My mother doesn't like video games either, but she at least barely understands this is a thing of passion for I. Maybe)). I use a combo of Fast fall Nair, U-Tilt, U-Tilt, Up Air. Corrin's third hit of neutral attack is an outward slash instead of a stab, Twirls the Omega Yato over their head and places it on its tip. Even characters that were DLC in previous Smash games made the initial cut this time around. Dragon Fang Shot (B) – Shoots a paralyzing projectile from Corrin’s dragon arm, which bites any close enemies. I want to see if it's actually a combo at lower percents. As for the replay, It got lost cause I forgot to save it despite that god like combo I still lost. Corrin was available as a downloadable fighter in the previous version of Super Smash Bros. List of Super Smash Bros. series characters. If one of F-air or N-air (especially F-air) has a sourspot, this will be ****ing golden to our combo game. Corrin's advantages are most prominent in his Smash Attacks, making them good poking options and viable KO options when spaced correctly due to the addition of a tipper. As a swordsman, Corrin possesses various attributes from other swordsman: his jumping height is similar to Marth, his weight is between Marth and Ike, and his mobility is similar to Ike's, as he possesses low air speed and dashing speed, above average walking speed, and a fast falling speed. Most of their attacks have disjointed hitboxes as they fight with a sword. Corrin seems to be more spacing oriented, with their extensive reach and somewhat laggy moves. Corrin tidbit No# 1: When coming out of hitstun, if Corrin does a back air, it doesn't have any momentum. All of our Smash Ultimate guides created with the help of Eric Van Allen. Thunder (B) – Unleashes lightning magic that can be charged to cast Elthunder, Arcthunder, and Thoron. Most of their Tilts and Aerials are quite fast and have great combo potential. Up Smash: Corrin charges two dragon needles, while Byleth swings her whip-like sword for a fast, multi-hitting, strong disjoint. Corrin is a veteran fighter in Super Smash Bros. I would say yes. It can pin opponents down to the ground if timed right.,, I was actually there myself, only a few months ago,, Corrin is the only character that hurts opponents while charging his side smash attack. When unlocked, they are fought at Coliseum, much like Ike. This fighter uses all kinds of attacks, like Torrential Roar and Dragon Fang Shot. Though our school has started Sm4sh club again, so I get practice at least once a week. Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. I use CCPro Wii, by the way. As its name suggests, Corrin's opponents are all in either white or black alternate costumes, referencing Corrin's struggle in choosing between Nohr and Hoshido. It's not really relevant to most games, but I figured it'd be nice to know if you want to spam your projectile. Get your **** together and ask them to let you. He is on a platform made of clouds in the Mysterious Dimension sub-area, guarded by the spirit of Azura (whose spirit battle ironically contains the default Female Corrin). If the columns hit a foe, Corrin transforms into a dragon and unleashes a maelstrom that damages and launches. GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. Any other error you find just came from inexperience. He was confirmed to return on June 12, 2018 during E3 2018. Draconic Ascent can be used as a decent recovery and an out of shield option, being capable of KOing off the upper blast line. Hey, like I said, I was surprised how on-point most of this was. Corrin's Special Moves are extremely versatile tools to his moveset. Transforms into their dragon form and roars. They currently rank 13th on the tier list. I actually pulled this off at a tournament recently (no replay, sadly). as far as I can tell, you jump about "one character"'s range above them. They don't like video games period, so at most I can go to 1 a month. Corrin is a little slower than other Fire Emblem characters, too, and their moves trade speed for power. Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! You should really switch to a proper controller (just borrow, the guys are nice) and get to weeklies as early as you can and practice your base mobility (which is something that really bit me in the *** at the time, switching between 3DS & CCPro Wii). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Despite Fire Emblem: Fates' release year in America and Europe is in 2016, All-Star mode had characterized Corrin as a character from 2007-2015. Corrin Chooses to Smash! Thanks, it was just a stroke of inspiration after reading this solid guide for my main. Bi-monthlies, at the very least? when charging it, corrin can use his Omega Yato Blade to damage the opponent and lock them in, they can air dodge or DI out of it though. Back Air has forward momentum that can help with recovery. Submit a tip for Corrin. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I've only seen the airdodge read version, but I haven't seen it popularized in tournament. It can also pin Corrin to the stage if used right at the ledge. With that said, it's not like Corrin's so high up (in a metagame-development kind of way) that one player is a long-shot's experience away from the other's. Swings the Omega Yato. Ultimate, GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. Corrin (カムイ, Kamui) is a downloadable character who was released on February 3, 2016, alongside Bayonetta. I don't have a wii u, so this is on my 3DS. Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! I use CCPro Wii, by the way. So for the Jackson Lance, how about we call it the Rear Spear? Corrin is a little slower than other Fire Emblem characters, too, and their moves trade speed for power. I have about 2 more, but it'll take some time to find those again, I know this is 3DS, but I don't think that should limit you as a. Corrin once again retains the option to choose from either the male or female versions. That includes Corrin, the protagonist of both versions of Fire Emblem Fates. You should really switch to a proper controller (just borrow, the guys are nice) and get to weeklies as early as you can and practice your base mobility (which is something that really bit me in the ass at the time, switching between 3DS & CCPro Wii). Even if some of them are just literally dragons to begin with…, According to the official Nintendo description of Corrin…. Alternatively, this ad may have just failed to load. Side Smash: A quick move, with a lot of range and a lot of power, corrin's side smash has more range than any side smash in Sm4sh. When unlocked, they are fought at Coliseum, much like Ike. And Nintendo even let you change their hair color! Male Corrin will say "I win!" It's nair, to fair, to double jump neutral special. Regarding Mario, I forgot to mention that he has difficult time getting in with his attacks, as sword characters are his weakness. He costs $4.99 for one version of the game and $5.99 for both versions. However, during most of my stay in South Florida at the time, I was a 3DS dude most of the week, and only had access to a WiiU on the weeklies. This trait is reflected in all of Corrin's standard attacks, particularly his Forward Aerial. A follow-up button press vaults Corrin forward with a kick. For this attack, Corrin will use his left arm and transform it into Dragon Fang for the first hit, after that she will use his sword in an upward slash. On another note, every time I've gone to a tournament, I have improved immensely since the one before. Naturally, that means you can choose between masculine and feminine forms in Smash Ultimate. He does, however, come with two songs for the Fire Emblem Arena stage. Ultimate, first playable in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. The player can also access the full list of tips at any time in the "Vault" section. Corrin - Player 2 amiibo in the packaging. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this post, and helping to point out my mistakes. Smash attacks have incredible range, namely Forward Smash. Down Air Attack drops straight down, which can lead into Self-Destructs. I'm actually really curious about your take on sourspots. Smash Ultimate Corrin Guide – Moves, Outfits, Strengths, Weaknesses, 7 Characters That Deserve to Be Smash Ultimate DLC, Smash Ultimate Character List – Complete Fighter Roster, Smash Ultimate Pokemon List – All Poke Ball and Master Ball Pokemon, Steve From Minecraft is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Newest Fighter, New Smash Bros. a bit of a shame, I actually agree with most of what you've to say. You must log in or register to reply here. Dragon Fang Shot inflicts high hitstun, similar to. And there’s our guide to Corrin: a royal pain in the butt if you get on their bad side. It can pin opponents down to the ground if timed right. Female Corrin's tights were altered for the Nintendo 3DS/Wii U versions into more normal looking tights likely to avoid a higher rating from the ESRB for the Nintendo 3DS/Wii U version's E10+ rating. Despite this, both gender's high damage yells can still be heard in the. Whiffs can really hurt. It is also the only counterattack that sends opponents directly upwards. Forward Smash also damage opponents while charging, being the only Smash Attack in the game that can damage opponents during its charge. No. Corrin' dragon fang has actual knock back, which will launch them no matter what the percent. The draconic sword fighter still has some bite to their kit, with neutrals that can swing hard and send even mid-percentage fighters flying. That’s why we’ve compiled a guide to every single character. Question : Can Corrin's uncharged DFS jab reset the way ZSS' uncharged Paralyzer can? As for parents and tournaments? Sure, their presence adds yet another sword-swinging Fire Emblem hero to the mix. Ultimate), Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, I will work on this technique, and hopefully come back with some results, but if anyone else could work on it as well, that'd be really helpful. Corrin was a custom character in Fire Emblem: Fates. The first hit will deal 2.5 damage, the second 2 damage, third 0.5xnumber of hits, 3 and the last one deals 4 damage. So get out there and start to master this stylish fencer. Ultimate Edition Pro Controller - Switch, a Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Their recovery is unique and offers some good mix-ups, so a Corrin off-stage is still a threat to careless opponents. Like, apparently FF F/N-air combo into a footsie at 0-10%, and apparently it's also only possible if you're close-ish (kind of logical, really). Dragon Fang Shot inflicts high hitstun. Corrin's grab game is also lackluster due to high lag and unfavorable throws. a lot of us have a thing or two to learn from the other, as well as to teach. It appears that you are using ad block :'(. This is surprisingly accurate for what appears to be out of the blue. : One arm transforms into a short dragon spire while the other arm extends the Yato blade; both are slashed in a clockwise position when facing right and counterclockwise when facing left. Interestingly, Corrin does not use a voice clip when struck by a strong attack, regardless of which gender is used. JavaScript is disabled. They can also turn into a dragon, which is something most other Smash Ultimate characters can’t boast.