [29] But he knew the war could restart at any time and with a united demonic front, if he did anything like invading the Abyss. He is typically described as appearing as a giant human, over 13 feet tall, with dark skin and hair, red eyes, handsome features, and small horns on his forehead. Though in reality, Szass Tam had reclaimed the staff. The names of the gods involved (deities of Oerth in the Greyhawk setting) seem unlikely, as they contradict their own histories. The body that is formed for the soul is a Tiefling’s body.

One of these bargains gave him the eternal right to use souls to maintain Baator. You're all overreacting. [27], That said, to Asmodeus, infernal politics were important. Make him a 20th level Sorcerer or something. In our version of the realms, Asmodeus claimed the porfolio of sin by force, becoming a god. [27] He created a bureaucratic system based in Grenpoli on Maladomini. However, the parting was not peaceful—the deities threw Asmodeus out of the Upper Planes and he fell and fell through Baator, either through the nine layers or breaking it into the nine layers. [16], To members of these cults, signing up meant to join a secret mutual-aid society. [67], Graz'zt was an archdevil employed by Asmodeus as an advisor. But he and his fellows took on some fiendish aspects to increase their effectiveness at fighting demons, and for this they were put on trial.

However, Geryon was deposed despite his loyalty and Levistus was restored to consciousness and elevated to archdevil of Stygia. [24], As a general rule, Asmodeus was not forthcoming about his plans. Tail Melee Weapon Attack +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.Hit (4d6 + 7) Bludgeoning damage plus (4d6) fire damage. Thus he posed as a non-divine entity in order to conduct his various plans[2] in a covert and manipulative manner. Frightful Presence. [25] However, even when hurt by such a weapon, if the weapon was not holy or otherwise blessed, the wounds immediately healed. He then makes three attacks one with scepter, one with hand (punch) and one with tail. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. [70], The second was caused by the sudden bloating and death of Malagarde around 1372 DR. Malbolge was reformed and Glasya became an archdevil. This idea was never considered canonical, but an allusion to it resurfaced in a vague reference decades later in the Book of Vile Darkness, where it is stated that while Asmodeus is the oldest devil in the Nine Hells, he may not be the original ruler. Armor Class 30 (natural armor)

[113], His intra-Baator politics revolved around keeping his position. [88] Furthermore, every diabolic cult was viewed as a subdivision of Asmodeus's cult and ultimately swore allegiance to him and not the entity it followed. Asmodeus can use his frightful presence.
[111], According to the The Trial of Asmodeus, a play based on real events according to its author, disgusted angels condemned Asmodeus for tempting mortals to evil and harvesting their souls. These cults were dedicated to either infernal entities or completely made-up ones in order to gain a following in a specific group or people.

Third, to provide her with a good staff, he allowed her to recruit competent devils even to the detriment of her fellow archdevils—a privilege Glasya made full use of, much to the chagrin of her fellows. [30], Everyone within 120 feet (37 meters) of Asmodeus's avatar was under the effect of an awe effect that made it impossible for people to attack him when they were not attacked first by the avatar. However, it was all a charade concocted by the Lord of Lies. He could send only one avatar at a time to the Prime and doing this made it impossible for him to maintain all other avatars. Call of the Lord (Costs 2 actions) Asmodeus can summon three creatures (with a challenge rating of 5 or below) who resides within 9 hells.

Great resource. The soul retains all it’s memories and experiences and is friendly towards Asmodeus (his memories are altered such that it obeys Asmodeus). It was from his blood the first of them arose. Various stories existed that even disagreed on what kind of lifeform Asmodeus actually was.