The world is at its knees,many of us lost our loved ones. Let’s stop buying products made in Communist China.

Anish Goyal    Contact the author of the petition. .


“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”. Marshals Arrest Five Individuals For Damage To Foley Federal Buiding In Las Vegas, Biden Says He May Have Authority To Implement A National Mask Mandate Then Says He Would Mandate On Federal Land, Joe Biden Calls Russia An “Opponent” But Says China Is Just A Competitor, Senate Democrats Ask That Durham’s Mueller Probe Be Investigated By Justice Department’s IG, Attorney General Barr Says Pandemic Lockdowns “Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties” Since Slavery, Joe Biden Pledges Not One Private Charter School Will Get Federal Money. Individually, we can make a small impact. And although it was well produced and loved by many, it was an abridged version and cut out large portions of the story.

We will advertise this petition to 3000 people. BOYCOTT CHINA Now Petition. @EpochTimesChina @MauraMoynihan1 @WarRoomPandemic #CCPVirus Mainland China's exports to India since January 2020 have fallen by 24.7 per cent year-on-year to $32.28 billion, customs data from the Chinese government has shown. Or perhaps, in some cases, we can simply realize that we don’t need to buy the item at all. Will India be able to break dependence on China. ***this is my work below!

Not a single company manufactures televisions in the United States anymore. EUToday Poll: 61.9% of respondents would support Boycott of Chinese goods. It has not led to liberalization. Tip Box – Thanks for helping us bring more content to our site. should petition to boycott attendance to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to elevate these issues and. This petition is to try and help the people of China, against the corrupt Regime that is terrifying its people, who are only standing up for their rights that we in this and other countries enjoy as normal practice.

Identify an item made in China that you routinely buy – and stop buying it. Put simply, at some point it becomes both the right and the duty of a free people to stand up and take matters into their own hands.

Every American, locked down, out of work and wondering what the future will bring has Xi Jinping and his henchmen to thank.

Not a single company manufactures televisions in the United States anymore. Ever since Bill Clinton began to steer us down the road toward open and free economic relations with Communist China, we, the people of the United States have been fed lies. America Takes On The Coronavirus: Is Chinese Help Needed? All across what would soon be a new nation they were standing up and saying in a loud clear voice that they would not “take it anymore”.Three years later in the Declaration of Independence, the sentiment would find expression in these terms. For we shall not obtain change unless we Create it. Boycott China – Stop Funding A Communist Dictatorship. Ever since Bill Clinton began to steer us down the road toward open and free economic relations with Communist China, we, ... ©2020 AND Magazine . Japan’s decision to use, Fukushima produce for the Games’ food provision comes as a government effort to signify the, safety of produce from the area and its safety controls. But, every single one of us can, today, stand up, identify an item we routinely purchase from a Chinese manufacturer and refuse to buy it anymore. suppress news of the outbreak and even arrested Chinese medical professionals who spoke, Survey Suggests China Could Have Prevented 95% of Cases, If They Had Immediately Acted on Whistleblower’s Warning. Now, all across the United States, it is our turn to suffer at the hands of Communism.

Ground Truth Video: Was Hunter Biden Part of a Chinese Spy Operation to Steal US Nuclear Technology? What do our young people need most right now? I was there for overa year, and I was beaten, raped, Summary We must regain that resolve and apply it to our relationship with Communist China. Since retirement, he has written extensively, provided training to a wide variety of government and private entities and appears regularly on radio and television. We call upon PSC-CUNY to Is a Powerfull Dictatorship ruled nation ( China) is allowed to do whatever  it want ??? Let’s stop buying products made in Communist China. On December 16, 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British merchant vessels in Boston harbor and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water.

Mainland China's exports to India since January 2020 have fallen by 24.7 per cent year-on-year to $32.28 billion, customs data from the Chinese government has shown. The European Union and China are two of the biggest traders in the world.

We will advertise this petition to the visitors of our site.

Our petitions are mentioned in the media every day, so creating a petition is a great way to get noticed by the The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) announced restrictions on import of television sets late in July to encourage local manufacturing. Yet China is set to host another round of Games in the middle of abuses that are less visible but far more extensive. Unions owe a duty of fair representation to the people they represent.

