3. I get the high priority thing, grab attacks being the only thing that can beat it like Buster Wolf, but seriously, it’s like a completely overpowered attack, and while buffing Little Mac, he should get nerfs too.

His character is about being the underdog, but he's unplayable when your opponents find out about your very little arsenal of punches. Well he needs some sort of landing option and forcing him 2 use counter to land should be classified as cruel and unusual punishment.

I know this has been a topic of discussion for many, but I thought i would put my thoughts out there because I can. ALL CHARACTERS NEED AERIALS, More posts from the SmashBrosUltimate community.

If they thought about competitive play for a split second his god awful design would have never made it into the game. I'm trying to end the game as fast as possible because he is one of the least fun characters to fight.

I honestly there's a reson i'd want Min Min cut next game. Get rid of some of his armor so that more characters can contest him on the ground, and then give him a little bit better aerial mobility and better recovery distance so that he's not dead in the water the minute you start camping.

Have Little Mac join the player's party in World of Light.With the exception of the third method, Little Mac must then be defeated on Boxing Ring. Welcome to Reddit's finest Smash Bros community! I dunno. When it comes to balancing characters, I’m generally in the camp of “give characters better access to the tools they have and make their weaknesses more potent” as a general philosophy, but Mac is already such a polarizing character with the way he is now that I don’t know if I can apply the same rules to him.

His stellar frame data, armored attacks, and amazing mobility make it nearly impossible to contest him on the ground.

It's been a really obvious problem since the game has been out and they haven't fixed it or even tried.

I agree that Mac should be able to regain side b after getting hit out of it but I can’t say I’d be really happy with the rest of the changes. Of course, the Ground KO would be unchanged.

Buffing Little Mac is easy. I’ve had this school of thought with Mac lately as well. Thank you for the feedback, I guess I went a little to far with the whole excellent ground game part, I definitely feel like the suggestions you said are very effective, but part of my goal was to keep little mac, well little mac, Id prefer a nerf tbh. For Super Smash Bros. I'll just take the ability to side-b again after getting hit offstage, like that could be the only change he gets from this point on and I would be happy, no thank you, just give me 10% damage on literally everything, maybe 15%. It would accentuate the problem that most people already have with his design, which is that you basically have to play super lame against him in order to win.

Mac's ground game is absolutely unbeatable as it is. Start-up lag is also shorter for the standstill grab, but not for the dash grab and turn grab. "R" refreshes comments. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Please read the rules before submitting content. He’s such a polarizing character, and the only way to fairly “buff” him might be to rework his entire move set, and I would admittedly miss this terrible version of him so much because I can play him well as he is, minus being able to recover obviously lol. That's a recipe for degenerate play. There are a lot of things the LM community would like to see in for Mac in Smash U. It's ridiculous how low the player count for little mac is, almost laughable about how low his player count is. Having passive taunt effects is a neat idea, but Little Mac is already kind of a gimmicky character with his design and KO punch.

Little Mac is a playable character and a newcomer in Super Smash Bros. 4, making the jump from an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl to a fully playable fighter.

How I would buff little mac.

Or if you want a reasonable buff, make it so his side b is reset on damage again. If you haven't played their game you have no right. Should I get piranha plant as a DLC character? I know this has been a topic of discussion for many, but I thought i would put my thoughts out there because I can, I want to start out by saying that I don't expect this opinion to change anything and understand Mr. Sakurai and his team are very busy making changes presented highly unlikely. Throws: All four of Little Mac's throws have received adjustments to their damage and knockback values, but they all deal up to 10% damage.

The final mechanic I would add to him is quite an out there one, that being giving passive effects to his taunts. The only thing I can think that will fix his recovery is allowing him to side B off stage twice, or have it refill if he gets hit. But a rapid jab that sends at a sideways angle would be a tremendous buff to a character that needs it. Being the underdog has its own appeal.

Or they could give him actual jumps, jumps that are high enough to where they don't look like short hops. Someone else suggested that his KO punch, when used in the air, should be a rising attack like Ganon's Up B (minus the grab), but reduce the damage it does. Welcome!

