True History Edit. After apologizing for never telling anything about it, Leo noticed that the souls of Chris and Bianca were intertwined as Chris had met her past life at Camelot, and advised his son to be careful, as Bianca was a perfect stranger and not to deal with her alone. In 1999, Piper and her sisters traveled to 2010 in order to save Phoebe, it was during this time that Piper discovered that in the future she would have a little girl Melinda with Leo. Frustrated that they had not gone with Paige, Piper and Phoebe massacred the demons in the market and saved Paige. Soon they were assaulted by the darklighter Jaden, injuring Wyatt before they escaped. When he told his mother, she forbade him to hunt down the warlock alone, so he decided to ask Wyatt for help, but since he was busy with school, his mother told him to try one of his aunts, and since Ryan, Melinda's boyfriend, was about to be officially introduced to the family, the issue, and magic overall, would not be talked about that evening. Chris greatly favors his Aunt Prue in appearance, right down to the green eyes while the other members of the family have brown or blue eyes. They gave the sisters a chance to fix it, however, they failed, Wyatt was taken, and their memories of him were also erased. He also helps Melinda get around and usually is the one to settle her down after a fight with Parker. Due to this, he can manipulate them to keep his secrets. In the alternate timeline where Wyatt had turned evil, Chris led the resistance against him in the hope of trying to prevent him from becoming evil in the first place. Unknown to Piper, Phoebe, and Paige, the Crone herself sought to kidnap the child in an effort to see his future. This convinced the cousins to adopt Chris's plan. The sisters then learned that Chris was actually Piper and Leo's second son, making him Wyatt's brother. Chris explained that he never wanted to be a Whitelighter, though Sandra asked him to help the charge regardless. TV Show Premiered in 1998 #2. Chris rarely uses his magic out of demon hunting because of his understanding of personal gain, he does use it occasionally to clean up big messes, especially if they were caused by demonic means. Chris went to the Underworld to search for information about the warlock but failed. Sarah saw Chris fight the ghost and he had to explain what was happening. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36. To Wyatt's frustration, in the following days, Chris ignored him and devoted himself completely to finding a way to defeat the Source. He hates people going into danger without him knowing about it because he likes to be in control and knowing what if happening with demons, magic and within the family itself. When Darius' manipulation was revealed, the brothers realized that the issues didn't come out of nowhere, but made up nevertheless. He retains information quickly and has a nearly eidetic memory. He often worked together with his brother to fight evil, though he was always a bit jealous of his brother for being more powerful, popular and well-liked. The Charmed Ones first met a future version of Chris before his birth, when he traveled to the past to become their Whitelighter and prevent Wyatt from turning evil. Julian McMahon, 52 Cole Turner. However there relationship, like most went through its ups and downs such as when Wyatt discovered that Ella was the daughter of Cole Turner and half-demon. Chris reached for Holly in an attempt to help her move on into the afterlife, though Holly refused as she wanted to return to life. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Chris wanted to spend some time in a normal way, but began to have strange dreams about Lancelot, and when he discovered that Wyatt had similar dreams about King Arthur, the two understood that they were their past lives, and cast a spell to relive them. Against her will, she had promised him the powers of her daughters and had granted him immunity from those powers by b… It was told by an Angel of Destiny that if the need was great enough then he, his brother and his sister may one day be able to access The Power of Three, the collective power of th… Chris is the second child born to a Charmed One. He is also extremely overprotective of his family, especially his little brother Chris, and hates it when they go demon hunting - for he fears they will be hurt or killed just like their parents. Despite the near two year difference between the Halliwell brothers the two have always been close something that was shown to their mother; Piper when they came back to the past together and something that rung true when it was found that Chris had come back to the past in order to save Wyatt, which has caused a lot of worry and love between the brothers, especially since the other Chris had died in front of Wyatt. Chris felt guilty about this, as Guinevere had given Arthur the potion that had bound him to Morrigan, in order to be with Lancelot, but Wyatt convinced him not to be affected by the past. Chris doesn't always use his sensing ability, only when he needs to find out where Wyatt or one of the other family members are but doesn't need to orb to one of them. However, he was forced to allow himself to be captured so his sister and cousin could go instead of him. He is the younger brother of Wyatt Halliwell and the older brother of Melinda Halliwell and the second nephew of Prue Trudeau, Phoebe Halliwell and Paige Matthews. With the knowledge of the ancient prophecy of the Twice-Blessed Child, the entire magical community believed that this special child was Piper's, and during the labor the sisters and Victor were all nearly killed by demons Cronyn and Doris, whom wanted to take Wyatt, then believed to be Melinda, however were vanquished and then Phoebe and Paige carefully delivered the baby, and were surprised to find he was a boy. Despite having the ability to mimic powers, Wyatt can't mimic the unique Halliwell powers, nor can he copy the Mother and Aunts' abilities that are not his own. Fortunately, after Wyatt explained his reasons, Chris calmed down and advised him to talk to Melinda. —Chris to a young Wyatt.. Christopher "Chris" Perry Halliwell is a Whitelighter-Witch and the second child of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. He is tall, but is normally shorter to his male friends and demons, a fact that irritates him greatly. Wyatt can't cook, and it is said he can even burn toast by putting it on a toaster. After dancing for a while, the cousins were attacked by mortals, possessed by the essence of the Source. The Elders decided to give the cousins the spell and Noah brought the news to Chris, telling him not to let his emotions cloud his judgment. He, his brother, and his cousins then agreed that they had to find a balance between helping each other when needed and not interfering with each other's lives. Blessing, The Magic Continues... Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Although not as close with Wyatt as Chris is, Melinda still has a close and unique relationship with Wyatt. While he was working in the hospital, Chris heard a jingle, and he was not happy about it, which meant that a charge needed him and he did not want charges because he preferred to be a Witch compared to being a Whitelighter. She then kissed him and, despite his better judgement, Chris went along with it and slept with her. Piper and Phoebe returned to the market were they were confronted by the Crone. As it turns out, a prophecy made long ago is about to come true: the birth of the Twice-Blessed Child. . After a conversation with Wyatt, Chris decided to become a nurse. After the death of the Halliwell sisters, their Dad and their Uncle Coop, the two became even closer, and took a charging role with Chris as Wyatt's second. He also uses it if he is thinking that one of his family is in over their head and that he needed to keep an eye on them. They agreed that if Chris still refused his destiny after helping his charge, the Elders would respect his choice. Chris can transport a number of people, but only three or four at max. Charmed Generation Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Wyatt was originally believed to be the next King Arthur, however it is later discovered to be his little cousin. Jaden attacked them again, but Chris encouraged Jessie to use her powers to vanquish her. Piper Halliwell. Charmed Chosen-Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Chris went to the attic to check out the Book of Shadows, where he was joined by Bianca, who demanded information without offering anything in return, so the two had a little fight, and Chris's battle skill persuaded Bianca to establish a truce. Around a year after Chris's birth, Prue gave birth to two twins, whom they named Patric and Paul. They always have each other's back and Wyatt often gets into fights at school for protecting Chris. Julian agreed to reverse the spell to free the mortals, but insisted that nothing had changed between him and the Halliwells. He is the second child born to Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. Eventually Chris admitted to his family that the idea of recalling the Nexus was of the Seer, and Wyatt convinced everyone to proceed since the spell needed was the work of the Elders. After the death of her sister; Prue, Piper and Leo began trying to have a baby with Paige helping them to see if it was a good idea with a fake baby however it never seemed to happen and later Piper found that it may be impossible if not difficult for her to be able to conceive a child due to her being a witch.