As for now, I hope that teachers and school systems take these things into consideration as time goes on. While we usually highlight three of our most popular writing prompts in our Current Events Conversation, this week we are only rounding up comments for this one prompt so we can honor the many students who wrote in. At first, that sounds amazing, but you don’t learn anything that can benefit you on a test. My teacher would give us a song we had to remember to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc. Because they are so accepting of mistakes and confusion it makes me feel very comfortable and I am doing very well in math. I personally find myself growing as a student more when I am writing down my assignments and planning out my day on paper instead of relying on my phone for it. Trader Joe's has been my favorite grocery store since I knew it existed — from the small, community-like feel to the prepped frozen snacks I throw in the oven 10 minutes before having guests over, it's been a go-to for me for over a decade. Two of my favorite teachers are very lenient and willing to follow the classes train of thought. They also get more “hand holding” to guarantee success, because parents who pay tuition expect results. — William Hudson, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC. But now, my teacher teachers in a way that is so educational and at the same time very amusing and phenomenal. And that’s where I think they messed up. An art student isn’t going to use Biology and Trigonometry in life. In private school, students have smaller class sizes and more resources for field trips, computers, books, and lab equipment. Most students only care about getting the questions right on the tests to get a good grade then they will forget about the material until they are forced to learn it yet again. My teacher uses Software called OneNote and she does all the class notes on OneNote so that we can review the class material at home. In American schools, the achievement gap between high and low performers in reading has widened. As more and more trusted schools offer online degree programs, respect continues to grow. I have been frustrated about a lot that I am expected to learn in school because they expect us to learn so much information in such little time that we end up forgetting about half of it anyway. Yes, we are very fortunate to be able to get an education here in America but there are some things that could use improvement. We asked students to weigh in on these findings and to tell us their suggestions for how they would improve the American education system. Not just pictures and diaphragms and unlogical terms and things like that. — Anders Olsen, Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. — Bella Perrotta, Kent Roosevelt High School. Even if we do find so... Geeksforgeeks is known as a website to learn coding and concepts of programming languages as well as algorithm or interview questions. While I don’t feel like making school easier is the one true solution to the stress students are placed under, I do feel like a transition to a year-round schedule would be a step in the right direction. With over a decade-and-a-half of American schooling under my belt, I feel that I can assert with absolute certainty that there are some fundamental flaws in how we have chosen to structure education. As a student of an American educational center let me tell you, it is horrible. Megan Jelinger/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images. The big thing that I have struggled with is the class sizes due to overcrowding. Bloomi is the product of her all of her shared passions, and with it she has fostered a community of like-minded, passionate women. According to a survey, 83 percent of executives say that an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional campus-based program. The things students need the most in life are not being taught at the appropriate times they should be. We also have a lot of stress so there is rarely time for us to study and prepare for our tests because we constantly have work to do and there isn’t time for us to relax and do the things that we enjoy. In my school, we don’t have the best things, there are holes in the walls, mice, and cockroaches everywhere. Other recent studies revealed that two-thirds of American children were not proficient readers, and that the achievement gap in reading between high and low performers is widening. The classes in which I succeed in most are the ones where the teachers are very funny. Some teachers will then openly admit that they want their students to do well on the tests so they do not lose their jobs. That said, online education is only worth your time if you are earning accredited online degrees from accredited colleges. You have to figure stuff out yourself, solve problems, and advocate for yourself. This is not the student's fault because this is what the teachers are expecting them to do; get good grades, pass standardized tests, move on to the next level and so on. — Skyla Madison, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC. The only way you could fix it would be to lessen the load dumped on students and give us a break. Education is one of the most important aspects of being in the United States simply because our public schooling system is free, unlike many other countries. I’m someone who struggles when all the teacher does is say, “Go to page X” and asks you to read it. We dislike studying. — Henry Alley, Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC. Many people need support to be pushed to their full potential, because some people do not have the will power to do it on their own. Most students only care about getting better grades than other students simply so they have a better chance at getting more opportunities such as higher ranked colleges and universities. reach their goals and pursue their dreams, forest resources association logger training, situational leadership training nonprofit, international executive protection training, stony brook university linkedin learning login, earthquake preparedness powerpoint training. The books are out dated, the bathrooms are hideous, stress is ever prevalent, homework seems never ending, and worst of all, the seemingly impossible feat of balancing school life, social life, and family life is abominable. I hope this brings some understanding and perspective for the next time you have a sit down with someone you care for. I feel like it is harder for me to understand something if I just read it out of a textbook. As a Freshman and someone who has a tough home life, I can agree that this is one of the main causes as to why I do poorly on some things in school. My 2nd grade class made learning easy because of the way my teacher would teach us. Education in Americans problems are very complicated, and there is not one big solution that can fix all of them at once, but little by little we can create a change. These encounters, whether they be continuous or a single conversation, are never easy. In public school, the learning is up to you. With the development of internet and technology, now you will find end number of online courses that offer many learning courses. A student's GPA also plays a role in this. Like foreign languages, I think they’re important, but I don’t think they should be required. I am frustrated about what I’m supposed to learn in school. Personally, for me I think standardized tests have a negative impact on my education, taking test does not actually test my knowledge — instead it forces me to memorize facts that I will soon forget. There should be a class on sex education, a real sex education class. Brianna Cicero, National Writer's Society3. Finally, the assignments students get in high school are nothing compared to the ones they will receive in college. The hormonal hell that many of these women go through is not only painful, but it's exhausting, with too few answers thanks to a lack of research and consistency. I like that when we don’t understand a question, our teacher walks us through it and helps us solve it. We wouldn’t let a lawyer perform heart surgery or construction workers do our taxes, so why let the people who win popularity contests run our education systems? I'm very invested in politics. At this point, homework is given out to prepare the students for … more homework, rather than helping students apply their knowledge to the real world. The problem with this is that not everyone has this sort of learning style. Students aren’t really learning things that can help them in the future such as basic reading and math. There are a lot of potential remedies for the education system. There should be a class on drugs. Whenever they are introduced to school at a young age, they are convinced by others that school is the last place they should want to be. Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted. A student might get good grades, have a high GPA score, but then do poorly on an SAT because they are not great test takers. Just in time to refill your fall Netflix queue. Of all the things out of the control of teachers, this one is perhaps … Alas, our government makes teachers work with their hands tied. I hope that in the near future students can voice their opinion and one day change the school system for the better. If you get a bad grade on something you start believing that you’re a bad student. Students today feel voiceless because they are punished when they criticize the school system and this is a problem because this allows the school to block out criticism that can be positive leaving it no room to grow. She pioneered the sexual wellness movement. Most of the time, I feel like what I’m learning will not help me in life. Here are the top 15 failures affecting the American public education system: 1. Our prompt received nearly 300 comments. The answer to solving the American education crisis is simple. It feels like once we’ve graduated high school, we’ll be sent out into the world clueless and unprepared. — Lilah Pate, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC. Why do we have to dedicate our high school lives studying equations we’ll never use? I know many college students who have no idea what they’re doing, as though they left home to become an adult but don’t actually know how to be one. At the moment, the one class that I really feel supported in is math. Learning needs to be more interesting. It's important to recognize that we all go through different experiences based on the reproductive systems we're born with. I would go to my math teacher in the morning and there would be 12 other kids there. Then they will have to learn about time management. Abby Margaret, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. — Aleena Khan, Glenbard West HS Glen Ellyn, IL. They will sometimes do anything to get on top such as cheating or plagiarizing which proves that they do not care about the things they are learning, just the scores they receive.