[ajol.info], The etiology of bilateral breast cancer is uncertain, but most evidence supports independent tumors and not metastasis spread from one of the primary tumors. 2006 May 1;24(13):2113-22. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2005.02.8035. Characteristics of histological parameters in bilateral breast cancers. Currently, no consistent evidence-based guidelines for the management of synchronous bilateral breast cancer (SBBC) exist and it is uncertain how presenting with SBBC affects patients' prognosis. Latchford, H.F. Vasen, G. Moslein, A. Alonso, S. Aretz, et al. We also were unable to find differences of the cerbB-2 expression rate between synchronous and metachronous breast cancer tissues. US Preventive Services Task Force. In synchronous cancers, cerbB-2 expression was concordant in 71% of patients: both positive, 29% and both negative, 43% (Fig. 2018;319(6):588-594. Among the 4702 patients diagnosed with breast cancer from 1974 to 2003 at Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 73 patients were diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer without any systemic lesions. In the late 1990s the cDNA microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) method has been employed to investigate the clonality of bilateral breast cancers and it showed higher DNA copy number changes in metachronous than in synchronous bilateral breast cancers (10). The median time intervals between the first and the subsequent breast cancer diagnosis were 0 months and 34 months (range; 7–209 months) in synchronous and metachronous cancers, respectively. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. One patient has survived for 2 years thus far. Holm M(1), Tjønneland A, Balslev E, Kroman N. Author information: (1)Unit of Diet, Genes, and Environment, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, 49 Strandboulevarden, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark, marhol@cancer.dk. Some authors have found that the concordance rate of estrogen receptor level and its positivity rate are high in synchronous cancers (11,12). [clinicaltrials.gov], Mucosal prolapse in the pathogenesis of Peutz-Jeghers polyposis. Worse characteristics can predict survival effectively in bilateral primary breast cancer: A competing risk nomogram using the SEER database. Breast cancer is staged from 0 to 4. In negative controls, distilled water was applied as a substitute for primary antibodies. Localized. Pan B, Xu Y, Zhou YD, Yao R, Wu HW, Zhu QL, Wang CJ, Mao F, Lin Y, Shen SJ, Sun Q.

Rasmussen, C. B. et al. Antigens were localized using a labeled streptavidin method (Universal LSAB2 kit, Dako) with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine as a chromogen (16). The histological grade was not scored in eight tumors of medullary and lobular type.

 |  [elsevier.es], These patients require individualized treatment planning based on the tumor factors and treatment factors of the index lesion.

Steroid receptor expressions in bilateral breast cancers have been evaluated in several reports (11–14).

Epub 2019 Feb 26. [cancernetwork.com], Metastatic workup was negative. Concordance of Hormone Receptor Status and BRCA1/2 Mutation Among Women With Synchronous Bilateral Breast Cancer. Multiple sensitivity analyses indicated robustness of the overall estimate. To decrease the incidence of lymphedema we recommend performing SLNB in clinically node negative patients. The overall median age of the patients at the time of diagnosis of the first breast cancer was 41 years (range, 26–68 years). 2011 Dec 20;29(36):4763-8. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.35.0165. The steroid hormone receptor expression was more commonly negative in synchronous cancers than in metachronous cancers. Eur J Breast Health. In metachronous cancers, the concordance rate was 63% (Fig. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. [exp-oncology.com.ua], Etiology of bilateral breast carcinomas is not well understood; however, it appears that familial link is more likely with metachronous bilateral breast carcinomas than with unilateral and with synchronous bilateral breast carcinomas. 2019 Dec;8(18):7890-7902. doi: 10.1002/cam4.2662. Eur. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! The value of histological grade in breast cancer: experience from a large study with long-term follow-up, Standardization of immunohistochemistry based on antigen retrieval technique for routine formalin-fixed tissue sections, Assessment of tissue estrogen and progesterone receptor levels: a survey of current practice, techniques, and quantitation methods, Evaluation of HER-2/neu(erbB-2) status in breast cancer: from bench to bedside, Changing patterns in the clinical characteristics of Korean patients with breast cancer during the last 15 years, Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, Very young women (<35 years) with operable breast cancer: features of disease at presentation, Hormone receptor status of a contralateral breast cancer is independent of the receptor status of the first primary in patients not receiving adjuvant tamoxifen, Estrogen receptor status of primary breast cancer is predictive of estrogen receptor status of contralateral breast cancer, Biopathological profile of multiple synchronous homolateral and bilateral breast cancers, Tsuda H. Histological grade, p53, HER2 and hormone receptor status of synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma, Differences in estrogen receptor status, HER2, and p53 comparing metachronous bilateral breast carcinoma, Comparison of p53 gene abnormalities in bilateral and unilateral breast cancer, Bilateral synchronous breast cancer and HER-2/neu overexpression, ERBB2 oncogene in human breast cancer and its clinical significance, Expression of estrogen, progesterone and epidermal growth factor receptor in primary and metastatic breast cancer, © 2007 Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research, Prognostic impact of systemic therapy change in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with cytoreductive nephrectomy, The current state of immunotherapy for primary and secondary brain tumors: similarities and differences, Feasibility study of cryobiopsy for practical pathological diagnosis of primary lung cancer including immunohistochemical assessment, Age-specific colorectal cancer incidence rate in the world, Brief collaborative care intervention to reduce perceived unmet needs in highly distressed breast cancer patients: randomized controlled trial, About Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Characteristic Morphology of Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma of the Breast: An Immunohistochemical Analysis, Apocrine Carcinoma as Triple-negative Breast Cancer: Novel Definition of Apocrine-type Carcinoma as Estrogen/Progesterone Receptor-negative and Androgen Receptor-positive Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, A Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Expression-based Approach to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Operable Breast Cancer, Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma: Clinicopathologic Features and Prognostic Value of Triple Negativity. [ijmpo.org], The patient is a 51-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of chronic anemia (treated with oral iron supplements) who had also undergone cholecystectomy. [oncotarget.com], A recent patient of ours had been given radiation treatment at age 7 for "chronic asthmatic bronchitis."