EVs and Nature:

A male Cacturne has only three small-shaped rhombi while its female counterpart has a big rhombus just above the smaller one. That’s pretty solid. Cacturne is a Grass/Dark-type Pokémon which was first introduced in Generation III. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content of any linked website that is not operated by The Pokémon Company International. Here we have Cacturne’s standard set, and arguably its most dangerous. EVs and Nature: That’s where Sucker Punch comes in, as it allows you to troll faster Pokemon that may try to revenge kill Cacturne or force it out, and STAB Sucker Punch is pretty powerful priority to boot, especially at +2. Sand Veil serves as the most important ability of Cacturne and works very well against the weakness of others. Its whole body is coloured in green. EVs and Nature: If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group.

The Attack EVs and Adamant Nature maximize Cacturne’s attack stat so that it hits as hard as possible. It does, however, have to watch out for +2 Drain Punch due to its low defenses. Fletchinder doesn’t like switching into Dark Pulse but can be picked off by priority Brave Bird or Acrobatics. Cacturne ex 91 EX Emerald. Adamant Nature. Entei Pokémon | Evolution, Weakness, Moveset, Stats, And More! Find ... XY–BREAKthrough. -Nasty Plot is an option for a special offensive set, but sadly Cacturne is one of the slowest users of the move and prefers physical or mixed sets for Sucker Punch. However, faster Pokemon with status, most notably Will-o-Wisp, will still troll it. The shape of a Cacturne looks pretty much similar to a scarecrow. Mega Salamence has such problems and helps soften physical attacks before going Mega. In the settings where it is most used, Cacturne is very fortunate that it has two potent offensive stats, because its counters can be somewhat different depending on which set it runs. Life Orb Giga Drain can only 3HKO Hitmonchan, while Drain Punch cleanly 1HKO’s Cacturne while healing HP back. It has a surprisingly high base 115 Attack and Special Attack, but is given STAB Foul Play as if to disregard the high attack. Cacturne can be obtained by evolving Cacnea. Eviolite helps grant Cacnea the bulk it needs to survive a hit or two without crumbling. Cacturne strengths. Item Attached: Life Orb

Item Attached: Focus Sash -Encore is incompatible with Water Absorb, so it can’t effectively use Encore without sacrificing its best ability.

Thanks to Intimidate, physically defensive Granbull makes a solid answer to Swords Dance Cacturne, as +1 Seed Bomb (after Intimidate) is still only a 2HKO. Disable is a move that shouldn't be ignored on any Pokemon, but Cacturne is just so awkwardly top heavy stats wise, it's difficult to find a move going off besides Sucker Punch and that has a tendency to fail too after a mis predict. Base 115 attack is pretty good on its own, but when you throw Swords Dance into the mix, you’ll find Cacturne able to put some dents in things. -Drain Punch One of two things will happen when you're choosing your four Pokemon but staring down Cacturne. Ability: Water Absorb On the other hand, Water Absorb functions as its hidden ability. Mega Audino stands tall in Cacturne’s way, only being 3HKO’ed at best by Life Orb Giga Drain, yet being able to 1HKO with Dazzling Gleam and being able to keep itself healthy with Wish + Protect. EVs and Nature: Plus, it replenishes its HP by a small portion whenever it gets stricken by any Water-type move. Many things with U-Turn, such as Landorus-T, Scizor, etc. Negatives The nature and EVs maximize Cacturne’s special attack, given it will be using them most often. Beware the Rival! The Formation of the Villanious Alliance.

Energy Ball Hitmontop fears only Giga Drain, which can 2HKO with Life Orb, but absolutely wrecks the Swords Dance sets thanks to Intimidate. Good luck surviving those U-Turns! Public chat room for Pokemon Go trainers all around the world! Heracross shuts down both sets thanks to its useful resistances and high powered STAB attacks. Mega Aggron’s supreme physical bulk shuts down physical sets and 1HKOs them with Heavy Slam, but Life Orb Dark Pulse can 2HKO it. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving. Seed Bomb complements Sucker Punch as a potent STAB attack, while Drain Punch offers the best coverage that Cacnea can get. Post a comment .

It has sand in its veins instead of blood. Cacturne’s a pretty odd Pokemon. Cacturne is kind of strange Pokemon but yes maybe you had a different thought about it. From there, Cacturne necessitates some sort of offensive value so it’s not a sitting duck, especially if it gets Taunted. The … Mandibuzz can tank anything Cacturne throws at it, regardless of the set, and wear Cacturne down. Now for a more conventional approach to Cacturne, and one that focuses on pure physical offense. Cacturne δ 15 EX Crystal Guardians. Giga Drain is a reliable grass type STAB with decent power, perfect accuracy, and no drawbacks… plus, the healing can help Cacturne stay healthy, even in the face of Life Orb’s recoil. Foul Play Please note that these websites' privacy policies and security practices may differ from The Pokémon Company International's standards. Joltik Pokémon | Evolution, Weakness, Moveset, Stats, And More! Cacturne has a lot going for it, in dodging Rage Powders and Spores, and having STAB Foul Plays, but Cacturne is in desperate need of some reworking in it's stats or abilities to be competitively sound. Item Attached: Eviolite -Drain Punch

Water Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of it’s maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves.

Many fast, frail Pokemon like Pyroar and Primeape also hate +2 Sucker Punch but have no problem 1HKOing Cacturne outright. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Weezing makes an excellent answer to physical Cacturne, as it shrugs off all but a +2 Sucker Punch, which only 2HKO’s. - Water Absorb is such a great ability. In addition, it synergizes quite well with Sucker Punch, given your opponent is almost guaranteed to attack Cacturne to break that Substitute, easing the prediction involved.

Spiky Shield Its mouth consists of seven black circular holes. Item Attached: Life Orb 252 Speed EVs are granted to allow Cacturne to speed creep some of the slower threats that it might get outsped by without investment, while the remaining 4 EVs are put into attack to slightly bolster the power Cacturne’s Sucker Punch. Pinsir doesn’t want to eat a +2 Sucker Punch but it can 1HKO with X-Scissor. Its legs are much broader than its hands. During the daytime, Cacturne remains unmoving so that it does not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun.

Cacturne 10 Black & White—Plasma Freeze. Escavalier’s Assault Vest set doesn’t mind anything from the mixed set, and can take everything but a +2 Sucker Punch from the SD set, while 1HKOing with Megahorn. It can also be obtained by trading or from the Pokémon Roulette. Rock, Normal and Cacturne's own Dark type brethren also find their weakness in Fighting. Luckily Cacturne gets Energy Ball for a STAB which will hit a number of odds and ends for Super Effective Damage... assuming Cacturne can fire the attack off.

As a result, it didn’t make to the early Pokémon games like Red and Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver, and Crystal. Wormadam Pokémon | Evolution, Weakness, Moveset, Stats, And More! Although each set has different hard counters, there are a number of Pokemon who check all sets. Magmortar has to be wary of +2 Sucker Punch, but it can easily 1HKO with Fire Blast.

However, it runs the same Swords Dance set as its evolution, and one that certainly packs a punch. Cacturne 2 EX Sandstorm.