Colonial education was not fully standardized across the board. The conference was held between September 8 and 17, 1969. Hence, there was no much change in the curriculum – the government basically inherited the 3R’s curriculum of the mission schools. (2018). The civilian regime – second republic, according to the revised policy, adopted education “as instrument par excellence for effecting national development”. 45, 1921); Colonial duty and political necessity impose a double task on our education work: on the one hand it is a matter of training an indigenous staff destined to become our assistants … The aims and objectives of the colonial education in Nigeria is to produce: These education needs informed the curriculum especially at the earliest period of the colonial government’s interest in education. Katherine Jensen indicates that “the organization, curriculum, and language medium of these schools has aimed consistently at Americanizing the American Indian” (155). The document also defined the Nigerian educational structure. NERDC Basic Technology for Junior Secondary Schools 2.
This mental control is implemented through a central intellectual location, the school system, or what Louis Althusser would call an “ideological state apparatus.” Kelly and Altbach argue that “colonial schools…sought to extend foreign domination and economic exploitation of the colony” (2) because colonial education is “directed at absorption into the metropole and not separate and dependent development of the colonized in their own society and culture” (4). In the first post, I discussed the National Curriculum Conference and the National Policy on Education. (2015). The treatment of the Native Americans falls into the category of “internal colonization,” which can be described as the control of an independent group by another independent group of the same nation-state (Kelly and Altbach 3).

Although the context of the situation is different, the intent of the “colonizers” is identical. Retrieved from, Stephens, M. (2019, April 23). Nonetheless, the religious, political and cultural setting of the then north was different from the south. From preceding discussions – on Indigenous and Missionary curriculum; it is clear that western education became widespread in Nigeria at about 1842.

Educational opportunities were quite slim in the rural South. Enhancing Student Achievement.

I will in the next section discuss the subsequent curriculum. Soludo, C. C. (2006). Regardless of the woes associated with colonial rule, the major benefit of such dynasties has been the creation of small and even large educational centers that have taught the masses for centuries. (2013, August 29).

Consequently, while the British employed direct rule in the south; they applied indirect – diplomatic – rule in the north. It was until the second military era in 1983 that the 6-3-3-4 curriculum was nationally implemented. Each region thereafter made its laws. Yaba, Lagos: NERDC. More so, recruiting junior technical workers from Britain – who will obviously come from the lower socio-economic class would have negative effect on their assumed superior image. It embraced the secondary, technical, commercial, veterinary and higher education needs of Nigeria., Introduction to Postcolonial / Queer Studies, Blog Post 1: Night and Day – Women Writing Modernity, Jensen, Katherine. In fact, there is a dense influence of British education throughout the world. Also during the era of the 1887 curriculum, 13 secondary schools were established – starting with CMS Grammar School in 1859. National Development Planning in Nigeria: An Endless. Nigerian Education Historians call this document the Memorandum 1925 Memorandum in education. Your browser does not support JavaScript,Please enable Javascript,otherwise many A:The Colonial education system may not be functioning like it used to, however, the effects of this form of education are still there. London: Evans Brothers Limited. Ikeja, Lagos: Learn Africa Plc. These are the areas with pronounced activities of the foreigners – missionaries and merchants. The colonial government amalgamated the Southern and Northern protectorate in January 1914. The colonial curricular are not exemptions. And even the 1926 education act only regularized the curriculum rather than change altogether. While the missionaries settled for their works of evangelism, the merchants focused on their businesses. The scarcity of proper education facilitated home schooling. CAN NIGERIA BE THE CHINA OF AFRICA? Retrieved from Vanguard:, The Glossary of Education Reform. Growing up in the colonial education system, many colonized children enter a condition of hybridity, in which their identities are created out of multiple cultural forms, practices, beliefs and power dynamics. There was however a turn of event between 1851 and 1861. I really agree with the comment that Colonizing governments realize that they gain strength through mental control.

Colonial Education refers to the education imparted to students during the colonial period.

The Ashby commission’s report was comprehensive.

It will also help you to authenticate any curriculum that people may try to sell to you – so that you don’t fall prey to fake “official” materials. Consequently, the schools – at different times – introduced primary Science around 1859.

In order to eliminate the harmful, lasting effects of colonial education, postcolonial nations must connect their own experiences of colonialism with other nations’ histories.

The materials I consulted in writing the entire article are listed below: Project Writers Ng.

