Kids, I need to tell you something that you might find shocking. In the episode "Weight Gain 4000", one of the main plots of the story revolves around Cartman getting "in shape" for the presentation with Kathie Lee Gifford. The Persians who did not go shopping now knew they must face their boss. Cartman has a disturbing habit of appearing in other people's homes in the middle of the night. In the episode "Go God Go", where Cartman freezes himself so that he won't have to wait three weeks for the Wii console to be released, which shows irony in the end; Butters forgets where Cartman's block of ice is buried and Eric is thawed out almost 600 years in the future, the people there zap him back to his own time where it turns out that he got sent back three months before the Wii's release. Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. No.

Yeah. He has medium-brown hair, which is always dyed black when he is dressed up as Hitler , and a double-chin. The Persians had agreed to keep it a lesbian bar, for no dyke should be without cocktails. However, it is possible he is using it as a generic insult, such as calling someone a "dick". Hand so to find the sum of the two fractions, zhyou must always first check for the lowest common denominator. ¿Que paso? In "Le Petit Tourette", he is not above thanking Kyle for stopping him from possible public humiliation. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character, calling him a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath". He then dresses up as Hitler and manipulates people, who think that they are simply raising awareness for the movie and Christianity, to join him in an anti-Jew march while chanting in mispronounced German: "Es ist Zeit für Rache" (It is time for revenge) and "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten" (We must exterminate the Jews). Cartman would later claim it was just a prank on Kyle and the others. Cartman apparently sees scenes of sickening and/or disturbing imagery every time he closes his eyes, but thinks nothing of it. The family is seen again in the episode "Cartmanland", at his grandmother's funeral. Many of Cartman's mannerisms were revealed to be inherited in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Ohh! In "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", his attempt to find older friends winds up with him almost being molested by members of the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Additionally, in "The Jeffersons", he alludes to despising Austrians, apparently failing to note the irony of the fact that he admires Hitler, who was Austrian. It should be noted that before Cartman found out that Liane was his father, he had been told that Chef was his father. The other boys, however, do show interest in them, except Stan, who was too depressed at the time because Wendy Testaburger broke up with him.

If you do not have an essay written on Monday, then you will fail! Also in the episode "Cartoon Wars Part II", he and Kyle has a slapfight, which he won (though this was more through deceit than skill), and in the episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson", he was dominant in a physical fight against a midget (who supposedly had a black belt in karate). Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested three times, for his hate crime, and kidnapping Butters and hippies. He then stated that she had been "young and needed the money", which unfortunately did not work, as Stan and Kyle pointed out that the pictures had been taken just a month ago. Their first meeting was in "Scott Tenorman Must Die", in which Scott sold Cartman his pubic hair, convincing Cartman it would signify maturity for him. In "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow", he threatens Kyle with a gun for his "Jew gold". Cartman would often argue with the hand at length, and the hand would apparently work independently of Cartman, such as masturbating Ben Affleck. It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who hasn't gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. It could also mean he has a sexual fear of Uncle Jesse from the TV show Full House. Cartman also is seen as a not very good swimmer, in "Summer Sucks". The hours pass quickly, and the lesbians boldly stood out in front of their bar to stop the Persians from entering. It has been implied (at least in earlier episodes) that Liane may be responsible for much of Cartman's racism, anti-semitism and homophobia, as he often was to quote disparaging things that he had supposedly heard her say. my ese back home,my ese in denver, and my ese in glenwoodeven wrote me back ! Did you uncover anything? Havin' Mexicans around totally kicks fuckin' ass. Oh yeah, scissor! Well that's great, Janet, but what now? One of which is to place a warm glass of water under Butter's hand and then urinate on him. However according to actions taken in "The Succubus", after getting an eye transplant from a dead Kenny, he should have Kenny's blue eyes, not brown ones. In the episode "Jakovasaurs", Cartman makes up a song called "I Hate You Guys" where he sings: In the episode "Lice Capades" he attempts make Kenny a scapegoat for the class's lice problem, and upon "proving" Kenny's guilt with an elaborate, phony experiment, Cartman then organizes a cruel "sock bath" for Kenny. Cartman's fight with Dr. Nelson teaches Stan that he gets that he doesn't get it when it comes to Race issues.

