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As Aztec rulers spoke an overly polite language that needed translation for his subjects to understand, it is difficult to find out what Moctezuma really said. Die Stadt verliert an Macht, wird aber weiter regiert von aztekischen Herrscherdynastien. I have spoken of the sorrow we all felt when we saw that Montezuma was dead. The ensuing drama is described byeminent historian Maurice Collis in a style that is equal parts storyand scholarship. 1521 ist Tenochtitlan, die Hauptstadt der Azteken, umstellt von Feinden. Díaz states: "Many of the Mexican Chieftains and Captains knew him well and at once ordered their people to be silent and not to discharge darts, stones or arrows, and four of them reached a spot where Montezuma could speak to them."[11]. His letters to Charles V show the profound belief that if the “evil practices” of the Aztecs could be stopped then they would “worship the true God with… fervour, faith and diligence” and his attitude is typical of many Catholics in this period. Was sich in europäischer Erzähltradition zu einem spanischen Triumphzug verdichtet hat, war in Wirklichkeit etwas ganz anderes: „Ein erfolgreicher Aufstand indigener Ethnien gegen ihre Tributherren, die Azteken“, so Stefan Rinke, Professor für die Geschichte Lateinamerikas an der Freien Universität Berlin. he had a bad couple years there at the end. Montezuma suspected them to be divine envoys of the god Quetzalcatl, who ! Cortés, with his frightful horses and sophisticated weapons, Montezuma II tried to buy him off, but Cortés would not be dissuaded. There is one final piece, or rather person, to this puzzle. Und über die Schreiben von Cortés, die ihnen beigefügt sind: voller Versprechen auf mehr, noch viel mehr. Denn auch der Willkür eines Konquista­doren sind Grenzen gesetzt. Cortés immediately recognised the city’s value and hoped to present it intact to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Wanting to secure the city peacefully, Cortés negotiated his way into Tenochtitlan as an ambassador of Charles V and was magnificently received by Montezuma, who entertained the Spaniards and their allies lavishly. I did not give the remaining star because it seemed to be based mostly on two prodigious works, one by a soldier with Cortés, Bernal, and one by a Franciscan, Sahagún. Weil es diese Eroberung so nämlich nie gegeben hat.“. The first contact between the indigenous civilizations of Mesoamerica and Europeans took place during his reign, and he was killed during the initial stages of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, when conquistador Hernán Cortés and his men fought to take over the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán. The Spanish revulsion at human sacrifice has often been described as nothing but a justification for their invasion, but the religious impetus to conquest should not be underestimated. Hernán Cortés was born in Extremadura, Spain, in the mid-1480s of respectable but undistinguished hidalgo (minor noble) birth. They marvelled at the towering temples, grand palaces, beautiful gardens and great markets, but were revolted by the terrible spectacle of human sacrifice. the genre of the book is biography, has a lot of action and violence involved,Landing on the Mexican coast on Good Friday, 1519, Hernán Cortés felt himself the bearer of a divine burden to conquer and convert the first advanced civilization Europeans had yet encountered in the West. I'm curious what the historians of Mexico think of this book. Zu Montezumas Palastanlagen gehören Arsenale, Archive, eine Bibliothek. Moctezuma was then succeeded by his brother Cuitláhuac, who died shortly after during a smallpox epidemic. Was er damit meint? The Aztecs were not dehumanised by this bloodshed, however. Und der nun völlig neu erzählt werden muss. Seine Schätze erregen großes Aufsehen im Europa des 16. Aber wo ein Kläger, da ein Richter. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Retreating to Tlaxcala, he marshalled his remaining forces and allies, not without difficulty, and determined to reverse their fortunes. I have read other accounts of the Mixica, most notably by Michael D. Coe, but none of them hit upon the complexity involving the meeting of Cortes and Montecuzoma as this book did. During his absence, tensions between Spaniards and Aztecs exploded into the Massacre in the Great Temple, and Moctezuma became a hostage used by the Spaniards to ensure their security.[N.B. [10], Moctezuma brought Cortés to his palace where the Spaniards lived as his guests for several months. Therefore, to give the Spanish the necessary legitimacy to wage war against the indigenous people, Cortés might just have said what the Spanish king needed to hear. Februar 1519 mit elf Schiffen und rund 600 Spaniern von Santiago de Cuba aus in See gestochen. Jetzt auswählen und abonnieren – natürlich kostenlos! A nephew of Moctezuma II was Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin. Denn den Triumph des Hernán Cortés, so wie er noch heute in unseren Lehr- und Geschichtsbüchern steht, den hat es niemals gegeben. He is also the subject of Roger Sessions' dodecaphonic opera Montezuma (1963), and the protagonist in the modern opera La Conquista (2005) by Italian composer Lorenzo Ferrero, where his part is written in the Nahuatl language. Bei der Thronbesteigung Montezumas, rund 20 Jahre später, seien angeblich weitere 30000 Menschen auf diese grausame Weise geopfert worden. With their red and white insignia, thousands of Tlaxcalans accompanied the Spanish when, in November 1519, the conquistadors caught their first sight of the island city of Tenochtitlan, which seemed to one like an “enchanted vision” rising out of the lake. Schwerer wiegt wohl die Anschuldigung, Cortés habe Abgaben unterschlagen, die der Krone zustehen. Landing on the Mexican coast on Good Friday, 1519, Hernan Cortes felt himself the bearer of a divine burden to conquer and convert the first advanced civilization Europeans had yet encountered in the West. Bancroft, Hubert Howe (1883) History of Mexico, Vol. Die Spanier haben viele der Bibliotheken der Azteken und ihrer Nachbarvölker niedergebrannt, die Inquisition hat ihre Schriften und Dokumente als Teufelswerk ins Feuer geworfen. Als wohl radikalster unter den namhaften Zweiflern am Mythos von der Eroberung Mexikos gilt der amerikanische Historiker Matthew Restall. Etwas ist schiefgegangen. As the conquistadors marched toward Tenochtitlan they encountered the subjects and enemies of the Aztecs, and Cortés increasingly observed internal hostilities that he could exploit to his advantage. After returning to Mexico in 1530, Cortés spent much of his life struggling to assert his rights and preserve his reputation, having met with considerable political opposition and been accused of murdering his first wife (who died in 1522). Verbrechen gegen die sogenannten „Indios“ werden zwar nicht mit besonderem Nachdruck verfolgt. Known to the Spanish as La Noche Triste, or “the Night of Sadness,” many soldiers drowned in Lake Texcoco when the vessel carrying them and Aztec treasures hoarded by Cortés sank. The conquered peoples resented the Aztec demands for tribute and victims for the religious sacrifices, but the Aztec military kept rebellion at bay. 3] in their own right, and only some of his servants knew of it. Landing on the Mexican coast on Good Friday, 1519, Hernán Cortés felt himself the bearer of a divine burden to conquer and convert the first advanced civilization Europeans had yet encountered in the West. A very good book, excellent read. Regardless of the earlier orders to hold fire, however, the discussion between Moctezuma and the Aztec leaders was immediately followed by an outbreak of violence. All Rights Reserved. Cuauhtemoc, a young and determined warrior, succeeded to the throne after Montezuma’s unfortunate successor died of the smallpox epidemic that was ravaging the city. He seized Montezuma, and for the next eight months ruled the city through him.