Gülen encouraged like-minded individuals to follow suit, which became the genesis of the Gülen movement.[108]. ", "Turkey on Diplomatic Push to Close Schools Linked to Influential Cleric", "Real and imagined threats: the shared past of AKP and the Gülen movement | World | DW | 27.07.2016", "Turkey : Exiled cleric Gulen explains why he thinks Erdogan has branded him a terrorist", "The 'ally' to 'enemy # 1': Gülen Movement (1)", "The Turkish Coup Attempt: The Gülen Movement vs. the State | Middle East Policy Council", "Turkey's Gülen Movement: Between Social Activism and Politics", "A parallel state within Turkey? [141], In July 2017, one year after the anti-Erdoğan putsch, Gülen wrote: "Accusations against me related to the coup attempt are baseless, politically motivated slanders.

[172][173] Others have opined in more eschatological terms, equating Gülen's work as assistance toward the prophesized Mahdi to come,[174] albeit Gülen's spokespersons discourage broaching such speculation. "[185][non-primary source needed], Gülen has supported Turkey's bid to join the European Union and has said that neither Turkey nor the EU have anything to fear, but have much to gain, from a future of full Turkish membership in the EU. [124][128][129] Senior U.S. officials said this evidence pertained to certain pre-coup alleged subversive activities. [165] His understanding of Islam tends to be moderate and mainstream. [131] In March 2017, Flynn registered as a foreign agent for his 2016 lobbying work on behalf of the government of Turkey. "[147], On 28 September 2017, Erdoğan requested the U.S. to extradite Gülen in exchange for American pastor Andrew Brunson, under arrest in Turkey on charges related to Brunson's alleged affiliation with "FETO" (the Gulen movement); Erdoğan said, "You have a pastor too. 21 Eylül 2020 | Fethullah Gülen | Çağlayan Dergisi Yazıları. Također, on je nešto više orijentiran ka državi, te mu je više stalo do tržišne ekonomije i neoliberalne ekonomske politike."[17]. "[121] Gülen, who denied any involvement in the coup attempt and denounced it,[122] has in turn accused Erdoğan of "turning a failed putsch into a slow-motion coup of his own against constitutional government.

Gulen expands on Nursi to advocate what has been described as a "Turkish nationalist, state-centered and pro-business approach" centered on service (hizmet, in Turkish).

Njegov profesionalni stav doveo je neke autsajdere da nazovu njegovu teologiju islamskom verzijom kalvinizma. During its aftermath, Gülen was arrested for organizing a clandestine religious group based on his teachings and was imprisoned for seven months. [73] Gülen was influenced by the ideas of Kurdish scholar Said Nursî.[74]. [33], Gülen ne zagovara novu teologiju nego se vodi klasičnim autoritetima vlasti teologije, uzimajući njihovu liniju argumenata. I will not stop cursing the Great Genocide committed against Armenians in 1915. Speaking against oppression is a democratic right, a civic duty and for believers, a religious obligation. Nekoliko njegovih knjiga su prevedene na engleski jezik. [88] After 11 September 2001, the U.S. increased its scrutiny of its domestic Islamic religious groups. [119] Ben Cohen wrote: "Rather like Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Soviet Red Army who was hounded and chased out of the USSR by Joseph Stalin, Gülen has become an all-encompassing explanation for the existential threats, as Erdogan perceives them, that are currently plaguing Turkey. "[191], Gülen is strongly against Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War.

Takvi biznismeni su uglavnom pro-zapadnjački, jer je to i bio ustvari zapadnjački utjecaj (prvenstveno utjecaj SAD-a), koji je uvjerio vladu da omogući slobodne izbore (elekciju) prvi put u 1950. g. i američku pomoć, što je postalo pokretač bujajućeg ekonomskog rasta. During the political violence in Turkey between the right and left in the 1970s, Gülen "invited people to practice tolerance and forgiveness. [35][37][38][39][40][41] Turkish prosecutors accuse Gülen of attempts to overthrow the government by allegedly directing politically motivated corruption investigations by Gülen-linked investigators then in the judiciary,[42][43] who illegally wiretapped the executive office of the Turkish president,[14] and, with assistance perhaps from unnamed individuals in the American intelligence community, Gülen's alleged instigations or fomentations toward the 2016 coup attempt by factions within Turkish armed forces indeed including Gülenists. Guest Editor Zeki Saritoprak (Editor) (2005-01-01). The project took more than two years to realize and the album was released in 2013 by Nil Production and Universal Music. ", "Claiming to be the Mahdi is Deviation – Fethullah Gülen's Official Web Site", "Gülen movement is fake Mahdi, says Turkey's Religious Directorate head", "Is Gulen Movement Against Peace With PKK? "[111] The growth of the Gülen movement sparked opposition from both Kemalists, who perceived the movement as threatening to undermine secularism, and from more radical Islamists who viewed the movement as "accommodating" and "pro-American. In March 2011, the Turkish government arrested the investigative journalist Ahmet Şık and seized and banned his book The Imam's Army, the culmination of Şık's investigation into Gülen and the Gülen movement. U medijima na engleskom jeziku on je opisan kao "jedna od najvažnijih muslimanskih ličnosti". Kao što je navedeno od strane Berne Turam, Gülen je tvrdio: "Čovjek se koristi za zahtjevnije poslove ... a žena mora biti isključena tokom određenih dana u mjesecu. In 1999, Gülen relocated to the United States for medical treatment. Some accounts, usually older ones, give it as 10 November 1938, while others give 27 April 1941. Sudjelovao je u islamskom obrazovanju u istoj džamiji u Erzurumu u kojoj je i otac radikalnog islamiste Metina Kaplana učio. [159] In Turkey, Gülen's schools are considered among the best: expensive modern facilities and English language is taught from the first grade. Kurtz also cites in the same work the comments of Thomas Michel, General Secretary of the Vatican Secretariat for Inter-religious Dialogue, after a visit to a school in Mindanao.

