The atmosphere of Uranus can get as low as 49K(-224.2 degrees C), and this makes the planet colder than the other ice giant, Neptune. It completes its turn around itself in 17 hours and 14 minutes.

Even brass monkeys wouldn’t stand a chance! This discovery was able to help astronomers understand that rings are mutual features of these planets. Uranus was officially discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781. There wouldn’t be any way for an organism to adapt or thrive. One of the interesting moons is Miranda as it’s got ice canyons, terraces and some other really weird looking things on its surface. Cool kid facts about Uranus says that a quarter of a Uranian year is equivalent to 84 Earth years. In 1789 scientists named the radioactive element, uranium, eight years after the planet Uranus was discovered. Is Uranus a planet? Because of the planets’ tilt, Uranus has extreme seasons that last for 20 long years. Uranus was the first planet discovered by telescope. Facts about the planet Uranus for kids K - 6. Another awesome fact about Uranus is that it makes you think you’re skinnier since if you weighed 150 pounds on Earth then you would weigh 136 pounds on Uranus because of the fact that its gravity is only 8.87 m/s2 or 29.1 ft/s2. Fun Uranus Facts For Kids Amazing Facts About Uranus For Kids. How weird is this?

So this one cold planet to say the least!

Astronomers now count 27. Apparently below the atmosphere is an icy type blanket, which surrounds a rock and ice core. Uranus is a planet in the solar system and is the 7th closest planet to the sun. Uranus has a very large and rocky core at its center. Methane absorbs red light and scatters blue light, so blue-green methane haze hides the interior of this planet from our view.

1 day on Uranus lasts for about 17 hours, compared to Earths 24 hours.

Compared to other planets, even though it’s not the farthest planet from the sun, Uranus has little to no internal heat that can contain the heat of the sun. The color of Uranus is blue due to the fact that it has an atmosphere made up of water, ammonia, and methane. Read our awesome overview of Uranus so you become a planet boffin.

In our solar system we have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the inner rocky planets.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'planetsforkids_org-box-3','ezslot_1',197,'0','0'])); Jupiter and Saturn are the outer gas giants. A day on Uranus is only about 17 hours which is shorter than a day on earth, but Uranus takes 84 Earth years to go around the sun. The orbit circumference for Uranus is 18,026,802,831 km or 11,201,335,967 miles.

The rings of Uranus consist mainly of macroscopic particles and little dust, although dust is known to be present in 1986U2R/ζ, η, δ, λ, ν and μ rings. All rings of Uranus show azimuthal brightness variations. Its density is 1.27 g/cm3 which is 0.23 of Earth’s density. Its atmosphere contains hydrogen, helium and methane. This was one hard planet to discover and name all at the same time.

Check out our super facts about Planet Uranus and then download or print our, Seal Facts For Kids (Diet, Habitat & More! In order of increasing distance from the planet they are: 1986U2R/ζ, 6, 5, 4, α, β, η, γ, δ, λ, ε, ν, μ rings. One Uranian day on Uranus is about 17 Earth hours. This is almost 20% more than Earth’s distance from the sun. Welcome to, a website established in 1999 for primary students and teachers. 7 Uranus Facts for Kids.

Yep, it’s pretty cold up there and it’s often called the ‘ice giant’ planet. Why blue? Animation about the discovering occultation in 1977. At first he thought it was a comet, but a couple of years later it was confirmed as a planet. Herschel tried to have his discovery named ‘Georgian Sidus’, after King George III. One day on Uranus lasts a little over 17 hours (17 hours and 14 minutes, to be exact).

There are two sets of rings which are very thin and dark colored. Compared to other planets in the solar system, Uranus is tilted and it orbits the sun while tilting on its side where its axis is nearly pointing at the Sun. The rings around Uranus are different than those that we find around Saturn, which are mostly dust and ice and relatively small. Temperatures and pressures are too extreme on Uranus for us to consider that life could exist there. The largest moon, Titania, has a diameter of about half the diameter of the Earth’s moon.

Zonal wind speeds on Uranus. Uranus has the fourth-largest surface area of our planets at 8,083,079,690 km2 or 3,120,894,516 mi2 which is 15.847 of Earth’s surface area.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Around 80% of the mass of Uranus is made up of dense, hot fluid of “icy” materials including water, methane, and ammonia. In addition, dust bands observed between the main rings of Uranus may be similar to the rings of Jupiter. The seasons on Uranus … But why can’t it absorb the color blue?

They can be divided into three groups: nine narrow main rings (6, 5, 4, α, β, η, γ, δ, ε), two dusty rings (1986U2R/ζ, λ) and two outer rings (μ, ν).

The color of Uranus is blue due to the fact that it has an atmosphere made up of water, ammonia, and methane.

It is the third largest planet in the solar system. # 2.