Midgar Mac players have to play safe because if we get fair'd off stage, or bouncing fish'd off stage, we're dead. This extra rage effect would only last 13 seconds (much like clouds limit) and would also lead to mac being able to taunt online THE BIGGEST BUFF! Discussion. It doesn't matter how good most little macs are, if you get off stage or into a blast zone you're dead. After that I think he’s good enough. A second side B, maybe better recovery, less KO cancels, etc.

I used to love him in Sm4sh. Shortcuts: "C" opens comments. Close. Personally I feel that little macs rapid jab finisher should be a kill move.

He’s just not a tournament caliber character because of how easy he is to gimp, but I don’t play tournaments and I don’t plan to, so to me it doesn’t matter. I disagree. I still think it’s stupid that KO Punch is uncounterable. Kind of like how the shotos can cancel aireals into specials. I might only ask for a couple more vertical inches on his up-b if anything — even that would go a long way, I might only ask for a couple more vertical inches on his up-b if anything — even that would go a long way. While I'm normally an advocate for playstyle diversity in fighting games, I actually would prefer if Mac was made a little more generic.

Little Mac should be buffed, but not his air game. Well his ground game is meant to compensate, so lets buff that.

He can still have a great ground game and bad aerials, but don't make him unbeatable in one area and useless in another.

Most of all i want mac to have a rework, but buffs are a second best for me.

If he was buffed, you'd see way more LM mains, and I think we'd lose something special about the character. So you're straight up forced to platform camp him and make him come to you to beat him. That and no1 cares about my opinions lol, anyway to why u clicked on the post. When Nintendo designed little mac I guarantee their intended use for him was a forward-smash-charging-at-the ledge 8 player ffa character. I think it would fit his character archetype much better than most other buffs, and it annoys me that characters like palutena and Bowser junior have this but the boxing, ground centralised character doesn't.

It's probably not going to happen. Revert the nerf they gave the bear worst character in the game. Thanks fir taking the time out of your day to read this! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Buffing him in a way that makes him fun to play AND to play against is much harder. He's only boring to fight because he has to be boring. With your suggestion for example, Little Mac’s initial jab is already frame 1.

And once he has to approach in the air, he's basically dead. I get that someone might like him having the underdog aura around, but imo having him be able to die at 0 is too much. Ultimate and sharing related content.

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Yeah ur right i did make em a little obnoxious. Personally I'm fine with no mac buff.

The reason im not going any deeper is dus to wanting to keep little mac himself and his iconic bad recovery is something I think should stay, but get other buffs to compensate.
Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Getting a little Mac buff".

Little Mac's will have better recovery, but only in select cases, and it'll cost them their KO punch to get back on stage.
I first think that buffing little macs recovery is often the thing people recommend, but the only thing I would change is that you would be able 2 use your side special again if u get hit out of it.

Either one would fix him to the point of him being actually useable. Speaking of buffs to normals, I would also make the rapid jab do much more sheild damage, this would make it actually dangerous to sheild against mac, and again fit the boxer aesthetic of rushing down a blocking opponent. I feel like I’m forcing and trying too hard. We get hit once off stage, chances are good that we're dead, How bad would it be if they made him really heavy lol, Make him heavier than Bowser, but make him launch like Puff, give him the speed of Byleth and the damage output of Sheik, Little Mac is a badly designed character that entourages camping and just isn’t very exciting. He’s got his pros and cons. I intend to always main mac no matter if he gets buffed or even nerfed. Press J to jump to the feed. Grab: Little Mac's grab range has been improved a bit, and the grab hitbox lasts for 4 frames.

FJ was developed by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities.

The latest Tweets from Buff Little Mac (@JRN546). Having it confirm into a rapid jab that can do a ton of shield damage and having an on hit cancel into his smash attacks for a kill confirm (which already have super armor and pretty good frame data) would be way too busted, especially because in Ultimate you can jab directly out of a run.