[160], During the 1990s, he began to advocate interreligious tolerance and dialogue. [116], The Erdoğan government has said that the corruption investigation and comments by Gülen are the long term political agenda of Gülen's movement to infiltrate security, intelligence, and justice institutions of the Turkish state, a charge almost identical to the charges against Gülen by the Chief Prosecutor of Turkey in his trial in 2000 before Erdoğan's party had come into power. Kurtz also cites in the same work the comments of Thomas Michel, General Secretary of the Vatican Secretariat for Inter-religious Dialogue, after a visit to a school in Mindanao. [76], From 1988 to 1991 he gave a series of sermons in popular mosques of major cities. Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat granted asylum to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi following his arrival in Egypt from the US, regardless of the threats that were issued by Iran's ayatollahs during the Iranian Revolution. [81] According to the Kemalist Turkish law of the time, intending to ensure modernity and secularism, non-state sanctioned religious endeavors were outlawed and Gülen could have anticipated being tried especially over remarks (aired after he immigrated to U.S.) which seemed to favor an Islamic state. Her muvaffakiyet, bir önceki çile, gerilim ve hamlenin neticesi, bir bakıma ikinci bir muvaffakiyetin de sebep ve başlangıcıdır.Elverir ki, neticeye ulaşan kimseler, zafer sarhoşluğuyla kendilerini rahat ve rehavete terk etmiş olmasınlar! (All Hizmet's schools, foundations and other entities in Turkey have been closed by the Turkish government following the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt. Citizenship and Immigration Services rejected it. Mahrous stated that his advice to Gülen is to not wait until his extradition, but instead leave the United States and obtain permanent asylum in Egypt. [57], Gülen je snažno protiv turskog uplitanja u Građanski rat u Siriji. Yle meets Turkey's most wanted man", "Followers discuss who will replace Gülen – LOCAL", "Turkish Leader Disowns Trials That Helped Him Tame Military", "Turkey Feels Sway of Reclusive Cleric in the U.S.", Banned book goes on sale in Istanbul book fair, "US-Turkey Relations From a New Right Perspective – Conservative Daily News", "Islam and Democracy in the Thought of Nursi and Gulen", "İlhan Cihaner: İntikam hisleri içinde değilim; cemaat silahlı terör örgütü değil, suç örgütü olabilir – Gündem", "Turkey's Fethullah Gulen denies corruption probe links", "From His Refuge in the Poconos, Reclusive Imam Fethullah Gulen Roils Turkey", "Is Fethullah Gulen Turkey's own Trotsky? "[19], Gülen se povukao iz formalnih dužnosti propovijedanja 1981. godine. The New York Times - Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam, The New York Times: Fethullah Gulen profile, Foreign Policy - Fethullah Gulen as a Top Public Intellectual, Profile on PBS show: Religion and Ethics January 21, 2011, The New Republic Magazine: The Global Imam. They shook society to renew itself once again. Gülen je aktivno uključen u socijalne debate koje se tiču budućnosti države Turske i islama u modernom svijetu. Muhammed Fethullah Gülen (born 27 April 1941) is a Turkish Islamic scholar, preacher, and a one-time opinion leader (as de facto leader of the Gülen movement: an international, faith-based civil society organization once aligned with Turkey's government, but since then outlawed as an alleged "armed terrorist group"). hizmet)[38] za "opće dobro", zajednice i nacije[39], kao i muslimana i nemuslimana širom svijeta;[40] i da je muslimanska zajednica dužna provesti međuvjerski dijalog sa Sljedbenicima Knjige (Židovi i kršćani), iako se to ne odnosi na druge religije kao što je ateizam. [152], As of September 2017, what Turkey had provided the U.S. was information about Gulen dating to before the 2016 coup attempt and Turkey was in the process of compiling information allegedly linking Gulen to the coup attempt.