Some people are not here for the betterment of themselves or the world. Your feast is nearly over. You have eaten well. The character first rose to fame after his introduction in 1939. – Batman. Sometimes people need advice on their next step, or assurance that everything is going to be okay. “Why do we fall? It was off the chain.” – Batman, 48. The Batman franchise, which contains comics, movies and paraphernalia, is one of the largest franchises in the entertainment industry. He always wanted to be the bigger man in the room and this quote exemplifies that. A symbol of rebellion that would never fade as long as the system survived. “The night is darkest just before the dawn. These people need to be contained and not associated with. Your feast is nearly over. We are continuing on our mission to inspire and motivate people around the world. Batman Believes Actions Define Us “The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.” – Batman. Only a criminal would disguise himself as a licensed, bonded guard yet callously park in front of a fire hydrant.” – Batman. From this moment on...none of you are safe.”, “I offered them Utopia, but they fought for the right to live in Hell.”, “Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”, “Ryodan says softly, “Holy strawberries, Dani, we’re in a jam.”, “I’d suggest we go get milk shakes or something to celebrate, but this is kind of a scary neighborhood.”, “Then I reminded myself that all intelligent children suffer bad dreams.”. “They may be drinkers, Robin, but they’re still human beings.” – Batman, 28. Whatever Gotham needs, he will be there for the city he loves. Holy Wisdom, Batman! Batman is someone whose action completely makes him, because nobody truly knows who he is. ', “If you need to stop an asteroid, you call Superman. His enemies do not think this way and he has to be aware of that fact. Impossible is a word that is thrown a lot when someone can’t do something. Batman does not believe his main powers are what make him special. And I promise you.

“Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people need more.” – Batman, 44. It’s time my enemies shared my dread.” – Batman, 12. Our strongest traits are not in the ability to succeed flawlessly, but in coming back even stronger after we fail. Behold, the instrument of your liberation! We can do better.” – Batman, 19. If you kill someone who has killed, then you are also a killer. Batman knows that if he lives long enough, he may end up turning into a villain. “Laugh and the world laughs with you!” – Batman, 22. “Batman: a force of chaos in my world of perfect order. 61 Cry-worthy Romantic Love Quotes for Her, 38 Beautiful Audrey Hepburn Quotes to Fuel Your Soul, 33 Inspirational Quotes for Women – Empowering and Inspiring, 90 Motivational Quotes on Hard Work and Giving it Your All, 107 Quotes About Change in Life, Yourself and The World, 37 Dr. Seuss Quotes That Can Change the World, 36 Inspirational Harry Potter Quotes for a Braver You, 34 Inspirational Self Love Quotes to Make Yourself Stronger, 33 Deep Buddha Quotes on Love, Life and Happiness, How to Relieve Stress When You’re Seriously Stressed Out (9 Easy Tools), Weight Loss Motivation: Healthy Vs.

And that mask, it’s not to hide who I am, but to create what I am.” – Batman, 14. And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn’t fully understand. Gentlemen. I swore to them that I would protect you, and I haven’t.” – Batman, 46. I'm just ahead of the curve. He loved him like a son and acted as a father figure when Bruce Wayne’s parents were gone.

Failures are hard to take and they break some people, but the successful ones are the ones who learn from their failures and come back better than ever. A hero is someone who puts faith and love in the eyes of the people around them. Batman believes in living by his own rules. Zii loves photography and travelling. You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Some people are born with the purpose to cause chaos and make the world worse. “Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy. A hero isn’t always the person who flies through the air and defends against villains. They learn what they are and learn not to exceed them. “You don’t get heaven or hell. “Ladies. He can be the outcast because he knows what he is capable of in the long run.

We fail so that we can learn from our failures. I ignore mine.” – Batman Identify yourself to the world!” – Batman, 31. “Why do we fall, Bruce? Spoken specifically from Batman: Hush, this quote reflects a lot of Batman’s own approach to crime-fighting, while also… “I have one power. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation.

The joker is a perfect example of the image Batman is trying to point out. To them, you're just a freak, like me! Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth, All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder. Zisilia Alvsa is a writer for Wealthy Gorilla. You must have the mindset that nothing is impossible and anything can be achieved with the right attitude and effort. Batman has featured on the radio to television and film and appears in merchandise like apparel, toys, and video games. “I’m whatever Gotham needs me to be.” – Batman. I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman. - The Joker”, “Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. “This city just showed you that it’s full of people ready to believe in good.” – Batman, 24. Batman does not need bring immediate satisfaction to the city of Gotham. I shall become a bat.” – Batman, 13. I knew the mob wouldn’t go down without a fight, but this is different. The Joker is famous for his times of madness and his overall insane behavior. “Bats frighten me. But if you need to end a war, you call Wonder Woman.”, “I run blindly through the madhouse ... And I cannot even pray ... For I have no God.”, “How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?”, “Ladies. It’s your father’s name! “You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. Wealthy Gorilla is one of the fastest growing self-development websites worldwide; with articles and stories covering everything from quotes, net worths, richest lists, self-development lessons, and more. The failures we go through and the pain we endure only makes us stronger for future tasks. P.S. Rumored to be a thousand murdered dissidents, they said he was a ghost. They’ll hate you for it, but that’s the point of Batman, he can be the outcast.” – Alfred Pennyworth. “I wear a mask. Don’t forget to share them on social media with your friends and family. Batman knows he will not be around to protect Gotham someday.

