Conservatives won by insisting their patriotic, conservative history was truer than other options. To maintain our standard of excellence, we are as open and transparent with the public as possible. From time to time, YAF makes our contributor list of donors available to other organizations to mail. See what the “Western Whitehouse” has to offer and how it is helping spread conservatism from coast to coast. at History News Network, I don’t know how she knew Harvey is short, too, but in a recent review in Historical Studies in Education, Victoria Cain calls our book “A case study in how to write smart and short.”, Will new campus free-speech laws help calm down campuses? My two cents at The Conversation. What’s wrong with dunking on D’Souza? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Take a look at the calendar to see where our upcoming events are going to be and how you can attend. Most famously, the roots of the Texas bias that Dana Goldstein uncovered can be traced to the Daughters of the American Revolution. Available now from Harvard University Press. We have the most diligent, hardest working group of individuals at YAF. From the list of required terms, the conservatives cut out “hip-hop” and inserted “country music.” They insisted on more about Reagan and the NRA. What are people saying about The Other School Reformers? Is Trump fulfilling conservative dreams?

It might seem shocking to some, but Texas’s careful curation of its history textbooks has a long and checkered history. Join now and get these great features, including Free E-Books, Audio Excerpts, Book Previews, Podcast Bonus Episodes, and Access to the Private, Members-Only Facebook Group, and much more! Why are evangelical colleges so interesting? Bad history led to bad results, in Washington Post. Got questions about supporting YAF? That activism mattered, but the Gablers got their ideas from the Texas DAR. History itself makes the case.

A Conservative Politics and History Book List 0 Here are some books that both formed my opinions and reinforced and documented what I already suspected. ( Log Out /  They should know the teachers who instruct their children; they should know the wording of textbooks, especially those pertaining to American history; and they should be cognizant of the manner in which the teachers present the subject matter to the pupils. I make a case from 1920s precedent at History News Network.

Is this something new or just the newest version of something old? Yet the differences can be glaring.

McLeroy and his conservative allies also hoped to skew the history textbooks in a more conservative direction. Creationist Don McLeroy wanted the science textbooks to help students reject mainstream evolutionary theory. When they did win, it was by harping on two points. ( Log Out /  The results won’t shock SAGLRROILYBYGTH. The lesson from the archives at History News Network. The California editions emphasize African American struggles and LGBTQ history far more than do the Texas ones. Some Resources for Further Reading | I Love You but You're Going to Hell, What’s wrong with SCOTUS’s decision in Espinoza? Journalists tend to focus on the textbook activism of Mel and Norma Gabler, which began in the 1960s. 1.) Training aspiring journalists in the values of responsible, balanced, and accurate reporting.

These decades of DAR activism paid off. Our seminars are pushing the conservative movement forward and bringing in the best speakers in the nation. My view from the archives at The Washington Post. See the author interview at Inside Higher Ed.

At Washington Post.

2.) At Righting America. Like, Jefferson Lies terrible. Science and history were both targets of the new conservative majority. Unfortunately for the American Legion, the actual textbooks they commissioned were terrible. Find out more about them here. © Conservative Book Club. Check out the series: Fundamentalist U & Me, Awkward Conversations about School and Society, Texas tweaked its list of required historical terms, Fundamentalist U & Me: Justin Lonas at Bryan College, I Love You but You Didn’t Do the Reading | I Love You but You're Going to Hell, Love the History Textbook Story? Something went wrong, and we're unable to process your request. Find your answers here.

For decades, the DAR—at both national and state levels—made history textbooks the focus of their activism. Find a motivational speaker who will energize your school, challenge the Left, and empower young leaders. Read Professor Amy Lark’s review in American Biology Teacher to find out…. The titles listed represent a wide range of topics and difficulty levels, but all are worth reading. Set up URL “” in your podcast library to tune in walking between classes or long car drives. Listen to an author interview at Phoenix’s KJZZ to hear my answer. The documentary examines the conservative takeover of the Texas State Board of Education in the early 2000s. For example, in a section on the Constitution, the California edition notes that there have been some restrictions on Second Amendment gun rights.

If you are unsure about something, take a look at our frequently asked questions to see if it can be answered. But conservatives have dropped the ball on this issue so essential to their survival. Of course historians should be talking about politics. Conservatives haven’t won by saying kids should be kept ignorant. This morning I’ll offer a little additional history of the long feud over US History textbooks. Do you need to read TECN? In this case, the history of creationism can teach us a thing or two, at Washington Post. Find out how to pour into the lives of these Young Americans paving the path of Conservatism. We think you’ll think so as well! I make my case at Righting America at the Creation Museum. We believe that investing time in conservative discourse will strengthen that future. More recently, too, Texas tweaked its list of required historical terms. They’ve won by arguing that their vision is closer to historic fact. It devotes an entire chapter (twenty plus pages) to the Reagan years, which is far beyond comprable texts.

How about both? Students are the future of our nation. This list of books is only a sampling of the best books available to help high school and college students balance their education with conservative ideas. And. Liberals needn’t bother keeping track of history textbooks because they’re the ones who write them. What students see in CA is not what they see in TX. Read Mike Wakeford’s review at the Society for US Intellectual History blog, GOP Politics and the Educational F-word, at History News Network and Time, Podcast with John J. Miller of National Review about The Other School Reformers: What does it mean to be an “educational conservative?”, Is the Common Core “Conservative?” in the Albany Times-Union, “Saving Progressive Education from Itself,” in Education Week, “The Missionary Supposition: Evolution Education and Creationist Culture,” in Reports of the National Center for Science Education, “To Teach Evolution, You Have To Understand Creationists,” at the Chronicle of Higher Education, “The Real Wall of Separation in Public Schools,” at the Washington Post’s Answer Sheet education blog, “Does David Barton’s Flameout Make This a Scopes Moment for American History?” History News Network, ‘”Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Huckabee,” Creationism in Historical Perspective:’ Adam Laats at EVoS, November, 2011, Now in paperback: Adam Laats, Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era: God, Darwin, and the Roots of America’s Culture Wars, “Why Do Conservative Southerners Loudly Insist that Kids Be Taught Lies about the Civil War?” History News Network, “Kids Are Learning to be Leftists in Public Schools by Historians with an Ax to Grind?” History News Network, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Milton Gaither's Homeschooling Research Notes, The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, Us & Them: Trey Kay explores the Culture Wars.