In the final season, or ending of the one before that, Piper see's DEATH, and was wondering who he was going to kill. When Paige and Phoebe told Piper that Leo was missing, she was oddly unaffected by the news, not really remembering their parting. Piper has Leo orb to the Heavens to warn the Elders of the threat. Leo then came up with the idea to propose to Piper because even the Elders could not destroy holy matrimony. Leonardo "Leo" Wyatt is the son of Christopher Wyatt and his wife. Wyatt Matthew Halliwell is born Piper and Leo are expecting their first child, thinking they are having a daughter. As an Elder, Leo had advanced whitelighter powers, as well as Remote orbing and Lightning bolts, etc. The spell forced Piper and Leo (as well as Phoebe and Paige) to magically go down memory lane through the most memorable moments in their relationship. More serious trouble comes when Leo is injured, and with no way to heal himself anymore, Wyatt panics and puts his parents into the miniature doll house replica of the Manor for protection. During season 4 he remains to have short, dark brown hair until season 5 were his hair is shorter. Leo then teamed up with the demon Zankou, who was also out to stop the Avatars in order to reverse Utopia. Leo and Piper then officially resumed their marriage and the raising of their two sons. This FAQ is empty. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When it is revealed that Chris is actually Leo and Piper's second son, Chris admits that Leo was always there for Wyatt, for the Charmed Ones, but never for him, as he was often eclipsed by Wyatt's "Chosen One" and ultimate power status. He is the second son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. Unfortunately, he and Piper had planned for him to move back in with them, but he felt that he was too dangerous. Leo sacrifices himself by starting conflict with demons in order to convince the sisters of how the Avatars have taken away their free will, and subsequently their ability to feel grief. She asks the elders why this was happening and she didn't deserve that so the elders told her to talk to DESTINY. However, Barbas attempted to make Leo kill another Elder by going after Chris, and lure him into a trap. Piper has completely cooped up in the house with her children and Leo is crazed to seek vengeance on the demon, Barbas who helped Gideon. After the birth of Wyatt, Piper and Leo's marital problems reach their peak when Piper's anger beings to affect her powers. Piper then goes on strike, vowing not to save a single innocent until the Elders bring Leo back to her. The Elders informed Leo that his new abilities cannot be easily tossed away, though he is able to suppress the wings. Well i heard he died and i haven't been watching it so how did he die? They sent him down to Earth, in Texas, without him remembering who he was or anything about the past, in order for him to choose one of his two paths. Although Piper and Leo started dating and consummated their relationship, he had to leave her because relationships between witches and Whitelighters are forbidden (but he did not tell her that, because she was unaware of his status as a whitelighter). In the mean time, Piper got infected by a poison after being attacked by a Thorn Demons, she met Cole in the cosmic void, and followed his advice by trusting in her and Leo's love. The sisters brewed a potion that would create a portal for him to return to his time. However, in a turn of events, Leo entered into a vault in The Heavens and bonded with the Empyreal Sword which also granted him angelic wings. Leo had accidentally killed the Elder, Zola, who once tried to reach out to Leo to help him. Paige mentioned at the beginning of season 6 that he has a closet full of plaid shirts, claiming that he loves them. The Charmed Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. This time, it's Prue who stops the wedding, as her astral self takes over, and rides out of the manor on a motorcycle, destroying the wedding cake in the process. In early 2000, Piper decided she wanted to be with Leo. Unknown to him, the shadow was unable to decide between Zankou's evil and the Power of Three. Title: He got shot with Darklighter arrows a few times, but the sisters always saved him. Eighteen months later, Melinda unexpectedly begins using the power of telekinetic orbing which should be impossible because Leo was mortal when she was conceived. Destiny said that Leo needs to die so it will motivate them to kill this big threat of some sort that was coming their way. [3]Leo starts the questEventually, when Piper got tired and wary of his behavior, she suggests he should do a vision quest. Leo handfasted Piper Halliwell in the Manor after failed attempts.

Piper blames Leo for Prue's death Piper and Leo's relationship had a brief strain as Piper blaimed Leo for healing her instead of Prue after Shax's attack, just because she's his wife, resulting in Prue's death. In the last season of the series, Leo was the target of the Angel of Death. Leo and Piper had their powers swapped by their unborn baby for a short time, until they learned to appreciate how hard each other's lives are. He became an elder. Suddenly, someone walks in the door behind him, and he gets a quick flash of himself killing Gideon.

While studying to be a doctor, he met his first wife Lillian Wyatt and the two got married, however, they didn't have any kids. There, Leo discovers that the council has been replaced by a new one for interfering in the natural order of things too many times. The situation turned worse when Piper lost her memory, and they located Leo on Valhalla.

Leo's first instinct is to go help the injued man, which is a memory from his early life of being in the medical field during the war. Halliwell Parker Halliwell (via Phoebe & Coop). Although not sure what exactly to do, being in the parallel world gives Leo the idea to see the most good demon he knows, Barbas, who in this world is known as the Demon of Hope. .Leo soon came face to face with Rennek once again, when Neena sent Piper into an alternate dimension. Alpha tries to convince Leo to join them by showing him the future; all of the Halliwells dead. Once downstairs, his hands start to glow and he finally notices that he's unwillingly becoming an Elder. In the late 60's, Leo befriended Penny and Allen Halliwell, the grandparents of the Charmed Ones. Eventually, Piper and Prue find out when, after getting shot by the darklighter Alec, Leo orbs to the attic in the manor where Piper was at the time. He later informed the Halliwell sisters of his new status, following which he became a target for Agent Kyle Brody, who wanted revenge on the Avatars for allegedly killing his parents. However, he managed to watch over them, especially his son, as he was given rights to visit him. Leo handfasted Piper Halliwell in the Manor after failed attempts. Leo is returned by the Angel and he and Piper enlist the help of Coop and they go back in time to save Phoebe and Paige. After Leo and Piper were trapped in the Ghostly Plane, the two had a moment and Piper got pregnant with their second child, who happened to be Chris. On Valentine's Day, Leo gives Piper a card and flowers, and Piper has a daydream about running to kiss Leo, but she doesn't act on these feelings. Over the years of being a Whitelighter, Leo has helped the sisters out with demonic problems often. Leo's appearance hasn't changed significantly over the series, like his wife, especially in terms of clothing style. Throughout the course of the series, Leo has had charges who were either witches, or future whitelighters: Also, Piper suggests that Leo has at least two charges when Wyatt swaps their powers (Season 5, Siren Song). depends on which episode you are at, He was a doctor in a war and was helping people and got killed that is why he because a white lighter. As an Elder, Leo was not allowed to live with his family, though he promised always to watch over them. Later, Piper struggles with choosing between Leo and Dan, and after a spell goes awry, she reveals she loves Leo, and doesn't need a spell to tell her that. Piper finally breaks up with Dan. Leo is also the name of a constellation and the fifth sign of the zodiac.