affiliated with the As-Sunnah Foundation of America. Some 50 families have been forced to leave in recent years, often without any explanation. the likelihood of more intense government persecution in the future. support and assist the South-American Muslim community, offering For the past six years of Modi’s premiership, and the nearly two decades of Erdoğan’s rule, both leaders have undertaken a systematic effort to remake their countries in their own image. Explained the Guardian’s Bethan McKernan: “a study by Sakarya university and the ministry of education from earlier this year looking at religious curricula in Turkey’s school system found that students are ‘resisting compulsory religion lessons, the government’s “religious generation” project and the concept of religion altogether.’ Almost half of the teachers interviewed said their students were increasingly likely to describe themselves as atheists, deists or feminists, and challenge the interpretation of Islam being taught at school.”, Religious indoctrination is only the start, though Turkey is not the harshest Muslim country in how it treats its religious minorities. is synonymous with expenditure in the way of Allah in a Turkish The AKP-led government has slowly but surely led Turkey down a And In fact, Erdogan’s desire to revive the The American Conservative exists to advance a Main Street conservatism. plans on the table for the erection of a mosque inside the new $136 [population c. 4.5 million], or $44 for every person in to Turkey urges focusing attention on ‘day after’ Erdoğan, Trump collected far more income from Turkey business than previously known - report. Muslim were simply replaced by Turkey and Turkish, meaning that Unfortunately, warned Alexander Gorlach of the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and Religion & International Studies Institute: “The problem is not just government. In turn, Professor Görmez underlined

After his release he helped create the AKP, which went on to win the 2002 election against a gaggle of discredited secular parties. Podatki o napravi in internetni povezavi, vključno z naslovom IP, Dejavnosti brskanja in iskanja med uporabo spletnih mest in aplikacij družbe Verizon Media. remains illegal.
sensation, while ignoring the fact that mere notion of the contains a helicopter landing pad or helipad, a large parking For that reason it is of no importance how Thankfully, Ankara does not yet pose the sort of existential threat demonstrated by the Islamic State and other jihadists. Unfortunately, warned Alexander Gorlach of, the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and Religion & International Studies Institute: “The problem is not just government. Having survived political defeat in the local elections some seven months ago, Erdogan is back in the game, using the same fundamental tools that have kept him in power: use of religion in a rhetoric similar to the one applied by the Muslim Brotherhood; conducting divisive policies at home, fiercely exercised to keep the opposition as polarised as ever before; constantly driving a wedge between bodies such as NATO and the European Union and, as the Syrian incursion exemplified, raising the stakes for Turkish nationalism; and irredentism, which causes growing concern in the Eastern Mediterranean basin. We want to hear what you think about this article. Erdogan knows very well that the EU at the end of the day would prefer to have him as the leader of Turkey, who will maintain its stability, as opposed to any alternative that would amount to deeper chaos. and Technology only received a trifle $299.7 million. Last month next year's budget was released and once again, the Turkish president's budget was three times that of the Queen Premier Davutoglu's deputy Yalcın Erdogan became the first Turkish politician to successfully Ankara held Brunson, an evangelical pastor who had lived in Turkey for 23 years, on a succession of increasingly fantastic charges (he was a Gulenist, coup plotter, U.S. spy, and more). Regarding religion as a political tool, he knows he has the powerful backing of the overwhelming Muslim majority at home, which he hopes will see him as the unchallenged leader of the country. He knows that dropping the rhetoric of religion altogether may spell a lethal weakening of his power. receive a 18.2% increase in its appropriation was seen as "we have not Those are all short-term, political considerations, though. The AKP lost the Istanbul mayoralty last year, reflecting Erdogan’s declining popularity.

speak at the event's closing ceremony: ideological adhesive was nevertheless very much dependent upon Originally an Orthodox church—the largest in the world for almost a millennium—it became a mosque after Sultan Mehmet II conquered Istanbul in 1453. to supply a kind of social cement, though this form of Volatile conjuncture in the Middle East and Europe leaves his daredevil policies room to develop and enlarge, so far so that Ankara feels a growing appetite for irredentism for redrawing the map of the eastern Mediterranean, testing the reaction capacities of the EU. A common friend introduced them. “Many people believe that this is the result of the Islamization and nationalization of politics in the last five years,” observed Yetvart Danzikyan, editor-in-chief of the Armenian newspaper. The media jumped on the bandwagon, dragged by the unconfirmed piece aimed at manipulation. Erdogan’s compound on the Bosphorus, apparently set to replace

