Their hair can be styled long and wavy (Alicia Keys) or into a bob-cut (Halle Berry). Black 2 White 2: Able to understand human speech and very intelligent, it loves to swim in the sea with people on its back. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Texas State Historical Association - The Handbook of Texas Online - Black Code, black codes - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). The blacks came here from far north and central Africa, not very long before the white man. You can restart rented server at any moment. The oldest are the Africans themselves. Mixed-race African-Americans can have naturally green eyes (like the singer Rihanna) or naturally blue eyes (like actor Jessie Williams). Thanks for the great free service." It may seem a small thing, this caving in to the counterfeiters of history, but think what it means: all over America, in every school district in the land, those who have been entrusted with the education of our children have said, in effect, that they will teach lies rather than risk being labeled “racists.” It is a national phenomenon, part of a long-term national trend, and it tells us that the nation is dying. All other people on the planet are more intelligent than black people. look around the world. The text on Cleopatra’s poster informs the reader that she is “often erroneously portrayed as Caucasian.”. Private servers do not have a limit of rounds and do not throw players to the main page. They began labeling as “Black” everyone whose ancestors had ever had a passing acquaintance with the tarbrush. IN-GAME APP. You are a complete Jackass and Idiot. Without white western ingenuity none of Africa’s mineral and oil wealth could ever have been extracted, nor could tall buildings ever have been built in South Africa unless there… Read more », Throughout most of pre-modern history the contact non-Africans mostly had with peoples hailing from Africa tended to be with those Africans who were of the Black Negroid variety (usually slaves and servants), giving rise to a false assumption in the minds of many, which unfortunately still persists today, that African = Black person. Great Moments In Black History. The black unemployment rate fell to a record low in August, helped by a jump in the number of black women on the job. In 2011 Oprah Winfrey hosted a documentary titled “Dark Girls,” a portrayal of the pain and suffering dark-skinned black women experience. Answer. The count displayed on YouTube is often incorrect because it doesn't update in real time.  Go look up the real history,,, YOU ARE WHITE ALBINOS FROM BLACK AFRICAN – WE KNOW WHO YOU GUYS ARE.. YOUR WAKE UP CALL, To Sarah Sheppard: I am a white albino from black african? Every country that is ruled by black people is a hellhole. It is just another racists article from a KKK journal by someone pretending to be educated because they can form a sentence. Black people prior to contact with Whites and other races didn’t do anything worth noting: they never discovered the wheel or the axle, developed writing, learned to smelt metals, or domesticated animals for food. They are trying to imitate western ways and values instead of keeping to their own cultural roots and have used terrorism etc., to take over the… Read more ». The premise behind chattel slavery in America was that slaves were property, and, as such, they had few or no legal rights. Contact | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | ©, Inc. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of, Race-Aware Kobach Named to Trump Transition Team, Empress Brenda Lynn Jones and the “African Computer”, African civilizations of ancient Egypt and Carthage,, 15 of the Top 25 Financial Donors in This Election Cycle Are Jews. they chopped off the noses of the statues what makes you think they wouldnt change the bodies of the mummies. Magnification was not enough for the egalitarians, however. This could just as well have been written today. The counterfeiting process began in a relatively innocuous manner with a desperate search for every genuine Black who actually had done something creative or otherwise noteworthy, and then magnifying his achievements to the limit of credibility: Matthew Henson, Admiral Robert Peary’s Black man-servant and valet who accompanied his master on the latter’s Arctic expeditions, was magnified to co-discoverer of the North Pole; George Washington Carver, an agricultural researcher of modest talents who developed several new uses for the peanut, was magnified to a scientific innovator of the first rank; Crispus Attucks, a mulatto who incited a Boston mob against the local British troops in 1770 and was killed in the resulting riot, was magnified to a leader of the American Revolution. Many multiracial Americans simply identify as “multiracial.” Others, even if they’re a product of mixed ancestry, choose “black.”. And thus they do not “count” as black. African americans are lucky they were enslaved, they live better than any body living in Africa, the truth shall set you free even if it hurts. Order a private server for a group of friends! A jew insists “that Greece is doing democracy wrong”. The Egyptians enslaved black people. For example, in 1902 sociologist Charles Horton Cooley argued that identity is like a “looking glass self.” In other words, we are a reflection of the people around us. This, at least, gave Blacks a few role models of their own race and a source of racial pride, even though the latter was somewhat ill-founded. My version of black history here in South Africa? One admitted he was in his 40s, unemployed, and was neither married nor had children. At this point the mobs of anti-Whites are cal…, I enjoyed your article and look forward to getting more familiar with more of th…, It