9-Year Basic Education Curriculum (Basic Technology) for JSS 1 – 3. Retrieved from

This allows greater scope when there is consideration for new ideas to be introduced in the system. When aims however changed with time – when native blacks and nationalists started filtering into the administration of the colony. Cadernos de História da Educação. TOPICAL ISSUES IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION (A Study Guide for PhD in Educational Administration). This unit discuss the type of curriculum that Nigerians used to train themselves before the arrival of foreigners. Click here to continue to unit three of the part 2.

The content of instruction remained largely the same as the 1887 curriculum – because the 1916 ordinance was majorly administrative in nature. This post with keywords – Nigerian National Colonial Curriculum – discusses all the curricula that foreign managed schools used to train Nigerians during colonial era. What a fantastic piece of work… such a short script, you managed to place all the Post-Colonization syndrome which is now a Dominant problem globally….most wars including inter religious conflicts start with Ignorance and With hidden Identity Crisis, becomes a lot worst…I have formulated several Edutainment Platforms to address these issues. Retrieved from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development:, Ewemade, I. The 1887 education ordinance focused rather more on educational administration issues than on curriculum. Accordingly, suitable curriculum was developed for the system of education. This also aligns with the 1980 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASCE). (1995). In a supporting study of 1990, census statistics indicate that American Indians have a significantly lower graduation rate at the high school, bachelor, and graduate level than the rest of Americans. Consequently, they were not going to accept CRS in their schools. As a natural occurrence, the grant-in-aid made the government an active contributor to the business of education. This post is the second of a 3-part article. This was sustained until 1882. Customarily, almost every government comes to power with her policy – an education was not exempted. The commissions include the Asquith Commission, the Elliot Commission and the Ashby Commission. process of colonization involves one nation or territory taking control of another nation or territory either through the use of force or by acquisition

Last edited: October 2017, Pingback: Blog Post 1: Night and Day – Women Writing Modernity. “Currying Favor: The Politics of British Educational and Cultural Policy in India, 1813-1854.”. Imam, H. (2012). The education was specific to communities, locations and the ethnic values of that particular area. However, there were many other developments in the education sector. Two major of such issues are: first, was hurried planning and financing. The unit also details the arrival of missionaries and the era of mission school with their curriculum.

Western Education and the Nigerian Cultural Background.

Another reason was that the colonial government is modelled after the British style – where education was decentralized and the private and religious organizations were allowed to establish and run schools on their own.

B. Colonizing governments realize that they gain strength not necessarily through physical control, but through mental control. Q:Is the Colonial education system obsolete? The content of the 1882 curriculum include: It is pertinent to note that after the British succeeded in making Lagos a colony, their interest to enlarge the colony to other parts of Nigeria increased. Author: John Southard, Fall 1997 This was the curriculum that the British colonial governments used to train Nigerians during colonization.

Training on the formation of character and habits of discipline. However, this was largely available to whites living in the northern parts and in the middle colonies of the country. However, one major change was that the 1882 curriculum made religious studies optional. It contained all the subjects as in the UBE edition – even more since each subject stood on their own unlike the UBE that compacted some subjects. Topics within statutory themes are chosen by schools and teachers. This includes the way in which the educational system is structured. Generally, Colonial Education is said to be a form of education that was brought along with colonial settlers during the time they occupied different lands across the globe. Develop the national and racial characteristics of the natives on such lines as will enable them to use their own moral and physical forces to the best advantage; Widen their mental horizon without destroying their respect for race and parentage; Supply men for employment in the government; Produce men who will be able to carry on the native administration in the spirit of the government; Impart sufficient knowledge of Western ideas to enable the native to meet the influx of teachers, and others from the coast with the advent of the railway, on equal terms; Avoid encouraging the idea, readily formed by Africans, that it is more honourable to sit in an office than to earn a living by manual labour, introducing at the earliest opportunity, technical instruction side by side with purely classical training.

Recall that western education in Nigeria started from the south – southern protectorate. Retrieved from And most of what I have discussed so far applies only to the present day western and eastern Nigeria.

After research and studies, Vischer produced a report which can be considered the best statement of the aims and objectives of the colonial education for the northern Nigeria. Soon after the creation of the Northern protectorate, the British had two immediate problems. The impact of this education can still be felt in many forms and parts of the world. Colonial Education wherever it has been has left its mark and influenced regions considerably.