One set location with a bit of beach and a bit of jungle, Crash's house to one side... yes.

Ultimate Holds Pokemon Themed Tournament, Just in Time for Sword & Shield, Banjo-Kazooie Confirmed as Super Smash Bros. Another from Twinsanity!

Another one from Crash of the Titans. Ultimate characters. There is no way this could ever be anything but the spin attack.

So many fans have sported blue Crash display pictures and names, that it honestly didn't surprise me when CTR: Nitro-Fueled also had a blue skin for Crash.

This would be a huge deal as the platforming icon was a mascot of PlayStation during its first-generation and it’s easy to see how he would have a fun skillset. This was actually a winner from an idle animation competition for the N.Sane Trilogy, but I think it's such a winner that it should be used in Smash, too. Mecha Bandicoot comes complete with missile launchers, a charged proton ball sneeze attack and a chainsaw arm. Then it hit me - one of the Ratnicians from Crash of the Titans, having been kicked afar from Crash. Super Smash Bros. He could probably do the 'around the world' trick before pocketing the yo-yo. It also ends with Crash being splattered with purple wumpa juice, which brings a smile to my face. That would be a dream come true.

I've actually really grown to like this look and think it would make for a nice blue alternative to the bandicoot. It’s a more natural inclusion than several other Smash characters like Solid Snake and Persona 5‘s Joker, who have very limited experience on Nintendo systems. We've recently moved from Disqus to Spot.IM. Ultimate X Crash Bandicoot is a DLC pack for Super Smash Bros. Crash's signature spin move damages enemies and can even deflect projectiles, much like it can in Crash of the Titans, Mind Over Mutant and, in the case of some energy attacks, Crash Twinsanity. Thanks to the critical and commercial remakes of the original three Crash Bandicoot games and its kart racer spin-off, the Crash Bandicoot series hasn’t been as relevant as it currently is in well over a decade. I thought about using the arrow crate as Crash's up special, but that didn't feel justified or that interesting on its own. Of course, fan expectations are high and while there a number of worthy candidates to join the roster, IGN Southeast Asia is placing our bets on the one and only, Crash Bandicoot. This is an iconic idle animation and I think Crash would do something like this mid-fight just to show off his skills in a taunting way. After all, in the games, Crash can only slide when pressing circle or R1 (on the PlayStation) when moving, which is exactly what the dash attack is in Super Smash Bros. With Nintendo recently announcing Min Min’s addition to the Smash Ultimate‘s roster, fans are undoubtedly thinking about more potential DLC fighters. Ultimate. Ultimate DLC Character - E3 2019, Banjo-Kazooie Joins Super Smash Bros. Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platform. This is a concept for what the perfect DLC pack would be for the franchise and how Crash would feel like in Smash.

Well, outside of a Crash cap for Kirby or something. It makes absolute sense that Crash's victory animation would be the Crash dance, used when he acquires a gem or better trinket in Crash Bandicoot 2 and WARPED, or wins a race in CTR.

Out of all the possibilites, this one felt the most fun and useful to me. Now, I can see Crash doing that breakdance spin he uses in not just Crash of the Titans and Mind Over Mutant, but also in Crash Bandicoot: WARPED and Skylanders: Imaginators' opening sequence for Thumpin' Wumpa Islands. Simple, but effective. Typically, it will involve all of Crash’s moves from across the franchise. The character also has a natural final smash ability as he could be protected by Aku Aku and become invincible for a period of time. A second player could play as him in the PlayStation 2 version of the game. Crash is a sort of walking, whacky 3D cartoon. Charge the attack and launch opponents off-screen. Well, somehow blue Crash has been a big thing over the years online. Contents[show] Attributes No. Crash Bandicoot is a medium-weight character who has moderate fall speed and fast run speed. Well, the Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time launch trailer is now out! Fortunately, Source Gaming has quenched that thirst for speculation by releasing the results for a Smash Ultimate DLC poll. VictorDamazio 11 months ago #1. That would be a good risk-and-reward style of attack. I think Crash would just thwack both his fist down on the opponent like a hammer, truth be told. He appeals to a wider range of players than Devil May Cry‘s Dante or the protagonist of Doom, and his family friendly titles are a perfect fit for the values Nintendo prefers to promote. The idea of having this in Super Smash Bros really works for me - you not only get to control Crash on a powerhouse Cortex, but you get a Cortex cameo out of it, too.