“I’m whatever Gotham needs me to be.” – Batman, 30. So that we can learn to pick ourselves back up.” – Batman. “A hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple as reassuring putting a coat on a young boy’s shoulders.” – Batman, 6. Batman was not a hero for Gotham, he was a protector; someone who watched over the entire city. “I respect the mind’s power over the body. Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? He can’t feel the next.” – Batman, 4. “Without warning, it comes…crashing through the window of your study, and mine…I have seen it before…somewhere. Every day that he protects the city is a growth process for him to get better at his craft and become a master superhero. Superhero Batman Dark Knight Quotes & Saying With Images. You’re practice.” – Batman. We both looked into the abyss, but when it looked back at us… you blinked.” – Batman, 9. They are negative people and bring nothing but hate. “If I have to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.” – Batman, 35. Failing is one of the best lessons we can learn in life. Batman Knows that the villains he faces are just practice for when he truly faces a challenging adversary. “Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.” – Batman, 17. Some people are judged by their actions during times of madness. “Our greatest glory is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Batman, 5. It does not matter what someone else does, do not drop down to their level. He raised Bruce Wayne from when he was a child to the crime stopping hero that he became. Batman does not care if Gotham needs him to save the city, or to bag groceries. “Sometimes it’s only madness that makes us what we are.” – Batman, 50. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

© 2020 Bright Drops. He believes that Batman will do a better job and enjoy it more if he has a good time doing it. Even if you'd like to be. I can be everlasting.” – Batman, 18.

“I won’t kill you, but I don’t I have to save you.” – Batman, 37. This is a sign of a true hero, someone who will do anything to protect their city no matter what the task is. Batman Believes Anything is Possible Your email address will not be published. “We can rebuild. Holy paranormal activity, Nightingale - to the Jag mobile.”, “Alfred: Hmf. “If you can carry it to the top of the mountain you may find what you were looking for in the first place.” – Batman, 43. Adults foolishly demand to know, “You don't get heaven or hell. Gentlemen. I ignore mine.” – Batman, 3. If you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman. Do you know the only reward you get for being Batman? And it’s all that’s left of him. Its spirit. Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist.”, “These characters were like twelve-bar blues or other chord progressions. We come to be known by what we do, and not by who we really are.

Superman’s stretchy spandex has nothing on Batman’s sculpted pecs.”, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human. Share some hilarious and funny jokes about fictional character Batman with your companions to make them giggle for hours.

He will never kill another man regardless of what they have done. Batman must understand that he is fighting for more than just the city of Gotham, he is fighting for his name and his parents name. Sometimes what we deserve and what we need are not the same. “I have one power. Here’s a collection of the greatest Batman quotes: 1. It’s why I do what I do.” – Batman, 27. Alfred was Batman’s butler and friend. We have reached over 155 million views in the past 6 years, and amassed over 200,000 followers on social media.

“If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the room remains the same.” – Batman. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. You're not! Don’t destroy it.” – Alfred Pennyworth. Our actions speak to our character and the decisions we make become who we are.

A walking dead man. They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! These Batman quotes range from quotes from the Dark Knight himself, to his trusted butler Alfred Pennyworth. Here are 20 Batman quotes you can ponder on because fighting evil means picking up a good deal of wisdom along the way. Required fields are marked *.

“All men have limits. For OLD TIMES, sake, you still hurts when its cold.”, “Batman is easily my most favorite character beside Spawn.”, “He's clearly a man with a mission, but it's not one of vengeance. “If you need to stop an asteroid, you call Superman. See, I'm not a monster. “Tell me where the trigger is, then you have my permission to die.” – Batman, 25. When we learn what we can accomplish and what we can get through, we are able to realize that anything is possible if have the right mindset. But if you need to end a war, you call Wonder Woman.” – Batman, 29. After seeing his parents, Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne being killed when he was a child, Batman … “If I have to have a past, then I prefer it to be multiple choice.” ― Alan Moore, Batman: The Killing … “Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share.” – Henri Ducard. “You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father.” – Alfred Pennyworth. “But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible.” – Batman.

If you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman.