Both material property and the biotic environment (both trees and animals) is affected by the fast moving wind. A hurricane starts life as a tropical storm. From outside the storm area, air moves in over the sea surface to replace the air soaring upwards in the thunderheads.
The main hurricane and tornado are that the hurricane is a large-scale circulation with horizontal dimensions from 60 to over 1000 miles in diameter whereas a tornado is a small-scale circulation with a horizontal dimension of 1 to 1.5 miles in diameter. These winds are accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning and exceed 74 mph. To compare and to contrast hurricanes and tornadoes the main areas of interest are the creation of both disasters, and the destructive power that is associated with both tornadoes and hurricanes. Internal Customers vs. The following information will be included on the test: 1. On the other hand, tornadoes form over land. 17 May 2007 While there are many differences between the two, the stark similarities are as dramatic. A hurricane can easily damage millions of dollars of property and even kill anyone in their paths. The lifespan of a hurricane (tropical cyclone) is in days conversely the lifespan of a tornado is only a few minutes or maximum an hour. Tornado is a violent storm characterized by whirling winds extending from the surface of the earth to the base of a thunderstorm. In contrast, a tsunami is composed of a series of waves, called a wave train, so its destructive force may be compounded as the waves reach shore. Because of the continuous condensation of air coupled with the continuous flow of warm air, a stream of warm air from the ground rises up into the cloud forming a condensation funnel which descends down to the ground.

As you can tell hurricanes can be very destructive at times.

In case of a tornado alert, do not run to inform your family members; instead make a phone call (Helmen et al, 2007). Anyone experiencing a tsunami should always remember that the danger may not have passed... ...Tornadoes and hurricanes are both natural disasters that claim many lives each year, although one starts in the water and one starts in the air. Please add to your ad blocking whitelist or disable your adblocking software. It is important to have an emergency safety plan for the family and the entire community. If the situation escalades towards the descriptions of a Hurricane, the NGC (National Hurricane... ...English 100 #3221 Hurricanes and tornadoes are some of the most violent natural occurring disasters known to mankind. In this case, tornadoes are classified according to the wind speed and the impact in terms of the amount of destruction caused, (Newder, 2002). The origin of the term Hurricane originates from a Mayan Storm god by the name of Hurakan. The size of a tornado varies from extremely narrow; about 2 m wide and may extend about 4 km on the ground. Hurricanes rotate counter clock wise. The biotic interdependence between the living organisms is greatly hampered and this causes a lot of instability within the environment, (Pastner, 1999). These categories have different wind speed and magnitude of destruction caused. Most hurricanes appear in late summer or early fall, when sea temperatures are at their highest. The dust fills the atmosphere and makes it unfavorable for survival of living organisms, (Pastner, 1999). The likelihood of occurrence of tornadoes can be detected using weather radars located in the weather stations. It is hard foreseeing that when a tornado will land. They form under different circumstances. Research indicates that “idealized hurricanes, simulated under warmer, high-CO2 conditions, are more intense and have higher precipitation rates than under present-day conditions” (Knutson & Tuleya, 2004, p. 3477). Conclusion. Definitions of a hurricane and tornado 2. Tornadoes are usually formed whenever the conditions are favorable. It is important to mention, that recently there is a lot of information about the fact that hurricanes affect sea surface temperature, but the exploration of the process in detail is only covered in a few studies (Fisher, 1957; Curry, 2008). Both are centered on gusting wind swirling around a center; however the diameters of the storms are quite different. They both can cause significant damage to everyone’s lives, but in different ways. When it evaporates, the weather is still warm due to the temper of the heat rays. Hurricane season starts in June and ends in November. Including tornado. When it refers to a tornado, it is almost always a regional nickname, not an official designation. The general public has to be sensitized enough about tornado safety. The intensities of tornadoes can be classified according to the wind speed, the time they are on the ground and the intensity of the destruction caused. That saying is when you have warm air coming from the west and the cold air coming from the east clashing. Many of these phenomena are natural disasters, and that is why they are so widely studied by the scientists around the world. Hurricanes and Tornadoes are extremely strong horizontal winds. They both create disasters and destruction in the world. Storm surges are very dangerous and that’s why you must stay away from the ocean when a hurricane happens or when there is a hurricane warning. Basing on this scale, tornadoes can be classified into seven categories. It could result in a formation of a funnel cloud which forms into a tornado. As everyone knows, they both cause tremendous damage to people property as well as leave a huge impact on the people lives. Tornadoes are formed by disturbance in the atmosphere that is caused by the presence of warm air from the heated ground and cooler air above it. Therefore, research in the field of hurricanes and the sea surface temperature is needed. It is never right at the equator. The maximum size that can be attained by a tornado depends on the degree of temperature disturbance prevailing in the atmosphere at the time of its development, (Pastner, 1999). It loses momentum after landfall because the required moisture is not available on the land. A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone with sustained winds. Hurricanes generally begin over water. Tornadoes often form after thunderstorm updraft. So the occurrence of a thunderstorm can be a good sign of occurrence of a tornado, (Helmen et al, 2007). Most countries have developed a network of tornado detecting stations to enable monitor their occurrence. The base of a tornado that touches the earth is surrounded by dust and debris. Supercells contain mesocyclones that are an area of organized rotation. While there are many differences between the two, the stark similarities are as dramatic. A hurricane is a local name for tropical cyclones in the Caribbean, Nnorth Atlantic and Eeastern Nnorthern Pacific. Netherlands has recorded the higher number of tornadoes per year, followed by UK. But, tsunamis and hurricanes are different in their respective ways. Have you ever heard tropical storms pushing winds up to 200 mph and causing destruction everywhere? In addition, Additionally, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) are to detect the presence of tornadoes in most populated areas of the earth, (Helmen et al, 2007). Conclusion In conclusion, hurricane winds have a significant impact on the wave action in the ocean and are a type of storm called tropical cyclone.

F3 is rated as severe tornado with a wind speed of 158-206 mph and causes more adverse destruction such as uprooting trees and destruction of non-permanent buildings. Conclusion. We do not implement these annoying types of ads! A hurricane is an organized collection of thunderstorms that pumps in the air near the earth’s surface and exhaust it out to the top. Fortunately, nowadays, weather radars are used to detect thunderstorms likely producing tornadoes. F1 is rated as a moderate tornado with a wind speed of 73-112 mph which is the beginning of hurricane wind speed: characterized by destruction of roofs, homes and garages. These winds exceed 74 miles per hour. Whenever you have your activities outdoors, ensure that you have enough information on the latest weather forecast and the necessary precautions to be taken in case of tornado occurrence, (Carlyn, 2001). Hurricanes on the contrary have wind speeds from 74 to 160 miles per hour. The occurrence of winds of this magnitude is however highly unlikely, this high intensity tornado may never be achieved, (Newder, 2002). The term hurricane just stuck with the weather condition. While hurricanes can range from 100 to 300 miles wide, tornadoes usually … This means that they can be formed during any time of the month. Tornado is produced in regions of the large temperature gradient. The earth is a rotating frame and the tornado is spinning in the opposite direction relative to it. This test will be online in the computer lab on Thursday March 27th during Science Class period. Torrential rains cause further damage via flooding and landslides, which may occur many miles inland. The formation of a tornado takes place in a number of steps, the first being the formation of warm humid air on above the surface of the earth, then the stage where the warm air rise up exerting pressure upon the surface of cool air above, formation of thunder cloud and the condensation funnel and finally the decay stage. High winds cause the extreme waves during hurricanes, and there have been many storms that have caused major impacts on the environment as well as human life. It forms at low latitudes, generally between 5 and 20 degrees. The most expensive hurricane was Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which caused 70 to 130 billion dollars in damages.

That’s a hurricane. Hurricanes are considered to have a diameter of about 400 to 500 miles and the eye or center of it can be about 20 miles across.
It forms thunderclouds and starts to rotate in response to Earth’s rotation. A tornado is a whirling column of air ranging in width from a few yards to more than a mile. Hurricanes are usually found near tropical zone, over warm waters in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Next, the humid air causes moisture in it to condense keeping the thunderstorm going. Most hurricanes appear in late summer or early fall, when sea temperatures are at their highest. Coriolis effect is the deflection of moving object in the opposite direction in reference to a rotating frame. At the same time, other research findings indicate that anthropogenic factors are the major cause of increasing activity of cyclones and warmth in the tropical Atlantic area (Mann & Emanuel, 2006). It is in contact with both the ground and the cumulonimbus cloud. The strength of a hurricane is measured from 1 to 5 on a scale.