[3]It's better to play this lane passively because you outscale him by the 20 minute mark if you're not behind. [1]Corrupting Potion is your starting item to get through the laning phase. The other reason he's still so high up is because his kit is still Oppressive in lane. Once Nasus gets ahead he stays ahead. You may as well replace all your other teammates with her. If he hits his Q into E, you're in big trouble.

[S10] Rank #1 Fiora Guide - ForgottenProject, [10.20] Fiora Handbook (Top / Mid) (+ Match-up Guide), [10.20] Fiora Top Lane - In Depth - God Carry. [2]You will need Executioner's but don't Rush it after Tiamat. [3]You also outscale him HARD. [1]She will try to Wall-stun you which you can parry, but it's better to steer clear of Walls. [3]Parry his Knockback. I wonder what the Problem is. You outscale him though so it's so bad. His Early-Game is stupidly strong but he falls off. [2]If you Parry the Knock-up just make sure you Q-E into him before he Silences you. Alright Riot Threw him a Bone and being the Crocodile he is, he made full use of it. [1] Don't get hit by her W. Q Into her If she tries to hit you with it. *Some Jax will vary the timing at which they stun you so you're gonna have to learn to predict that*. Angriff verlangsamt das Ziel, der 2.

[4]Try to dodge his Axe the best you can as it gives him a window to All-in or stack his Conqueror. Der 1. Only Q-Poke Front Vitals. Angriff wird kritisch treffen. [2]Try to Predict and parry his E(his Dunk). There's nothing that makes him OP but he's just overall a strong Pick. if you fail to kill him you probably wont get another chance at it because you will lose all your HP here. [3]It's Possible to bait her ultimate out and run away. If she Baits out your parry she wins the trade. [4]Ping your team the moment he leaves the lane and keep scaling. LoL Names GG bietet einen League of Legends Name Checker, eine Datenbank mit bereits vorhandenen Namen und eine Liste der kommenden Namen auf der Grundlage früherer Suchvorgänge. She has a stun that easy to predict and parry and she can be harassed easily. [1]It's better to parry his Silence and Dodge His knock-up but you can parry both. Dieser Stich verlangsamt den ersten getroffenen gegnerischen Champion oder betäubt ihn, falls Fiora mit dieser Fähigkeit einen kampfunfähig machenden Effekt blockt. Another Fun Match-up where you can parry something quite easily. Minions do a ton of damage to the Enemy Laner if they try to Trade. [3]Easy to Dodge his Q by using your own Q. Please login or register. Provides time to Roam or put Deep wards in the Enemy Side. [3]You can beat him if he doesn't have his turrets set-up or if you kill his turrets and still have Most of your Hp. [3] Rush Tabis after getting your Tiamat if you feel like you're losing lane. [3]Spam Ping your Laners if she's missing from the lane after Level 6. This is a fun match-up and it Favors you.
[1]Take Corrupting Potion in Lane and Don't fight him when he's in his Ranged Form as he has an easy way to escape. You must be logged in to comment. [3]At Lv6 All-in him after baiting his Blind and kill him. He's not that strong but if he gets ahead it's near impossible to Punish him for Over-extending in Lane. Dont Stress it you'll be fine. This Champion has a trash Design. "Strength and will are what make a weapon." [2]Play around your Conquerer and you wont lose against him. [3]Parry the Q that will stun you when you're at full stack of his Passive OR his Devour.

[4]Keep track of his R, ping to make sure your teammates are aware. [4]Don't Fight him early unless he has a low Rage Bar. His Cleavers will be your demise if you're not careful. [4]She scales Just as well as you so try to end the game early if you get ahead of her.

[1]Parry his Dash/Taunt. [5]You can only kill him by forcing him to use Pool and then running him down while he's over-extended without it. This is guy is a cheese pick. +10% Attack Speed [3]His R can be used to gank Mid quite easily so I recommend keeping your eyes on him and your pings. Skill matchup. [3]Don't All-in before Level 6, only take short trades. There are Multiple things to parry and the 2 Second Stun you get off of them makes this a Free win. [3]You can fight him in his Ultimate without any problem, just make sure you dodge some of his Qs with your own Q. [2]Parry his Q and you will win the trade.

Your Large Minion wave Forces Enemy to avoid taking Trades. [2]Her early-game damage is stupid so try not to trade with her pre-level 6. [2]You can All-in him lv6 if he uses Lightning Rush to come forward. [3]Walk away from him if he gets his Empowered Q, indicated by his Bar turning Red. [1]You can Parry his Fear, it's not too hard to get the timing right. [1]Don't fight him when he has more than 60% rage. [2]If he rushes Bramble West against you, dont bother fighting him in lane you wont win the trades.

You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. [1]Do not fight him before level 3 he will out damage you hard. You beat her in lane hard. The reason he is good is not because he beats you, it's because he beats your teammates. Automatically. Get Quicksilver Sash if you don't want to get Mercury Treads against their Team comp. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. [1]Take Corrupting Pot as your Starting item. This is not a lane this is just Torment. [3]You can Q into him when he uses his Q to deny the Healing. No one in their Right mind is gonna play Ashe Top. [2]You can also parry his W as it's about to drag you back in as he usually pairs it up with his last Q to lock you down. [2]If you parry her E you win the trade. [1]Whenever she Qs onto a minion near you, you Q her for free damage. [2] Tabis are a good buy. Kann sie ihre eigene Herausforderung meistern, erhält sie einen kleinen Bonus und gibt eine neue Richtung an. If she's able to bait out your parry she wins the trade. [3]Good Garen Players will try to bait your parry out before they Q you, dont fall for it. [5]Rush Executioner's After your Tiamat, you don't want him to kill thanks to his absurd lifesteal. [2]You can Burst her down with your Q>E1>Tiamat>E2 Combo and if you're able to parry her E after this it's an easy kill. Lade die League-App herunter, um mit Freunden in Kontakt zu bleiben und stets die neuesten Infos zum Spiel und E-Sport zu erhalten. [1]Parry his Last Q as that's what does the most damage and easiest to parry. [3]If you all-in him when he has no boxes placed you'll win. [4]If he rushes Lethality, make sure you get your Tabis. Fiora strikes in a target direction for 0.75 seconds, during which she can't do anything else but becomes invulnerable to non-turret damage and gains crowd control and debuff immunity.
[1]Watch his Rage bar and dont engage him when it's near to full or full. [2]Do not get close to him under his turret, he will taunt you and you will die. [3]Try Parrying her E2 AA Q Combo, you'll easily win that trade. You beat him HARD. [2]You Can Parry Her R2 and her Empowered AA. If you mess up you're in for a beating. [3]The Light Ball that drops on the ground is her passive that gives her a shield, you can step on it to deny it. [2]Dont fight him pre-level 6 and just try to get as much farm as possible. [2]He can reset his dash Timer by hitting a target with it so if you're low HP stay a good distance away from the Minion wave Do not underestimate this champion. He got nerfed but he's still Strong since he rushes armor and then kites you with movement speed.

(It's a 25 Second CD)