A wise person once said that a good speech should be like a comet: Dazzling, eye-opening and over before you know it.

On February 12, 1926, American historian Carter G. Woodson established Black History Week to recall and celebrate the positive contributions to our nation made by people of African descent.

Just think of the potential which is there, which I say is untapped. These speech and letter sample materials may be re-used for free but By remembering and retelling their stories, we honor the courage and examples set by these individuals. Here are some related questions which you might be interested in reading. If we remove the barriers that remain, the potential for the future will truly be without limit. The court case Brown versus Board of Education should have ended school segregation in 1954 and started us down the road to integration. Because despite all the progress which we rightly celebrate, we know we still have a long way to go not just to root out hatred and prejudice from our society, but to tackle the injustices that still hold people back. In the words of Desmond Tutu, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Hundreds of verses in Scripture address the idea of remembrance, encouraging us to reflect upon past triumphs and tragedies and recall the God of our salvation. It is a history that helps us to better understand God, to comprehend His plan for humanity and to see tangible evidence of His deliverance, love and blessings.

Why Christians Should Celebrate Black History Month, Use Your Kitchen Table to Teach Your Kids About Diversity. Over one million African Americans hold advanced degrees, and there are more than 2.3 million African American college students right now. We love creating practical, discipleship resources to help you know and love God more. Black history is not merely the history of African Americans; it is our history as the American people, and our history impacts the church. The laws kept coming to try to combat racism, but people kept on finding new ways to try to keep the status qou going. (Sometimes I jokingly refer to this as my Legislative Affairs operation -- using the telescope, I can just read the memos on their desks.) Ask a Question.

Feb 17, 2015. How Do I Program A Factory Remote Keyless Entry Key Fob For A 2006 Ford F-350? They were the faithful witness of a faithful God who understood the propensity of humans to forget. If we work together, we can continue to make great strides to a better future. It helps us remember not to repeat the past.

It's truly an honor to join all of you in recognizing Black History Month. It is easy to stand here today and say, school segregation was wrong. Much of Black History Month understandably focuses on well-known movements, incidents … Giving Honor to my Heavenly Father, to Pastor Seals and Lady Seals I am Honored. Being aware of the heartbreaking stories that populate black history helps us to not slip back into the type of thinking that may allow history to repeat itself. And that's what Black History Month is all about. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.". Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. It helps us remember to show honor. How To Write A Welcome Speech For A Mother Daughter Tea? Nationwide, more than a quarter of all African Americans work in management, the professions, and related occupations. Black History Month started in 1926 as a way to recognize the achievements of people of African descent.

Dubois; Rosa Parks. It was scheduled to hold a Pre-Valentine Day Family Life Celebration with African themes Sunday, Feb. 11, … Entrepreneurship, Madame C.J. Standing in the shame-releasing light of the gospel, we must share it so that the next generation can learn and strive to build on and maintain the strides in racial reconciliation that have already been made. You can change your cookie settings at any time. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street, PM words at Race Disparity Audit launch: 10 October 2017, Government efficiency, transparency and accountability, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. The theme for this year's program was the celebration of black women in American history and culture. It will take sustained work over time to overcome age old injustices. Don't be neutral. African Americans have made enormous impacts in every single area of American life. But no-one’s ethnicity should stop them from pursuing their dreams and as a country, we cannot afford to squander the talent and ambition of our young people. We are taking forward a number of recommendations from the Lammy Review into the experience of black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system. But it is not just the most prominent people – the contribution of Black British people in communities right across the UK in our NHS and schools, running or working for a small business, volunteering in their communities help to make twenty-first century Britain the strong and diverse country we are today.

Thank you again for the honor speaking with you today. I don't know how well I can do on the first two, so I'll try to achieve the third! How should I do it? How different would our country be without these leaders and the myriad of others who fought for Civil Rights? Consider the Quakers, white men and women who believed slavery to be wrong and aided the Underground Railroad alongside black leaders such as Leonard A. Grimes. I hope that each of these steps will make a positive difference. As a number of people have said it is all very well producing this review. It's especially fitting that we are hosting guests from two of our leading universities today, because it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to the fact that over the past 15 years, increasing numbers of African Americans aren't just going to college but also entering postgraduate programs. Black History Month encourages us to look back and learn from the past to look around us and understand the present and to look forward to shape the future. (SPEAKER CAN ADD PERSONAL ANECDOTE HERE ABOUT PROGRESS SEEN IN LIFETIME IF DESIRED). What Would Be A Good Welcome Speech For A Church Program? He was a brilliant leader, a sound policy maker, a consensus builder, and above all, very generous with his time when it came to working with us on the Hill -- just as he is generously making himself available to be with us here today. Will You Continue To Love Someone Even If That Person Has No Feelings For You? That will require work from Government – and it has already started. And she was cast in bronze by a former slave, Philip Reid, who along with other D.C. residents gained his freedom ahead of the Emancipation Proclamation by act of Congress, under the District of Columbia Emancipation Act of 1862. In my case, I've got a constant reminder to keep the important lessons of Black History Month in focus all year long. Black History Month serves us and those who come after us much like those memorial stones. Racism can be a difficult topic to discuss with kids, but one way to approach it is to help them understand it through the lens of humanity’s sin and brokenness. Black History Month Speech I'd like to begin by saying how pleased I am to have been invited to speak here today. Today, revenues for businesses owned by African Americans total more than $89 billion -- which is up 24% from 1997. Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them? The church’s recognition of black history ought not to be based on obligation but out of our sincere love for humanity. Thank you for joining us. I am under no illusions about the scale of the challenge but the opportunity is enormous. Without African American contributions to music we'd be without jazz, blues, rap, hip hop, R and B, and arguably, even rock and roll. They expose some uncomfortable truths about the injustices that still exist in our society today – from health and education to the welfare and criminal justice systems. In my office on the 10th floor, overlooking the Capitol dome, I have a telescope. But while these numbers are impressive, they don't convey the true quality of individual achievements. Seems like more of a statement then a question.Watch .

And when it comes to defending our country, there are more than 2.4 million African American veterans. We must not hide our history from the next generation. A wise person once said that a good speech should be like a comet: Dazzling, eye-opening and over before you know it. I give praise to my lord and savior jesus chrisht an to all God's children , we welcome you to our______annual... How To Write A Church Revival Welcome Letter? The contribution that young black people make to Britain is already enormous. To inspire the next generation to make our country and our world an even better place. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. A speech given by Prime Minister Theresa May at a Downing Street reception to mark the 30th anniversary of Black History Month. Maybe they realized there were just too many good things to talk about in that short amount of time. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Listen with kindness in your heart, not anger. Does Anybody Know When Jesus Christ Is Coming Back To Earth? Which side of history will you stand on? In my case, I've got a constant reminder to keep the important lessons of Black History Month in focus all year long. Black history is not merely the history of African Americans; it is our history as the American people, and our history impacts the church. The stones would stand as an everlasting memorial to communicate to future generations the provisions of the Lord.

They broke down barriers, they stood against injustice, they helped us pull together as a nation and overcome our darkest days. Not surprisingly, with all that brainpower at work, our economy is showing the effects. tel: for Teachers, Parents, and School Officials, In Celebration of Black History: Free Speech and the Struggle for Equality, The Struggle for Civil Rights and the First Amendment. The story of Greenwood is one of many. So Black History Month is really a reminder that this important part of our heritage belongs in the forefront of our consciousness 365 days a year. .Seems like more of a statement then a question... Where Can I Find A Black History Reading For Church? Think of the talent, enthusiasm and ambition of our young people.