She is to be honoured as no less than the ‘Pioneer Nurse’ with a massive statue to be erected at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. They both practised nursing at the same time but they had very different backgrounds and very different experiences. Born in England in 1820, Florence Nightingale  came from a well-off, Victorian family.

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But she and her mother had limited civil rights: While they could own property and slaves of their own, they could not vote, hold public office, or enter many pr… In both she treated many people medically.
Jamaican-born Mary Seacole (1805-81), voted top of the list of the 2004 ‘100 Great Black Britons’ poll, is now slated to replace Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) as the true ‘heroine’ of the Crimean War. She decided that she wanted to become a nurse. (6) In 1856 a British soldier wrote to The Times complaining that while Florence Nightingale had become famous, the contribution made by Mary Seacole was in danger of being forgotten. Now there is a campaign to rewrite that history. Her father believed in educating his two daughters – many parents didn’t at that time.

Reports soon came back from there of thousands of soldiers, dying in terrible conditions.

name has gained enormous recognition in recent years.

But Florence went to Germany in 1851 to train as a nurse there despite her family’s disapproval.

If you have already purchased access, or are a print & archive subscriber, please ensure you are logged in. A Festival held in her honour in 1857 raised money for ‘Mother Seacole’ and in the same year Mary brought out her very popular autobiography, ‘Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in many lands’.

Born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1805, Mary Seacole was a black woman, born to a Scottish soldier father and a Creole ‘doctress’ mother. When she was sixteen, she had her first of many ‘calls from God’. We see them both as great nurses.

That school changed the idea of nursing completely. People took her to their hearts – they saw her as another good and kind Crimea celebrity like Florence Nightingale. Jamaican-born Mary Seacole (1805-81), voted top of the list of the 2004 ‘100 Great Black Britons’ poll, is now slated to replace Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) as the true ‘heroine’ of the Crimean War. A 2004 poll recognised Seacole’s achievements and voted her top of 100 great Black Britons. Who’s in, who’s out? Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole: Nursing's Bitter Rivalry.

In Jamaica, she ran her mother’s hotel and in Panama she ran a restaurant. He asked Florence to lead a party of 38 nurses to  nearby Scutari to investigate the soldiers’ conditions in Crimea.

Mary Seacole also shines as an amazing life force and role model in her own time and today too. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. For more than a century, Florence Nightingale has been known around the world as a nursing pioneer and the founder of modern nursing. We see them both as great nurses.

The Nightingale School operated for over a century from the hospital, whose redesign in the 1860s Nightingale also influenced. They also helped the soldiers write letters home and improve their education.

History Heroes Twin Pack – INVENTORS + LONDON Card Games, Children in World War Two: It is hard to imagine that there were any children in World War Two, whose lives did not change as a result of it. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem.

The Crimean War ‘made’ both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole famous in their own time and in history.

Others report that she applied too late – after the nurses had already set off to Crimea. It gave nurses formal training and made nursing a respectable and important job. She even invented a version of the Pie Chart – one of the reasons she’s in our INVENTORS game!

Meanwhile that of Florence Nightingale has taken an undeserved knocking, as Lynn McDonald explains.

Mary Seacole, equipped with healing knowledge from her Jamaican mother, travelled alone to nurse soldiers on the battlefield and set up a rest home for soldiers in the Crimea.

Many nurses then were old, poor, drunk most of the time and used a lot of bad language!

The British Government would not take her on as a hospital nurse there – some say they rejected her because of her colour. In both, she also ran businesses.

Florence Nightingale’s changes improved nursing conditions hugely. They worked at the … Like Florence Nightingale, she wanted to help out in the Crimean War. This pack includes a comparative story book, supported in 5 different levels. Please email if you have any problems. Mary Seacole is in our WOMEN in history game too for the same reason as Florence Nightingale: both are 2 of the most significant women in history. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Florence Nightingale also used a fund in her name to set up the Nightingale School of Nursing in London in 1860.

Who are the greatest artists in history? Her mother was of African heritage and her father was a Scottish army officer.

They worked at the same time and we often discuss, who was more important. Mary Seacole learnt much of her nursing and medical skills from her mother, who treated many Jamaicans and British soldiers, who lived in Jamaica. Buy Online Access  Buy Print & Archive Subscription. Florence Nightingale wanted to help. She believed her calling was to help reduce people’s suffering. History come alive! Mary Seacole did not forget her nursing ambitions though. Now she has a rival. Mary Seacole was born Mary Jane Grant in Kingston, Jamaica in 1805, the daughter of a Scottish soldier and a Jamaican “doctress,” a practitioner of Creole healing arts. Mary Seacole - Florence Nightingale Comparison A free set of 20 books and activities. Even if you managed to stay in your own home during the war and your family survived intact, you would have to carry a gas mask […].

Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. In recent years the reputation of Mary Seacole as a pioneering nurse of the Crimean War has been elevated far beyond the bounds of her own ambition.

Many of those characters over the years are also History Heroes in our various games. Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and the Crimean War: We often learn about all three together.

Florence walked the wards with her lamp to check on the soldiers at night. By the time the Crimean War ended in 1856 Mary Seacole had lost all her money and she returned to London penniless. Mary worked for several years in both Jamaica and Panama. To continue reading this article you will need to purchase access to the online archive. They soon gave her her famous nickname, ‘The Lady with the Lamp’.

It was there she established the first secular school for nurses in 1860 with funds raised in her name for her work in the Crimean War during the conflict of 1854-56. We loved seeing History Heroes’ Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison spar in Dr Who’s episode, “Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror”.

They found filthy and overcrowded conditions. This in spite of the strong links between Nightingale and the hospital, her base for over 40 years. Florence learnt quickly and particularly excelled at mathematics. That was History Heroes’ dilemma with our new, award winning game: ARTISTS – read how we made ‘the cut’.

We’re proud to have both her and Florence Nightingale in our games. Florence Nightingale, however, came from a well off background with many influential friends, which made it easier for her to make things happen.

They were shocked by what they saw. Dr Who has often used history and real historical figures as a backdrop to its drama. A set of books and activities based around the similarities and differences between the lives of Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. Explain how and why Mary Seacole's experiences during the Crimean War differed from those of Florence Nightingale. 1556332. So the British Government and the Times Newspaper gave Florence Nightingale funding to improve conditions for the soldiers. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. The Crimean War began too in 1853. The soldiers also had too little food and medical supplies.

Her story is now included in the curriculum in English schools. In 1853, through family connections, she ran an ‘Institution for sick Gentlewomen in distressed circumstances’ in London. Florence Nightingale’s family DID NOT want her to become a nurse. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. – to show her facts clearly to the government. She set off for Crimea and set up the ‘British Hotel’ there: a place for British soldiers to stay, eat and buy supplies.

If you’re creating a game about them how do you choose who to include and who to leave out? In 1854 Mary Seacole arrived in London.

We often learn about all three together.


She was a ‘doctress’ who practised Creole or Afro-Caribbean medicine and learnt nursing and herbalism from her mother. The Crimean War ‘made’ both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole famous in their own time and in history. It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges.
She is to be honoured as no less than the ‘Pioneer Nurse’ with a massive statue to be erected at St Thomas’ Hospital in London.