takes a higher level of organized power to put into effect an eugenic breedin…, Sounds like it violates the equal protections act and discriminates against whit…, You’ve probably heard of the woman in Ohio who was recently tased, cuffed and ar…. Michigan State University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US. This web site features unique stories and facts about Black history, culture and accomplishments. Black White: It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. View the ranks, match history and all the statistics of any public Steam profile. But it left something important out, and I wondered if it would lead to misconceptions. That means, more than anything else, that schoolchildren all over America are being given special materials and special lesson assignments designed to raise their consciousness of the great artistic, political, literary, scientific, and philanthropic contributions to human progress made by Blacks throughout recorded history — contributions which need to be emphasized over and above those of Whites and the members of other races, because White racism has distorted and minimized the treatment of Black achievements in the standard history curricula heretofore used in America’s schools. It’s a story I know only too well. In 1934, cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead said that identity was a product of our social interactions, just like Cooley. A test period is not provided, if you want to check the quality of the service, then log on to any empty server from the general list. I’m white and understand that there are some false claims made by my beautiful black friends. Their chiefs used to savagely have their followers murdered in their 1000’s, namely one Chaka. It also tells us that, regardless of the methods we personally may choose to use, we must be on the side of those who have been imprisoned or given their all for our race; we must take up their fight, and, one way or another, we must destroy the evil against which they struggled. They always begged the white man to help and give them jobs etc., It is a fact, of course, that prior to the civil rights revolution two decades ago, school history texts said very little about Blacks, outside of their role as slaves in the U.S. South prior to the Civil War. But he expanded the theory a bit: It includes not only the people we interact with but also the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the music we listen to. It’s also mean. Rev. One day I was in the jacuzzi at the gym and got into a conversation with a couple of blacks. Black men often adored them, but this could quickly flip to scorn if their advances were spurned. Is a Secret Unit of the Greek Coast Guard Disabling Invading "Migrant" Ships and Boats? What a crock. Y DEMO ANALYSIS. On the other hand, wearing a dashiki, eating soul food and relaxing to the beats of rap or hip-hop music is something all black people – regardless of skin tone – can identify with. Perhaps we should not be surprised that America’s big businessmen — Anheuser-Busch is only one of many large corporations which have sponsored Black History Month — have become participants in the fraud. Titled “Great Kings of Africa,” the large, colorful posters, each featuring an African ruler of the past and a few paragraphs of biographical text, have been distributed in thousands of schools all over America. Which means that black people got left behind in the brain department. Everyone should want the truth. Though born here, most of us whites sense the lower intelligence rate of the black and their genetic inability to westernize themselves. Many people throughout the world live in poverty but they perform IQ tests at a much higher level than blacks. Come on people wake up Egypt is in AFRICA on the NILE river why would every other civilization be black except egypt. 0. description About. Question. The subjects who were interviewed shared their stories. If only more people took the time to research the racial anthropological composition of the inhabitants of North Africa, both past and present, they’d soon learn that its indigenous Berber speaking peoples have always been primarily of Caucasoid race, just like the Kabyle Berber “French” soccer player Zinedine Zidane, and the palaeolithic period Cro-Magnoid “Afalou”… Read more », While I agree w/ everything you say, I don’t think we should try to disabuse Negroes of their mythology. There is no evidence for any innate, genetic low intelligence of African, the problem is poverty , poor quality of education, thousands of years of paganism. Wrong,Black people are the only people in the world that have no Neanderthal DNA. With these demographic changes, traditional notions of black identity – once limited to the confines of dark skin or kinky hair – are no longer so. Explain that one thing please and thank you!! He clearly was of very low intelligence. Not only will this make your site far more interesting, but clicking on your Flag Counter will reveal amazing information and charts! Every historian worth his salt knows that neither Hannibal nor Cleopatra had the least trace of Black ancestry; and even though the educational level of America’s educators has declined sadly, there are many high school principals and high school history teachers who also know it. Who commits 52% of all murders in America and are only 13% of the total population? And unlike in the past – when many mixed-race people would try to do what they could to pass as white – many multiracial Americans today unabashedly embrace and celebrate their blackness. That is the official rationale behind the school-centered activities of Black History Month, and most teachers and school administrators have accepted it without even blinking.