There's people you can hire to do these kinds of things. In the episode "Imaginationland", Cartman wins a bet with Kyle which requires Kyle to suck his balls, and goes to various extreme measures throughout the "Imaginationland" trilogy to make Kyle do so, including going to the Supreme Court and breaking into the Pentagon (twice). Also, in "Cartman Sucks", Cartman takes up his hobby of inviting Butters over, just to take embarrassing photos of him. When Wendy kissed him at the presentation to get her emotions out of her system, he was pleased (albeit surprised) and facially bragged to Stan about it. However, Jimmy seems to be one of the few people that Cartman respects and is willing to do good deeds for.
I wrote to him like you said, but I don't think he got the letter yet. He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. You guys. We are being discriminated against as lesbians! In the episode, frustrated with men, Mrs. Garrison makes the boys write an essay on The Old Man and the Sea. Dude, we can't read an entire book in one weekend. Cartman's shining accomplishment (according to Comedy Central's list of "Cartman's 25 Greatest Moments") came in the episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", a testimony to Cartman's hidden ingenuity and cunning, as well as the full extent of his cruelty and mental imbalance. In the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever", Cartman treats Wendy's plea for breast cancer awareness as a joke, and subsequently she beats his ass, leaving him in his own pool of blood. He later seemed dejected when Wendy told him her feelings for him were gone. I hired Mexicans to spy on you! All Rights Reserved. His Christian rock group "Faith + 1" sold 1,000,000 copies of its album in the episode "Christian Rock Hard".

Even though this was because Cartman believed he wrote Jimmy's joke and was in a way trying to take credit, the fact that he was willing to sacrifice himself to Kanye West to save Jimmy, this is still very noteworthy as one of the few times Cartman did a good deed without being promised anything in return. Hey, that's a great idea, Betsy. Cartman and Stan's friendship is clearly existent but it is very tense. I mean... really I don't even understand how two women. And so, he no make money. Saw he catch the feesh, but the feesh is very strong, so the old man, cannot reel in the feesh. He often uses this skill in order to persuade others by using the song to manipulate their thoughts and emotions. The rest of his crew uses the same mace. The school hired a substitute to cover for me.

Cartman was also shown smiling in the background at the argument, as if all was according to his plan. He acted as Cartman's right hand man and 2nd in command, Cartman usually going to him when he needed something done. Even at the end of the episode, by which time Cartman usually reveals his ulterior motive(s), Cartman still focuses on the fact that Billy Mays is at peace. In a mean-spirited feeling, Cartman begins singing an Elvis version of "In The Ghetto" When in Kenny's neighborhood, namely, the ghetto. He is the only one of the children in South Park to speak Spanish fluently, as shown when kids go to him when they can't understand people, although he is sometimes prone to grammatical errors, such as the previously mentioned example. Liane doesn't seem mind doing extremely unsanitary actions if it helps her son, as seen in "Make Love, Not Warcraft", when she takes a toilet down to the basement where the boys are playing Warcraft and lets Cartman crap into the toilet that she is holding, after which she says "That's a big boy". After feeding Cartman tainted chili, Scott escapes capture by means of a jet-pack, not doubt with the intent of getting further revenge against his half-brother and his friends. Cartman, with the help of Butters, then snuck into Kyle's room and intentionally gave Kyle AIDS. Kyle: You said you all wrote essays. When Kyle is about to give up Jesus, Hercules, Superman, Luke Skywalker, Captain Crunch etc... give him a pep talk. You don't understand. Although Cartman doesn't generally like anyone in particular, he was very fond of Chef, as seen in "The Return of Chef" where Cartman was crying in front of Butters and even admitted that he was going to miss Chef, but didn't know how to tell him. He never actually struck anyone with these weapons, although it is pretty obvious he could have. Oh, that's too bad, dude. Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality. But, Cartman takes advantage of this and finds Butters extremely easy to manipulate and convert to his point of view, or get him to do what he wants. Well, my ese lives in Miami. You're just fat.". Jimmy also sometimes go to Cartman for advice, such as when Cartman helped Jimmy with his love life in "Erection Day". Tell me about it! Cartman does not understand him until he takes his pants off, at which point, he runs out yelling in monotone fashion "Lame!" But when Cartman discovers that the Christian companies do not give out platinum albums (Christ did not believe in such things, the albums stem from the gifts of the three wise men—they give out Gold, Frankincense and Myrhh), thus meaning he cannot win the bet, he angrily destroys the album, showing that he did not care how he just made millions of dollars, he just wanted to beat Kyle.

Cartman and Kyle have both since recovered from the disease. When they spotted a real Peruvian band "stealing their spotlight", after the other boys first confronted them in English and the band members continued to play as if they didn't hear them (since they didn't speak English), Cartman began yelling at them in Spanish, generally telling them to stop playing in their area.