S/2004 S 24 • The NASA-led investigation, HERMES, is the second instrument to fly aboard the Gateway.

An island that last saw human visitors in December 1972, when the final Apollo mission returned home. Lysithea • Pandora •

Sponde • km Periapsis unbekannt Apoapsis unbekannt Exzentrizität 0,09 Bahnneigung 30,6
Destined for the Gateway, an international outpost in lunar orbit, Ersa will monitor radiation and return vital data. Erza about to throw her spear at the moon Erza interrupts their victory by reminding everyone their mission hasn't been complete, as they haven't saved the villagers from the curse. Paaliaq • Die Bahnneigung beträgt 30,6°. Francisco •

S/2004 S 35 • Hippocamp • Helene • Mundilfari • Nereid • S/2006 S 1 • Galatea • S/2006 S 3 •

Polydeuces • S/2004 S 17 •

Prospero • Leda • Neso • Aufgrund der Helligkeit des Objektes kann man den Durchmesser auf ungefähr 3 km schätzen. Calypso • Mab • S/2004 S 32 • S/2017 J 1 • Posted on Friday May 8th, 2020 by Nadjejda, From human waste to superplasticiser, astronaut urine could become a useful resource for making a robust type of concrete on the Moon. März 2017 zurückreichen, entdeckt. Pallene • The goddess of dew and the daughter of Zeus and the Moon. Pan • Adrastea • Arche • Caliban • Ersa •

S/2017 J 2 • Callirrhoe • The Power and Propulsion Element is set to host two external scientific investigations. S/2004 S 26 • Posted on Wednesday June 24th, 2020 by Laura. Psamathe • Experts at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany, train and prepare astronauts for their missions into space. Cyllene •

Praxidike • Over the past six months he’s been working on a project to determine how augmented reality (AR) could help astronauts operate equipment and experiments on the International Space Station, and even farther from our planet, by overlaying information onto their surroundings. Eukelade • Posted on Wednesday July 15th, 2020 by Laura. By monitoring radiation, the experiment will help researchers gain a complete understanding of cosmic and solar rays in unexplored areas as the orbital outpost is assembled around the Moon. Destined for the Gateway, an international outpost in lunar orbit, ERSA will monitor radiation and return vital data. Titania • S/2004 S 27 • Jarnsaxa • Thebe • 2020 ESA – European Space Agency. A recent European study sponsored by ESA showed that urea, the main organic compound found in our urine, would make the mixture for lunar concrete more malleable before hardening into a final, sturdy […], Posted on Tuesday April 14th, 2020 by Laura. S/2004 S 7 • Aitne • Rhea • Farbauti • Himalia • Enceladus • Fornjot • Thyone • S/2004 S 12 • Daphnis • Posted on Friday June 26th, 2020 by julien. S/2010 J 2 • Puck • S/2003 J 19 • S/2004 S 23 • S/2003 J 16 • Hyperion • Eupheme •

Dione • Juni 2018. Albiorix • Larissa • S/2004 S 30 • Iocaste • Sie erhielt vorläufig die Bezeichnung S/2018 J 1 und wurde am 23. S/2017 J 6 •

Skathi • Janus • 11,5 Mio. Isonoe • The ESA human spaceflight experiment to fly farthest from Earth now has a name: Ersa. Kore • S/2011 J 1 • Phoebe • Sinope • Rosalind • Europa • S/2004 S 29 • Sao •

Setebos • Skoll • Pandia • Titan •

Topic Moon If space is an ocean, then the Moon is our nearest island. S/2004 S 28 • Ganymed • Both ESA’s and NASA’s experiments will work together to supply much-needed information for forecasting radiation events and understanding how to build better spacecraft and protection for astronauts on and around the Moon, as well as other deep space environments such as on the way to Mars. © [40] Once back at the village, Erza is the one who figures out the secret of the villagers, and uses her Giant Armor [41] to throw a spear to the moon with the help of a very motivated Natsu. Ersa wurde im Jahr 2018 von den Astronomen Scott S. Sheppard und Chad Trujillo auf Aufnahmen, die bis zum 25. Chaldene • Tarqeq • S/2011 J 2 • Siarnaq • Kallisto • Thelxinoe • S/2010 J 1 • The particles are particularly harmful for humans. August 2019 von der Internationalen Astronomische Union nach Ersa benannt, der Göttin des Taues in der griechischen Mythologie.[2]. S/2007 S 2 • Telesto •

Name origin Teddiursa is a combination of teddy bear and ursa (Latin for bear).
S/2004 S 39 • Bestla • Posted on Friday February 26th, 2016 by Ally. Fenrir • Portia • 2020 ESA – European Space Agency, Cliquez pour partager sur Twitter(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur Facebook(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur Pinterest(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Cliquez pour partager sur LinkedIn(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). Kari • Hyrrokkin • Suttungr • S/2017 J 5 • Once in position, the Gateway will orbit the Moon flying as close as 3000 km from the lunar surface and at its furthest, 70 000 km. Once in position, the Gateway will orbit the Moon flying as close as 3000 km from the lunar surface and at its furthest, 70 000 km. Orthosie • Dia • S/2003 J 9 •

Thalassa • Pasiphae • Iapetus • Ananke •

Prometheus • August 2019 um 16:42 Uhr bearbeitet.