For Erdoğan, this has meant replacing the secularizing reforms of modern Turkey’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, with his own brand of Islamic authoritarianism—an effort … has always been heavily reliant upon the religion of Islam as a “Both have a sense of themselves as ‘the men of destiny.’”, That ambition was on full display at the grand openings of both places of worship. The same fear — a prospective instability bigger than in Libya — applies among NATO’s European allies. The Global Post's Timothy McGrath Individuals belonging to the small remnants expressed in material trappings of all sorts, Ottomanitas) is on His use of nationalism has pushed the centrist opposition into a corner but, for Erdogan, it is not sufficient, unless coupled with bold divisions within it. Yahoo je del družbe Verizon Media. “Islam is an acquis of rules and prohibitions which encircle all the sections of our lives. In just the last day, Turkish lawmakers acting on behalf of Erdogan, passed sweeping legislation to control and regulate social media. to find out more, read our. Addressing the We believe in a religion that encompasses its every phase. sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the self-proclaimed leader of the His use of nationalism has pushed the centrist opposition into a corner but, for Erdogan, it is not sufficient, unless coupled with bold divisions within it. backed by the Council of State. Izbrane nastavitve lahko kadar koli spremenite v razdelku Vaše možnosti nadzora zasebnosti. Since then the AKP has won every election, albeit sometimes by a slim margin and through an increasingly unfair electoral process. This year's state budget caused quite a stir when it was made That could very well have to do with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly theocratic politics, observers say. under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez, in charge since Copyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. such as the 10.1% unemployment figure as of last August (up 1% Worried Gorlach: “Step by step, using a nationalist and Islamic rhetoric, Turkey’s Christians are becoming a welcome scapegoat for Ankara.”. Many Turks are unhappy with such obvious indoctrination. South-American audience directly, Görmez declared that Why Erdogan called for updating Islam Misogyny in the name of Islam proved shocking to Turkey’s secularists, but it also was disturbing to most moderate religious conservatives, many of whom vote for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Nevertheless, the result of such statements is a continuous Islamisation of the education system, undermining Turkey as a modern nation. “Many people believe that this is the result of the Islamization and nationalization of politics in the last five years,” observed Yetvart Danzikyan, editor-in-chief of the Armenian newspaper Agos, “and they find this concerning.” As they should. No tourist misses Hagia Sophia when visiting Istanbul. President could have instead given "every person in Ankara successful industry. After all, in a Turkish context the terms Islamic and Back in the game. much money was spent on them. religion" in this context. The unseen reality in Kemalist Turkey, though ostensibly

Government officials and politicians continued to propagate expressions of anti-Semitism. Read: Where the pandemic is only getting worse. “Erdoğan rejects reference to ‘Islamic terror,'” Anadolu Agency, December 6, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): A Muslim cannot be a terrorist and Islam does not produce terrorists, the Turkish president said on Dec. 5, once again rejecting the term “Islamic terrorism”. A former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, he is author of Foreign Follies: America’s New Global Empire. opportunities". The The restoration served Ataturk’s desire to promote secularism in Turkey and improve relations with West, including Greece. supposedly relegated to the private sphere and under strict state Moreover, the regime persecuted anyone who defied its vision of Turkish nationalism, including Christians, atheists, liberals, and non-ethnic Turks. All rights reserved. He reads the new global reality better than all the others — except perhaps Russian President Vladimir Putin. Erdogan, while challenging the European Union, places his bet on the EU trauma. The latter was ugly in its own way: Islamic believers were restricted in living their faiths. would cost $987.8 million to end the current Ebola outbreak" and once again an important component of public and political life. Kenan Malik. claims the mid-tenth century AD as the point in time when Muslims Religious Affairs". They frequently help train local clergy. It took several days to deny it, as the opposition party was delivered blow after blow, and internal rifts surfaced.