A combination that signals enormous change at a socio-political level. September 17: New Moon in Virgo: There’s no better day than today for dabbling with a little practical magic. As the second ingress into this sign this year, the planet of communication here brings intensity and cutting-edge back to communications.

Venus—the planet of love and values—moves through Cancer, expanding our hearts and empathy toward others. If you want to see them, you have to choose the moon for the desired month. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our lives. All astrological aspects from the year... Venus in Gemini: These zodiac signs now have luck in love until August.

Sunday, OCTOBER 4 September 01. It’s probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to our partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking ourselves martyrs for doing so! While the energy of the ethereal and extraterrestrial abound, it will be easy to lose sight of your path. 2020 Astrology Calendar is the best free daily horoscope calendar available online. The shadow side of this position is being overly critical of our partners, picky, or worrisome. See interpretations of astrological events in February 2021 (Day Watch) – PDF. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. Mercury (Virgo) trine Pluto (Capricorn) September 02.

Anxiety and tension could be in the air as surprises and unexpected news shock us. Putting a damper on the aspect above, this square arrives to bring dark clouds and possibly disappointment and loss.

In Libra, we strived towards equality and fairness. Current timezone: America/Chicago, UTC-05:00. This phase of the Moon occurs at 23 degrees and 53 minutes of Libra, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 20 to 28 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly. September 3: Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn: It’s one thing to say it, but today, take an actual step. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. A promising combination that adds charisma to love and business relationships. It is better to stay centered and grounded. A once a year aspect, it could bring unexpected changes in love or financial windfalls. Virgo season reminds us that there are benefits and beauty in the ordinary. The Moon is New in Libra on October 16, 2020, at 3:31 PM EDT. When the planet of good fortune starts moving forward, our luck and optimism are bound to come back. Here’s a closer look at some of the extra-ordinary days that Virgo season brings us this year. Venus (Cancer) opposite Saturn (Capricorn) September 02. After a five-month retrograde, Uranus signals a time to seek new experiences and people. The energy calms down as the star of our solar system enters one of the most powerful and creative signs. We’re motivated but easy to distract. A parallel between Jupiter and Pluto strengthens our convictions.

As your portal to the stars, this calendar provides all the major astrological aspects this year. A happy and fortunate aspect that will help us grow whatever we focus on. Or, enter your birthdate and get a quick transit or forecast report. Jupiter at 18° Capricorn 45’ forms a sextile to Neptune at 18° Pisces 45' on October 12th, 2020. One of the luckiest days of the year, this aspect brings us optimism as we stare at the horizon of possibility. A surge of over-optimism and embellishment might surround us. The events from last week get even more weight by being illuminated by the rays of the sun. Pluto’s direct turn comes now after over five months of retrograde motion (Pluto turned retrograde on April 25th), and its station adds intensity to all that we do and feel today and this week. 1st: on February 20th, 2020, at 17° Capricorn 45′ (first), 2nd: on July 27th, 2020, at 20° Capricorn 39’ Rx, 3rd: on October 12th, 2020, at 18° Capricorn 45’ (final), 13oct9:05 pmMercury turns retrograde in ScorpioRetrograde Station9:05 pm EDT Event Type :Stations, Mercury now turns retrograde at 11° Scorpio 40'.

This is a time to work on these skills. Astrology Calendar. The second and last of these squares, it will bring delays, obstacles, and frustrations. Pisces is one of the more emotionally advanced signs, and reminds us that connection is key.

Who will be favored by the stars this week? Because of the Mercury-Saturn opposition this year, this full moon might be negative or depressing. Being in its fall, logical Mercury has a hard time functioning in dreamy Pisces, however, it can bring a lot of imagination and creativity in the next three weeks. Zodiac sign dates: What are the horoscope dates for every star sign? Information you receive today could easily land you in a favorable position. Horoscope: These zodiac signs now have luck in love until October 2, The love goddess Venus enters the Leo on September 6, © 2002-2020 Verlag Franz Contact | Privacy Policy | GTC, Update your advertising tracking preferences. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. The Full Moon reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. Mediocrity does not satisfy either. We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to take things into our own hands and make necessary changes.

This is a time to work on these skills. The chart below adds more details with additional points. An intense aspect that could generate an intense crisis or downturn in the field of relationships or finances. Below you will find the sun sign for each day of the year: There are a few exceptions to the above, so for a proper analysis read your detailed birth chart analysis to make sure you know your sun sign. Jupiter at 18° Capricorn 45’ forms a sextile to Neptune at 18° Pisces 45' on October 12th, 2020. The first one of three conjunctions occurring this year, it combines good luck with the power of transformation. The above chart is excellent for seeing the fundamental influences and chart patterns of this New Moon.

27oct9:33 pmMercury enters LibraPlanetary Ingress9:33 pm EDT Event Type :Planetary Ingress, Mercury enters Libra A limiting aspect that will block or put a hold on progress. Take full advantage of the SORTS and filters. The planet of love can become selfish when in this impulsive sign, challenging our ability to compromise. Red-Green days tables for upcoming months, if not here, are also on the Daily Horoscope hub page. What about your stars today?

Saturn’s influence can at first be a little jarring, but ultimately will bring grounding and a clear path and plan to move forward. Venus is in Libra from October 27-November 21, 2020. A better placement for logical Mercury, this ingress may clarify some communication problems. The sun is exalted in Aries, creating excitement and great energy for the season ahead. After a five-month break, Neptune wakes up to bring more fantasy into our lives as well as non-realities. This soothing energy helps us move forward as a source of sympathy, compassion, and inspiration. We might enjoy our work or wellness routines more than usual, and the satisfaction of a job well done cannot be underestimated during this cycle. We are more inclined to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what we want during this cycle. Following the conflictive energy of the aspect above, this aspect could add even more fire and stress. Jump to: JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC Oct 1: Hunter Moon/ Harvest Moon 1 Oct. Exalted in Pisces, Venus will promote vulnerability and compassion for the next four weeks. The Moon aligns very tightly with Uranus at the time of this lunation, adding an element of surprise to our feelings and revelations. The next three weeks are ideal for making repairs and renovations at home. In order to create, we need a plan. With a Taurus Moon from 11:13 AM forward, we’re more interested in building on our new ideas or what we already have in place. Find out based on your date of birth and read everything you need to know about your Sun sign. Virgo’s mercurial filter is a much-needed asset as we anticipate some stormy astrological weather. A once a year intense aspect that if not handled properly can bring out some power struggles. When there are two Moon signs, the time when the Moon changes its sign is indicated. See interpretations of astrological events in February 2021 (Solar Fire) – PDF – please note I have changed most of the interpretations to my own and added many asteroids interpretations as well. Peace and harmony are the goals, but there’s a fine balancing act involved along the way that requires some commitment and effort.

It is not a good time to start love or business relationships or to make major commitments. Superficiality simply will not do with the Sun in Scorpio. Today there is a perfect and equal balance between light and dark. Mercury Retrograde Cycle October-November 2020, 16oct3:31 pmNew Moon on October 16, 2020in Libra3:31 pm EDT Event Type :Lunations, The Moon is New in Libra on October 16, 2020, at 3:31 PM EDT. See interpretations of astrological events in April 2021 (Solar Fire) – PDF – please note I have changed most of the interpretations to my own and added many asteroids interpretations as well. Scorpio, however, instinctively believes that life simply isn’t fair. Relationships are back online as the planet of money and finances starts to move forward. This is the darkest and shortest day of the year, when our focus is turned to our career and our community.

Pluto now turns direct at 22° Capricorn 29′ after several months of retrograde motion.