Pasithee • This is a Sun-oriented space weather experiment to observe solar particles and solar wind. Explore farther with content traversing all aspects of human and robotic space exploration at ESA. Mneme • S/2004 S 36 • 252 Tagen. S/2003 J 12 • Kallichore •

Margaret • Desdemona • Swedish master student Billy Grundström is undertaking a 6-month internship at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany, where he’s 3D printing parts from simulated Moon dust and a bio-additive in preparation for lunar living.


Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Eurydome • Bianca • Die Bahn weist eine Exzentrizität von 0,09 auf. Methone • The ESA human spaceflight experiment to fly farthest from Earth now has a name: ERSA (European Radiation Sensors Array). Himeguma may Triton, Liste der Monde von Planeten und Zwergplaneten, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ersa_(Mond)&oldid=191762310, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Vorläufige oder systematische Bezeichnung, Werte relativ unsicher, da bisher nur 17 Beobachtungen vom 25. The name Ersa can also stand for “ESA Radiation Sensors Array”. Miranda • S/2017 J 7 • Cressida • Metis • Ferdinand • Eirene • S/2009 S 1, Ariel • S/2004 S 38 • S/2004 S 34 • Media design student Paul Njayou from Germany is undertaking his Master’s internship at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany.

März 2017 bis 15. Destined for the Gateway, an international outpost in lunar orbit, ERSA will monitor radiation and return vital data. Bergelmir • This an area around Earth where high-energy particles are trapped by our planet’s magnetic field. Harpalyke • Megaclite •

Laomedeia • Aoede •

S/2004 S 25 • Tethys • In Greek mythology, Ersa was the half-sister of Hermes, daughter of Zeus and Selene, and the goddess of dew.

Ersa’s hardware will also provide useful information on to how to keep astronauts safe as they pass through the belts. (English) The ESA human spaceflight experiment to fly farthest from Earth now has a name: ERSA (European Radiation Sensors Array). Hermippe • Narvi • Ophelia • S/2004 S 33 • This name is fitting, as HERMES (short for Heliophysics Environmental and Radiation Measurement Experiment Suite) is the name of the NASA-led heliophysics payload that has been selected to fly on the same mission. Carpo • Tarvos • Explore farther with content traversing all aspects of human and robotic space exploration at ESA. S/2003 J 23 • Perdita • Herse •

S/2016 J 1 • Cordelia • Hati •

The radiation investigation will continue to monitor the changes in protons, electrons and heavy ions and neutrons as they hit the measuring instruments. Oberon • S/2004 S 37 • Proteus • Trinculo • Thrymr •

Io • Its hardware will actively monitor radiation at all times and return data for scientists from participating countries to consult. Loge • Juliet •

Large explosions on the Sun are unpredictable and can result in violent outbursts of radiation and energetic solar wind that could hit astronauts as they venture beyond the protective atmosphere of Earth. Valetudo Mimas • Themisto • Autonoe • Music by Giraffage - Moments Naiad •

Cupid • Euanthe •

S/2003 J 10 • S/2004 S 13 •

Bebhionn • S/2003 J 18 • Kilometern in ca. Amalthea • In Greek mythology, Ersa / ˈ ɜːr s ə / or Herse / ˈ h ɜːr s iː / (Ἔρσα, Érsa, Ἕρση, Hérsē, literally "dew") is the goddess of dew and the daughter of Zeus and the Moon (), … Ersa complements NASA’s Artemis programme that is returning humans to the Moon. Ymir Ersa’s hardware will also provide useful information on to how to keep astronauts safe as they pass through the belts. Ersa Vorläufige oder systematische Bezeichnung S/2018 J 1 Zentralkörper Jupiter Eigenschaften des Orbits Große Halbachse 11,5 Mio. Kalyke • S/2003 J 4 • Kiviuq •

S/2017 J 8 • Aegir • S/2017 J 3 • S/2004 S 21 • Find out how the next generation is contributing to ESA's work to explore even farther through the Spaceship EAC initiative. Euporie • If space is an ocean, then the Moon is our nearest island. Atlas • S/2017 J 9, Aegaeon • S/2004 S 20 • One of the best magic tricks we’ve ever seen Subscribe to our channel for all the latest updates & videos! Kale • Helike • S/2007 S 3 • Erinome • Philophrosyne •