The report looks at the key climate change problems facing agriculture in the EU and the outlook for the years ahead.

Finnish experts have estimated that mean annual temperatures could rise by 2–7oC by 2080, while annual precipitation could increase by 5–40%. In many cases, underground cabling efforts have been aligned with the installation of fibre-optic cables by telecommunications companies, in so-called “co-construction” efforts for cost-minimisation. It is difficult to establish the exact lifetime of the underground cables that Elenia is currently installing, since none have yet reached their end-of-life. The implementation time for a particular project varies between several months and several years, depending in particular on the area covered and the length of cables (from a few kilometres up to several hundreds of kilometres).

A typical underground cabling project takes 1-2 years, whereby the first year is normally dedicated to project selection and design, and the second year involves actual construction, commissioning and documentation. Marita Laukkanen, chief researcher at Finland's VATT Institute for Economic Research, says she finds the results convincing, but does not see them as reason for Finland to celebrate.

The European Commission has granted 9.1 million euros to Finland to help mitigate climate change.

The climate of Finland is influenced most by its latitude: Finland is located between 60 and 70 N. Because of Finland's northern location, winter is the longest season. Finland's 188,000 lakes may be a sought-after resource in the future.

Snow precipitation can accumulate on overhead lines causing damage, breakage and power outages.

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) have released a new interactive mapping tool about climate change effects on cross-country skiing in Climate... New methods make it easier to recognise and systematically assess the most significant environmental impacts of various projects, and to illustrate the results. Climate change is also predicted to result in deciduous trees remaining in leaf for longer periods, increasing the risk of storm related damages.

The weather-proofing efforts aim to improve security of supply and to promote local employment for underground cabling work for the period in question. Elenia is not the only company undertaking underground cabling efforts in Finland but rather all electricity companies in the country are giving it due consideration, showing significant changes in the sector.

In Finland, both storms and precipitation are expected to increase in line with climate change (Ruosteenoja et al., 2016).

Researchers note that drought is playing an increasing role in migration and unrest, such as in Libya's 2011 revolution and civil war. This interaction generally occurs in a collaborative atmosphere. fires and impact associated with broken or fallen cables. This refers largely to precipitation and windstorms, which can cause damage to overhead power lines either directly or indirectly through treefall, resulting in power outages.

Full report; 03/03/2014 - IP/2014/201 - Turn to climate action for a job-rich economic recovery, Europeans say Special Eurobarometer on climate change: October 2011 According to the report, "the primary driver is the parabolic relationship between temperature and economic growth, with warming increasing growth in cool countries and decreasing growth in warm countries".

She notes that climate change may increase the number of refugees and weaken forest growth, for instance. At 2018, a study on the social costs and benefits of underground cabling as a key adaptation measure was under review. Elenia itself has a target to achieve 75% underground cabling of its network by 2028. The technical lifetime of underground cables is estimated to lie between 50 years and 70 years.

As a result, interaction with key stakeholders at various levels and in particular municipalities is embedded in Elenia’s operations. Although underground cabling could be exposed to new climate hazards, in particular from flooding and soil movements related to landslides, so far these risks remain hypothetical. The Finnish Electricity Market Act was updated in 2013 to stipulate that by 2028, energy networks must be designed so that storms or snow loads do not cause blackouts lasting more than 6 hours in town areas or more than 36 hours in other areas. through tree fall), storms can also cause damage to power lines, resulting in power outages. Elenia website and annual reports. Underground cabling is viewed as a technique of adapting electricity transmission and distribution systems to climate change since it protects assets from expected climate change impacts including storms and excessive snow loads. Comparing a half-century of historical temperature fluctuations and economic growth, researchers found that warming has led to "robust and substantial declines in economic output in hotter, poorer countries—and increases in many cooler, wealthier countries—relative to a world without anthropogenic warming".

Under the Paris Agreement, signed in 2016, many countries pledged carbon emissions caps that weren’t ambitious enough to … Case mainly developed and implemented because of other policy objectives, but with significant consideration of CCA aspects. Other main beneficiaries have been Canada, Sweden and Russia. Americans in Finland scramble amid postal voting disruption, Tuesday's papers: Marin's moves, Veikkaus verdict and Uusimaa's tourism woes, Yle finds that nearly 800 Finnish names on Chinese watch list were copied from US database, Finland to roll out lane-specific speed limit trial in 2021, EK: Confidence in Finnish industries continues to weaken, Haavisto: Swedish documentary on Estonia shipwreck solid, hole probably not from an explosion, At least 21 infected with Covid-19 after youth party at Tahko ski resort, PM Marin: Exploitation of foreign workers must be stopped, Air Force's biggest drills of the year to soar over Finland, Finland, Estonia, Sweden to examine 'new evidence' in 1994 cruise ship tragedy, Finland tightens border, coronavirus restrictions on arrivals from Sweden and Norway now in force, Monday's papers: PM riles businessmen, restaurant restrictions and Northern Lights sightings, Warmest late-September day in half a century as mercury hits 23.5C, Public-sector fertility clinics: Record level of egg and sperm donations this year, Citizens’ initiative demanding referendum on EU stimulus gains enough signatures to proceed to Parliament, Poll: Niinistö, Marin best at pandemic communications, Henriksson criticises government healthcare reform plan.

Finnish Environment Institute | Suomen ympäristökeskus | Finlands miljöcentral. This rate gives an indication of the progress towards the target of 75 % by 2028.

The benefits, although not quantified at this stage, will involve more secure energy supply, as well as job provision for excavation and installation work during the required time period. Whether through direct impact or indirect impact (e.g. This case study considers a Finnish example of replacing overhead lines with underground cabling.

UN Climate Change Summit: The best and the worst. As an example, in December 2016, Elenia carried out a popular event for local residents in Ruovesi concerning the cabling project.

The habitats of species in Finland's rivers will move northward as climate change causes temperatures to rise. The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method developed by European Commission is used to assess the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycles.

Emissions from municipalities in the Carbon Neutral Municipalities (HINKU) network declined by an average 29 percent in 2007 - 2015. Finland’s 7th Communication to the UNFCCC estimates that total investments in distribution networks needed to ensure security of supply (including through underground cabling) will be €2,800 million. Global climate change is expected to have extremely dramatic effects in Finland.