I am really excited about this feature of Hyperion as it ensures that all units are balanced and match their technology level and use. Both are powerful but in different ways. Emperor of the Fading Suns : Reality Mod. I have added a lot of interesting units to the game.

This gives an excellent overview of the changes to units (doesnt have resources or stats). Stretching out the technology tree. The AI was basically inert (except for building cities). Tech takes a while to develop. Included in the ZIP file Epochs - to deal with limitations in the EFS.EXE file, I needed to create 3 separate UNIT.DAT files to allow the computer AI to keep up with human players during single-player games. Luckily I included a Tech Spreadsheet and the unit.dat.xls files in the mod, so I have them. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It changes the whole flavor of the game, making it more desperate. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. So now I am starting up this new website to host them. I loved playing EFS back in 1997, and really enjoyed the Nova patch. I have added a lot of interesting units to the game. Please see the README.1ST file for more information, but note that only Epoch 1 is enabled in UNIT.DAT.

Updated galaxy for use with Hyperion V1.375!

Emperor of the Fading Suns is a science fiction "grand-scale" space strategy computer game made by Holistic Design in 1996.This game was based on Holistic's in-house role playing game Fading Suns.The game had a wide array of units and a complex back-story but was rushed to market and released with numerous severe flaws and several features underdeveloped. I also edited the galactic map to move cities, add some, and replace units. Updated to work with the This makes the units specifically tuned for their technology research, whether they are Symbiots or normal units, Air or Crawler, Noble or Spy, and Starbase or Cadiz Dreadnought. This mod for Emperor of the Fading Suns focuses on the following. This is a mechanization of the "feel" I've

Based on Russ Gillen's "Bliztkrieg" unit idea, there is now an alternate path for high-end tread units besides the stealth path. I decided upon mercenary units.

I also slowed down the AI from overbuilding cities, a huge source of slowdown. V1.4 now is officially in the beta stage! In what other game would you see so many factions? You have to pick one or the other for each lord. The music and setting were unique. Wonko, as the creator of the Emperor Wars Mod, I had played the original EFS, Nova, & Hyperion for years, then got into reading the Holistic Design Fading Suns Books that details the EFS Universe. Wonko, as the creator of the Emperor Wars Mod, I had played the original EFS, Nova, & Hyperion for years, then got into reading the Holistic Design Fading Suns Books that details the EFS Universe. I forgot to mention that the House choice is first come first serve, and that the Hazat and Hawkwood have already been selected by players. download the new art, There are now a total of 89 new animations. I am really excited about this release! This galaxy was randomly generated on 19FEB01, hence its name.

The original game starts at the beginning of the Emperor Wars but doesn't reflect it at all and all of the followup mods were just so time consuming. hyp14g.zip (1.57 MB) Hyperion V1.4g! Give it a try and.

And now the dated graphics. … So about two years ago I set about finally making this the game it should have been. They need, few techs and usually only a starport to hire them. Added new Officer-class unit, the Armor Commander. This affects all Crawler and Water units. See the readme included in the ZIP file, but can be used to load a different galaxy when starting EFS. been carefully attenuated such that they are effective against Foot units, but not very effective against other ground units. If you want to The only multiplayer options are hot-seat and PBEM. The original game starts at the beginning of the Emperor Wars but doesn't reflect it at all and all of the followup mods were just so time consuming.

But as I am playing one thing I am really missing is a list of what techs I need to produce a unit, and where to do it. It defied credulity that for hundreds of years technology had been in remission, but now suddenly techs are easily researched every few years. You don’t even start with the ability to build electronics or chemical plants. Naval Transports and Submarines) are now vulnerable to Indirect - Symbiots could not hurt them previously. Emperor of the Fading Suns : Reality Mod. Russell asked for it!

Emperor of the Fading Suns: Emperor Wars - Reality Mod - Downloads. And some units were overpowered compared to their cost, the worst offender being artillery. It sets up this scavenger mentality, you roam the planets looking for any good units that you can try to attack and get to retreat so you can capture them. At this point it doesn’t look like it will ever happen.

I have fixed a few small errors in the data tables as well as updating stats on many of the land based units, especially the Anti-Air units. Emperor of the Fading Suns: Emperor Wars - Reality Mod Emperor of the Fading Suns was a science fiction strategy game developed by Segasoft and Holistic Designs in 1996. Unfortunately I moved twice since building the mod, and have lost everything, except what I have recovered thanks to someone in the EFS forums and the WayBack archive. Now you can build these before space ships are available, which makes more sense.

Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, As part of reviving my efforts on the Reality mod I have been working on some updates. Postby Vertab Nukks » Wed May 22, 2013 8:48 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Wed May 22, 2013 8:53 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Wed May 22, 2013 11:04 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Wed May 22, 2013 11:52 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Fri May 24, 2013 9:02 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Fri May 24, 2013 9:41 pm, Postby Vertab Nukks » Sat May 25, 2013 6:46 pm, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 15 guests, Hello to everyone that still enjoys playing this wonderful classic game, several of us at the EFS Steam Group are starting a new PBEM game and are looking for committed players to join, if you are interested please send me an email at. Close combat weapons have now

It has exotic flavor in the Medieval, Feudalistic backdrop.

Same with Star Wars, Star Trek, B5, etc. The more games I play over the years, the more I realize what a spectacular game Emperor of the Fading Suns is. I wish someone would make a game similar to this, with updated graphics and a good AI. EoFS is a combat orientated 'civilization builder' game. To do this I made Engineers take 10 years to build and use a LOT of Metal and Energy. Please notice that Hyperion now comes with That will be my first goal. May 2013 - New EFS Emperor Wars Mod PBEN Game Starting, http://www.mediafire.com/?gz9mrujkbv488tc, Link to Emperor of the Fading Suns Steam Group, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/emperorfadingsuns, Need Players for House Decadso and Li Halan, https://sites.google.com/site/efsreality/, http://store.holistic-design.com/index.

All rights reserved. Getting Started: Download using Mozilla Firefox or you may receive a virus message. Also, there are early versions of shock units available as well. Although interest in the game seems to have continued, and maybe even increased recently. Also for everyone on Steam here is the link to the Emperor of the Fading Suns Steam Group. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. But they are very expensive and will break your budget if you hire too many.

Hyperion Patch V1.375. new animations! We have found our 5 Players for EFS Emperor Wars Game Echo at Steam. Emperor of the Fading Suns Hyperion Welcome to the Hyperion patch website. In 2012, I rediscovered and first found that someone had created the Reality Mod, which included units from the Emperor of the Fading Suns Books printed by Holistic Design.

This is the Psi-Lord: Here is the unit table which shows what techs are needed for each and where they are built. Nobles are now buildable (taking 18 years), and knights can be built (when you discover the right techs) for the right gifts, but will pay you a tax each turn (-20 maint). Emperor Wars Version 3.4 (PBEM GAME) Players Needed!

The Direct Attack Mode can now attack Foot units and the Close Combat Mode can now attack all ground units.

The Gunboat unit class now requires Infantry as the input unit and the Special Operations Craft class now requires Covert Legions as the input unit. Added new Shock Units! Hyperion V1.4b!

In most cases the units are taken straight from the Fading Suns Role-Playing Game manual. I also got the Fading Suns role-play book and started to add more canonical fluff to the game like the Brother Battle and Amalthean units for the church and making some planets have garrisons for factions which should be present (be careful on De Moley).

Extract the files SOREN.SAV and SOREN.TXT to your EFS/SAV directory, Make sure you have the Hyperion V1.375 or higher installed. I have added a lot of interesting units to the game.

As a cult classic strategy game it has been redisigned by players over the years to enhance the gaming experience.

Emperor of the Fading Suns : Reality Mod. New Galaxy! - see the, Soren Savegame Scenario V1.1 with Universal Wherehouse ON - see the, Hyperion Patch V1.2 Full - includes all documentation, Hyperion Patch V1.1 Full - includes all documentation, Hyperion Patch V1.01 Full - includes all documentation, Hyperion V1.375 Unit / Technology Design Microsoft Excel (97/2K) Spreadsheet, Hyperion V1.35 Unit / Technology Design Microsoft Excel (97/2K) Spreadsheet. Also, many unit types were immune to some combat types to balance this.

This version of Hyperion is quite a bit different from the Beta with the changing of the "Naval" class to the "Amphibious" class. And I wanted more upgrade paths for the Nobles than just Blademaster, so i added Psi-Lords and Cyber-Lords. Soren Savegame Scenario V1.1 with Universal Wherehouse OFF. And building cities.. How could all these worlds suddenly and spontaneously begin a massive Urbanization?

Hoping to get my kids interested enough to play through a game with me Hotseat style!!

And the Technology..

That flavor and scope really set it apart from good space operas (4x games) like MOO2 and Galactic Civilization 2.

I added Knight retinues in lieu of Officers, and Muster Legions for the League (which can also be rented for a heavy fee). And I loved the Dark Ages setting :The ancient technology (power armor and space ships) that you can’t even build any longer. In the Vanilla version, a lot of units are able to attack in many of these modes.