Like acid it eats away at the underpinnings of the world’s last, best hope for liberty and democracy.

take urgent and appropriate actions to prioritize the needs of College Laboratory Technicians, end discriminatory practices, abolish the mis. we have to cancel her !! Now, all across the United States, it is our turn to suffer at the hands of Communism. I'll kick this off. Since 2001, when China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), in excess of 60,000 factories have closed in the United States. I would like to remain anonymous, and so I have used 204 as my name; it was the number I was given at ProvoCanyon School, and to this day it is who I see myself as, because the boy I wasbefore is dead; he died at Provo Canyon School. she has to be stopped !! Beijing continues to push the narrative that the pandemic is a naturally occurring event and that it began in a seafood market in Wuhan. welcomes and permits the republishing of up to 250 words of newly published AND Magazine articles, provided the content is directly and obviously hot-linked to our site.

Perhaps Governments might take notice of what’s happening their and boycott the games. Although Prime Minister Abe stated that the Rising Sun flag is not a, political statement, South Korea and China definitely do not see it that way as these countries, still have wounds from Japan’s imperialistic behavior, which have largely been unaddressed, even to this day.

Not only will China be more prosperous, but it will also be freer. Like acid it eats away at the underpinnings of the world’s last, best hope for liberty and democracy. For many, many others this new economic reality means part-time jobs without benefits and shopping for dinner at the Dollar Store.

230 Liability Shield, Newly Released Senate Report: “Biden Family” Financial Ties With Ukraine, Chinese And Others Raise “Criminal Concerns”, Democrats Say Joe Is “Centrist” But WOW – Listen To What Those Around Him Really Want – Especially His VP Choice, AG Barr Announces Three U.S. Cities Anarchistic & May Lose Federal Funds, NYC Police Officer Arrested On Charges Of Being A Chinese Asset, President Trump: We’re Establishing The 1776 Commission To Celebrate American History, U.S. Charges Five Chinese Nationals For Hacking Into Over 100 Institutions, China “Warns” Australia For Conducting Espionage Investigations, U.S.

The government is also planning to impose licensing requirements for import of goods from 20 sectors, including furniture, toys, sports goods, textiles, air conditioners, leather, footwear, agro-chemicals, CCTVs, ready-to-eat food, steel, aluminium, electric vehicles, auto components, TV set-top boxes, ethanol, copper and bio fuels, to boost local manufacturing of these items. A lack of, recognition of these historical scars and the decision to allow Japan to use this image will signify. The author of this petition stood up and took action.

Every American lying in a hospital bed wondering if he or she will survive knows his life is dependent on masks, gowns, equipment and pharmaceuticals manufactured, not here, but abroad in the dystopian wasteland of modern China. There are very strong indications that the pathogen in question escaped from the Chinese BSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan where it was being studied for unknown purposes. You will struggle to find a surviving American manufacturer for even such iconic American items as blue jeans, baseballs, and bicycles.

But didn't people die? Please note that you cannot confirm your signature by replying to this message. Everytime I think of this , I get the same questions in my mind. If you are an educator who brings social-emotional support to your students in any meaningful way, you must empathize with young people at this time of social-distancing and rising issues for families in urban districts. by using our powerful service. The people of the United States have not become more prosperous. Help spread the word with these great T-shirts available in Black and Gray. What are you throwing overboard? "We, at 'Federation of All India Vyapar Mandal', are advising our members to clear their stocks of Chinese products and refrain from placing fresh orders. Please Respect Our Original Content.

On December 16, 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British merchant vessels in Boston harbor and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water. Provo Canyon School is supposedly a "Residential Treatment Center" located in Utah; there are three institutionsof it that I know of: Provo, Utah; Orem, Utah; and Springville, Utah. Sign this petition to stop the systematic oppression by the police in our country. Where once we prided ourselves on our unity and our collective strength we now celebrate division and hate speech. Since April 3 this year when the bars were first closed, most of the estimated 1,000 musicians in the city have been out of work. Since retirement, he has written extensively, provided training to a wide variety of government and private entities and appears regularly on radio and television. I believe that children in new bridge middle school should be able to express them selves threw other means then clothing. Estimates are that 95% of the people who will die in this pandemic could have been saved if Beijing had told the truth and sounded the alarm. Marshals Arrest Five Individuals For Damage To Foley Federal Buiding In Las Vegas, Biden Says He May Have Authority To Implement A National Mask Mandate Then Says He Would Mandate On Federal Land, Joe Biden Calls Russia An “Opponent” But Says China Is Just A Competitor, Senate Democrats Ask That Durham’s Mueller Probe Be Investigated By Justice Department’s IG, Attorney General Barr Says Pandemic Lockdowns “Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties” Since Slavery, Joe Biden Pledges Not One Private Charter School Will Get Federal Money. The effect on our democracy is corrosive. Put simply, at some point it becomes both the right and the duty of a free people to stand up and take matters into their own hands.