Any written article reflects my own views. In fact, they're now more cutscene based and immediate. The return of a new Crash Bandicoot and him being included in the biggest video game crossover of all time will truly make 2020 the year of the marsupial. Aaaaaand that's all I have!

With the announcement of Super Smash Bros. Crash would perform a trick on his yo-yo, much like in Crash Bandicoot: WARPED. Whether that's having administrated the Crash Mania forum (as Smaz), or meeting lifelong friends, Crash has always been the glue in his life. IGN Southeast Asia is operated under license by Media Prima Digital Sdn Bhd, Super Smash Bros. Crash’s moveset has been cooked by fans for years now. That double-punch from Crash of the Titans feels appropriate as a side-tilt attack.

The 10+ million sales of the trilogy also shows that the nostalgia is more than healthy and the brand still clearly holds a spot in the hearts of many gamers. You will then be able to launch a giant spin attack much like Cortex does in Mind Over Mutant, ending in a super belly flop. X Super Smash Bros. A character’s signature stage in Smash is also where the rest of their cast make appearances in Smash, so we can expect Coco, Uka Uka, and Neo Cortex to appear as well. Crash dons his jet pack, much like in Crash 2, and shoots upwards. While it may have seemed like a long shot many years ago when the character was more closely related to Sony, it simply makes sense for Crash Bandicoot to find his way into Smash Bros. ALSO: Byleth is a disappointing end to the first Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass. Dang, son. Of course, there’s a huge possibility where we get it all wrong and series director Masahiro Sakurai will be announcing a completely different character joining the roster of Smash Ultimate. Since then we’ve seen the platforming icon grace everything from the Game Boy Advance to the Nintendo Switch. Starting with Joker from the Sony-exclusive Persona 5, followed by Hero from the Dragon Quest series and Banjo & Kazooie from the Microsoft Banjo-Kazooie series (amongst others), it just felt like nothing was out-of-bounds. Crash would likely just grab the opponents' shirts like cartoon characters tend to. It's a fun, expressive taunt that gets Aku Aku involved, too.

It's basically a solid uppercut move!

Ultimate - E3 2019, Super Smash Bros. Unlike with Byleth, this announcement wouldn’t leave many fans unhappy. To me, it makes absolute sends to have Crash use his bellyflop as an air attack. I also considered Crash clucking like a chicken at the opposition, very much like his taunt in Crash Bash, but I felt the others just worked better for his personality and overal iconic-ness. Edgar's life has strangely interwoven with Crash Bandicoot. Crash of the Titans features a powerful kick move where Crash literally punts enemies into the distance. The poll reveals many of the most-requested characters by Smash Bros. fans, the topmost of which is Crash Bandicoot. 6% Down Tilt- Crash swings his arm to sweep the opponent's legs from under them.

Crash has plenty of strange outfits to pick from in his history. So it will be fitting if the announcement of Crash being Smash coincided with the release. I think Crash would make for a great addition in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, but who knows if he ever will be or not?

Add in the fact that Crash Bandicoot has regularly placed high in fan polling (he came in fifth place overall in a 2016 vote on r/SmashBros), and it makes a ton of sense for both Activision and Nintendo. There simply isn’t a third-party addition that would leave fans more excited than Crash Bandicoot. His standard attacks would be, I imagine, lifted from Crash of the Titans. Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy and Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled have won over gamers and pushed the series back into the limelight. Ultimate. Crash Bandicoot with big buck teeth and fuzzy eyebrows. Crash would slam Cortex against the floor as if he were using him like a hammer. This move could be versatile in another way, though. A kart comes out of nowhere and hits in front of Crash to activate the Final Smash, much like how Fox McCloud's works or Captain Falcon.

crate, TNT crate or arrow crate, then you could lay TNT traps to damage opponents, or ? Nintendo is ready to announce the next DLC fighter for the second Fighters Pass of Super Smash Bros.

Available in Crash of the Titans and Mind Over Mutant, Carbon Crash is a milky-furred version of Crash. : Yes Moveset Normal Normal A- Crash swings his arm lazily to slap the opponent twice, then kicks with his left leg directly forward. Crash Bandicoot in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. I think, given its powerful nature, it would make for a good down smash attack. I like to think of this like Captain Falcon's but instead of just being run over, the opponent gets a few CTR weapons in their face by various cameo Crash characters.