CTWeekly delivers the best content from ChristianityToday.com to your inbox each week. The Sassanids feared the Christians as a subversive and possibly disloyal minority. Now, it’s the war in Yemen, the war in Syria. All rights reserved Website by Vision Tank Charity no: 280577 Scottish Charity no: SC040456, Release International, PO Box 54, Orpington, BR5 4RT +44 (0)1689 823491, info@releaseinternational.org Privacy and Cookies Policy, International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. A subscription grants you instant access to members-only opinion pieces, exclusive podcasts, and more! However, rapid growth also presents a risk to the church because of a lack of biblical teaching and discipleship. We’re available 24/7.

‘There is a campaign to stop In the battle which followed Nushizad was mortally wounded and carried off the field. It has always been a minority religion relative to the majority state religions (Zoroastrianism before the Islamic conquest, Sunni Islam in the Middle Ages and Shia Islam in modern times), though it had a much larger representation in the past than it does today.

Need prayer? Those wars would be over if Iran weren’t present, feeding them. My concern is that God is going to open Iran, and we are not ready for the opportunity. However, both massacres drastically negatively affected Iran's Christian population as well, as Ottoman troops crossed the Iranian border in the later stages of World War I and massacred many tens of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians within Iran's borders as well, especially in West Azerbaijan Province, but also in adjacent provinces. The church had been there for hundreds of years. regard Persia as - briefly - officially Christian. Box 414 The Aramaic-speaking community that remains independent is the Assyrian Church of the East. STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE FREE CBN NEWS APP Click Here Get the App with Special Alerts on Breaking News and Top Stories, What is prayer? Christians are applying for asylum to the West, most have been refused. NOW AVAILABLE Paperback & Kindle. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! Required fields are marked *.

In other words, might this be the beginning of the “tsunami of opportunity and disaster” you predicted? Christians disengaged from mainstream society and withdrew into ethnic ghettos (mostly Assyrian- Aramaic- and Armenian-speaking). The actions of his son deeply distressed Khosrau; he had to take prompt measures, and sent the commander, Ram Berzin, against the rebels. A national clampdown on Christianity has driven many Iranian church leaders overseas. Christians have been suffering for the last four decades in Iran. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Every time we mingle with politics and governance, we become corrupt. Christians of Iran have played a significant part in the history of Christian mission.

“The majority of the movement is happening underground and it’s growing very, very fast,” Ansari said. Country Information and Guidance "Christians and Christian Converts, Iran" 19 March 2015. p. 9, Iran must ensure rights of Christian minority and fair trial for the accused– UN experts, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Persian translations and versions of the Bible, German Speaking Evangelical Congregation in Iran, List of religious centers in Tehran#Churches, "In Iran, 'crackdown' on Christians worsens", "History of Christians and Christianity in Iran", http://www.operationworld.org/country/iran/owtext.html, http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/rite/dch2.html, "Iran – International Religious Freedom Report 2009", Assyrians’ central office officially transferred to Iran, 6. But for a country that is closed and persecutes Christianity, that number is a huge indication of the gospel growth.” READ MORE. Because that tsunami will come, and if the seeds have not gone deep in the hearts of the believers, it will wash away. “Iranians feel Islam is bankrupt, they have turned their backs to their faith, to their institutional faith, they’re looking for answers elsewhere,” Ansari said. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. About 80 percent of Assyrian clergy and spiritual leaders perished, threatening the nation's ability to survive as a unit. But we need to give them time to mature. P.O. Many members of the larger, older churches belong to minority ethnic groups – the Armenians – and Assyrians having their own distinctive culture and language.

"Some [of the converts] said they were looking for a religion that gives them peace," said Alavi at the gathering.

But their character needs transformation and reformation. "Over the last 40 years, the country has gone through a gigantic socio-cultural transition," he said.

Mike Ansari of Mohabat TV, a ministry that broadcasts the Gospel into Iran, told CBN News the survey is significant because it lends credence to what mission groups have been saying for years. Until now, the accepted number had been less than one percent of the population, but anecdotal reports suggested waves of people were turning to Christ in recent years. [citation needed].

In case of a war, thousands of Christian families will become internally displaced as well as thousands will flee the country. Population by religion and ostan, 1375 census, 2. [43][44] Most informants often referred to "only a few thousand" in estimating the overall numbers of non-ethnic Christians in Iran. We support monthly.

From the mid-13th century, Mongol rule was a relief to Persian Christians until the Ilkhanate adopted Islam at the turn of the 14th century. CBN News. Yeghnazar and his wife, Maggie, married in Tehran shortly before the Islamic revolution in 1979. 15. For example, in 1606 during the Ottoman–Safavid War (1603–18), king Abbas I resettled some 300,000 Armenians deeper within modern-day Iran, as well as establishing their own quarter in the then-capital Isfahan, which is still largely populated by Christian Armenians some four centuries later: the New Julfa district. Where are they going? We will have lost the opportunity that was before us. ], thus creating the largest-ever evangelism opportunity. Last Updated Sep 10th, 2020 at 1:34 pm A new survey by a Netherlands-based research group has supported the claims of rapid church growth inside Iran in recent years. Three women have come forward with additional allegations against the late Christian apologist. ‘Some Applied across Iran’s population of more than 80 million, the number of Christians in Iran is “without a doubt in the order of magnitude of several hundreds of thousands and growing beyond a million,” the research group GAMAAN said after the study.

leaders overseas. Part of the problem is the model that the donors want to fund. We need some arrogant businessmen in the church, some blingy leaders. Long before Raphael Warnock’s Senate run, the biblical call for freedom for the oppressed stirred Atlanta Christians to social action. However, most of those Assyrians in Iran do not have Iranian citizenship, and therefore aren't included in the data. They cannot live in peace.

17. Based in the Netherlands, the non-profit Group for Analyzing

[9][10] Political pressure within Persia and cultural differences with western Christianity were mostly to blame for the Nestorian schism, in the course of which the Roman Empire church hierarchy labelled the Church of the East heretical.