It is known for English-dubbing Japanese anime, specializing in the acquisition, production and licensing of children's entertainment around the United States. Sciencing does a great job of explaining carbon footprint in kid-friendly terms: “A footprint is a mark you leave by walking. #Urban Thinkers Campus: Collaborative Urbanism, a New Paradigm? does a great job of explaining carbon footprint in kid-friendly terms: There is plenty of information available about how the way you use energy results in a bigger or smaller carbon footprint. The Youth Calculator includes basic questions for kids that measure their carbon footprint using local emission factors. carbon footprint calculator for kids Is it more environmentally friendly to ride the bus or drive a hybrid car? Walk and bike whenever you can instead of using the car or bus. Use this interactive calculator to find out—and take action. It's up to all of us to fix it. Once kids understand what carbon footprint is and have calculated their family’s carbon footprint, it is time to take action to reduce it. developed by RADsite. For more tips on reducing your carbon footprint, check out these articles: a great carbon footprint activity for kids, Climate-Friendly Schools: What Your School Can Do, Think Global, Act Local – 22 Easy Actions And Apps For Families To Help Reduce Their Carbon Footprint, How You Can Encourage Your Kids To Embrace The Climate Change Movement, Top 10 Sustainable Lifestyle And Green Living Tips For Families, Things to Do While the Kids are Doing School at Home, How to Prepare Your Family for a Possible Quarantine, It’s Flu Season. We are a group of people who are passionate about saving parents time and making the world a better place for our children through reducing traffic on the roads and emissions in the air. You also add to your carbon footprint when you run the air conditioner to stay cool in the summer time 13. Nairobi, Kenya Just click the ‘Offset’ button after you have finished your calculation. When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family's car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Your house probably uses fossils fuels like oil, natural gas or electricity to keep you warm. The carbon calculators are provided free to use So, if your school needs to do a better job of reducing its carbon footprint, start an eco-group, look for ways to reduce waste, and encourage other kids to change their transportation methods. What is your carbon footprint? When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family's car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Every time you use energy that comes from fossil fuels, you create CO2 and make your carbon footprint bigger 3. Not only can it show that you are doing your part to help the planet, but you can find out if you need to make some adjustments. Our mobile and web apps are no longer supported. Since we are passionate about protecting our environment here at GoKid, we have a collection of articles to help families go green. Carbon footprint calculations are typically based on annual emissions from the previous 12 months. You can't see your carbon footprint, but you can explain to your child how it impacts the earth and leaves a mark just like the ones in the sand and the mud 13. This is where the carbon footprint calculator for kids WWF produces is helpful. Is it more environmentally friendly to ride the bus or drive a hybrid car? For more tips, check out, Ultimately, kids have to go where their parents go, but there are still things you can do to encourage your family to reduce your travel footprint. Easy to use online carbon calculator - lets you save your results and download a report . : The Carbon Footprint of Everything. You can support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world. You leave footprints when you walk in the sand, the mud and when you've got wet feet. Be sure to turn off your computer, television and lights when you're not using them. Here at GoKid, we are passionate about caring for the earth. The Youth Calculator was developed to engage young people in determining how they impact the world and hopefully, take action to change this impact. And almost all of these gases are carbon compounds. In a public washroom, should you dry your hands with paper towel or use the air dryer? And, if you do have to fly, encourage your parents to choose an airline that offers a program that will, Since we are passionate about protecting our environment here at GoKid, we have a collection of articles to. It's what's leftover after you use fossil fuels. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, How Bad Are Bananas? And how bad is it really to eat bananas shipped from South America? Coal is another type of fossil fuel. You create carbon dioxide every day. But, you can choose to pack light and to avoid food and water waste. The best way to make your carbon footprint smaller is to use less electricity and less fossil fuels 13. Free, online calculator - average carbon footprint per year is 6.5 tonnes per person (UK); 11 tonnes per person for other industrialised countries. But, reducing your carbon footprint goes beyond carpooling. Everyone's carbon footprint is different depending on their location, habits, and personal choices. WUF 9 - Les Ateliers & CODATU - Particulier Development Urbain, Infrastructure et Mobilites, #Urban Thinkers Campus: The Transition to Liveable Cities: The Post-Car City. The planet is in crisis - from climate change to the pollution in our oceans and devastation of our forests. Free, online calculator - average carbon footprint per year is 6.5 tonnes per person (UK); 11 tonnes per person for other industrialised countries. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is the part of the government that makes sure our environment is cared for, the electricity you use in your home creates the biggest part of your carbon footprint 123. We also like this packet created by EnergyStar that includes a carbon footprint calculator for kids printable that involves kids coloring an actual foot based on their energy choices. The government estimates that every pound of trash you put in the garbage makes one pound greenhouses gases. Ann Deiterich has been a writer since 1984 in business-to-business communications, specializing in TQM, business/financial topics, office management and production efficiency.