The Uranian ring system probably began from the collisional fragmentation of moons that once existed around the planet. Can you just imagine living in darkness for 42 years? Astronomers think that the rings of Uranus are very young and probably formed relatively recently, and not when the planet was formed.

Fun Facts about Uranus for Kids.

Please support Cool Kid Facts by emailing or sharing! Between 1985 and 1986, ten small inner moons were discovered by Voyager 2. Kids Fun Facts Corner # 1.

We hope you enjoyed these facts – as you can see there is still loads more to learn about Uranus. Some people think that the gravitational pull of this moon moving away from Uranus might be causing it to tilt on its side. Now if we multiply these 2 numbers we get 8.68 x 1025 kg. But he didn’t win the battle as the name Uranus was finally suggested by astronomer Johann Bode. 83 ± 3% hydrogen (H2) Another fact about Uranus is that it is a Gas or Jovian planet with an atmospheric composition of 82.5 % Hydrogen; 15.2 % Helium and 2.3 % Methane. The planet is tilted on its axis so much that it is sideways. But if you look just a little closer in other wavelengths, like infrared, you’ll actually see these bands and cloud patterns. There were fast-moving winds that reached a speed of 560 miles per hour.

Recent discoveries have shown that Uranus has dynamic cloud activity near the equinox that include fast-changing bright features. It’s often described as ‘rolling around the Sun on its side’. 11 Fun Facts About Uranus For Kids Jack Bennett January 16, 2019 Blog No Comments Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, and wasn’t discovered until 1781 with the help of telescopes, as it was too dim to have been spotted by ancient civilisations as many of the other planets in the solar system were. Uranus is covered in blue clouds. navajocodetalkersadmin on November 26, 2014 - 10:00 pm in Fun Facts for Kids. Astronomers think this might be because it had a large collision when it was just a baby planet. Check out our super facts about Planet Uranus and then download or print our fun quiz sheet in the activity section at the end of the article! The distance from the sun to mercury is over 9 million miles.

For more in depth work sheets on Uranus. The circumference of Uranus is just over 99,000 miles (159,354 kilometers). Although slightly larger in diameter than its neighbor, Neptune, Uranus has a smaller mass. The five biggest moons are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon.

Half of Uranus’s planet does not get sunlight for about 42 years. In fact it’s by far the coldest planet.

You can’t see it with your eyes when you looked up at the night sky because it is so far away. How To Start A Career In Astronomy In The UK. Each time you look up to the sky and see a star you are looking at a sun in another galaxy. All rights reserved.

The second set of rings was discovered in 2003 by the Hubble Space Telescope which found two more rings. The reason it wasn’t discovered in ancient times is that it was too dim. The temperature at Uranus’s surface is -197°C or -322.6°F which is just a few degrees of having the coldest temperature, where Neptune has the coldest surface temperature at -201°C or -329.80°F. Maybe you can become a space traveler and find out the full story on this interesting planet! It took 2 years before astronomers accepted Uranus as an actual planet. Uranus's aurorae against its equatorial rings, imaged by the Hubble telescope. Uranus in 2005. Uranus has 27 known moons. Uranus and Neptune are the outer ice giants. These massive storms occurred 7 years after Uranus approached the sun; the late giant storms still remain a mystery up to this day.

Did you know that Uranus is almost identical to Neptune? You would have to know exactly where you were looking and what you were looking for, and there would need to be a completely dark night with no light pollution, but at magnitude 5.3 Uranus is just about inside the brightness scale that the human eye can perceive. The least dense planet in the Solar System is Saturn.

The rings are probably mainly composed of water.

It takes Uranus 84 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On September 23, 1846, Johann Gottfried Galle located a new planet, later named Neptune, at nearly the position predicted by Le Verrier. A number of dust bands between the rings were observed in forward-scattering geometry by Voyager 2. The tail of Uranus’ magnetosphere extends into space for millions of miles and its magnetic field lines are twisted due to Uranus’ sideways rotation so that it’s shaped like a corkscrew.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'planetsforkids_org-box-4','ezslot_5',187,'0','0'])); There are 27 known moons around Uranus and they hold the distinction of being named for characters from the works of Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare. The size of Uranus is around four times wider than our Earth. Unlike the aurorae of Earth and Jupiter, those of Uranus are not in line with its poles, due to its lopsided magnetic field.

While Neptune is, on average, colder than Uranus, Uranus hits the coldest temperatures. The seasons on Uranus last 20 years each.

Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side.

Here are the top 10 moons of Uranus according to its size. Click on Kidskonnect Worksheets, For further reading and more information on Uranus visit, Your email address will not be published. They couldn’t be detected from earth because they are so far away and their reflection of light was also low. Copyright 2019 Planet For Kids. The planet is tilted on its axis so much that it is sideways.