Trump Says No, More Evidence the Hong Kong Protests Were a US Bid to Undermine China, How Our Elites Rig the Game so They Always Win - Control the Info and the Outcome, Respiratory Specialist Reveals Anyone Who Enters Hospital With Breathing Problems Labeled COVID, China: COVID Shows U.S. Is a 'Primitive Society' (They're Right), 'Antifa' Organizer Exposed as Member of Elite Political Family, Report: Kushner Was the One Who Pushed to Cancel Trump’s Immigration Ban, US Anti-Anxiety Drug Use Up 34%, Antidepressants 18%, Sleeping Pills 14%, Illegal Drugs Unknown, Report: Jew Kushner Was the One Who Pushed to Cancel Trump’s Immigration Ban, 'Immigration Ban' Is Functionally Useless, Another Let Down by Impotent Trump, US Meat Industry, Owned by Billionaires, Staffed Almost Entirely by Wetbacks, Israeli Cabal in Virginia Govt. George Galloway has dismissed claims that Russia is “culpable” for the Skripal poisoning, saying it wouldn’t put a “signature” on such a crime. NYC Cuts Subway Service by a Quarter After Ridership Plummets 87%, 10 Amazon Warehouses Hit With COVID-19 After Workers Test Positive, FBI Claims 'Neo-Nazi Plot' to Deliberately Infect Jews and Cops with COVID-19. Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin? He also claimed in 2006 that Mr Putin destroyed videotapes in the FSB archive of himself having sex with underage boys. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Why I've Come to Believe They Cannot, UK Lockdown Chaos: ‘Youths’ Fire Bomb Food Delivery Vans, Launch Missiles at Police, Party of Love and Tolerance Wishes Death on Political Opponent, Watch: Scenes Resembling First World War as ‘Battle of Evros’ Between Greeks, Migrants, Turks Continues, 'No Country Has An Exit Strategy' - Experts Warn Virus Disruptions Could Last Months, Years, Dem's Block Corona Relief Until They Can Use Bill to Force "Diversity Policies" on Desperate Businesses, Coronavirus Vaccine Will Bypass Safety Testing, Coronavirus Corporate Coup - Big Businesses Lobby for Bailouts While Small Businesses Wither, Coronavirus Could Become an Annual Thing, Like the Flu - Could Reduce US Life Expectancy Rates by 2.5 Years, Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter Was One Of The First ‘Holocaust Deniers’, Coronavirus Reveals Financial Irresponsibility of Americans, No Refunds: Costco Hoarders Discover They Can't Return Toilet Paper, 'Like Having Glass in Your Lungs' - Coronavirus Survivor Stories. IN 1 HOUR: Hitchens & Tegnell to Deep Fry COVID Lockdown Loonies in Cambridge Union Debate (April 23, 6PM BST), Diversity Is Not a Strength (Jared Taylor Video), What the Church Fathers Said About the Jews, COVID Was a US Biowar Attack on China, US Intel Knew About It 2 Months Before China Did, The Gig Economy Isn't New - It's the Historic Norm for Capitalism, 'The Coming War On China' –  Watch John Pilger’s Powerfully Relevant Documentary, The History of Jewish Subversion in China - a Deep Dive (FTN Podcast, Audio + Transcript), The History of Jewish Subversion in China - a Deep Dive (Audio + Transcript), 'Nice Jewish Couple' Celebrated by Netflix Are Largest Distributors of Gay Porn in America, COVID Stimulus Bill Funds Same Orgs That Helped Trigger Polio Outbreak in Syria, Trump Keeps Appointing Neocons Passionately Loyal to Israel to His Administration, US Economy Is a Grab-Bag of Skims, Scams, Fraud and Corruption - It Can't Be Saved, Horrific, Unprecedented, 3rd World Famines Triggered by COVID a Very Real Possibility - the Facts, US Migrant Farm Workers Are a COVID Explosion Waiting to Happen, Here's Why UBI Won't Trigger Inflation, and Why We Should Start It Now, One of Most Influential US Pastors Says 'Israeli Lobby' Is the Biggest Problem Facing America (Chuck Baldwin), Mainstream Media China Hysteria Getting More Unhinged Than Normal, Further Evidence COVID Kills Fat People, Blacks Tend to Be Fat, German TV Pleads for Free Sterilization of Young Women Who Don't Want to Have Children (Video), COVID Profiteers & Immigration Shills, Sen. Burr (Nc) and Loeffler (Ga) Don't Give a Damn About Americans, Some Funny Racist Memes - Truth to Power - Wednesday, April 22, 2020, ADL Demands Video Game Titan Censor His Customers - He Tells Them 'NO! Russia was set up to fail this test that Theresa May set it. Whitney Webb Interview on Epstein's Connections with Bill Gates, the Clintons, and Trump (Video), Melanin Kills: Brown People in White Countries Suffer Vitamin D Deficiencies, Making Them Weak to COVID, Data Shows Americans Still Too Afraid of Social Interaction to Restart Economy, Even If Lockdown's Lifted, The Overwhelming Evidence Alexander Hamilton Was a Secret Jew - Part 2 (FTN Podcast, Audio + Transcript), WhatsApp: Israeli Firm ‘Deeply Involved’ in Hacking Our Users, How Banksters Are Stealing Homes During Crisis (Video), Babylon Bee: 'Go Down Donald' Parody Song, US Military Most Likely Leaked COVID in Wuhan (5min Video + Transcript), Congress Only Spends 1.5% of War Budget on Preventing Health Crises, The Suppressed History of Jewish Red Terror in Europe and Russia After WW1, #GeneralStrike2020! The comments below have not been moderated. Zero Traffic! 63 years on from the original Sputnik and it seems the West's views on Russia have remained the same. They may as well be leaving a pair of boots covered with snow and painting ‘Vladimir Putin was here’ on the nearest wall. Facts Prove Almost Everyone Is Wrong, Tokyo 1945: 100,000 Women, Children and Men Too Old to Fight Were Burned Alive in Six Hours, The Third World Must Be Freed of Its Debt Servitude, No, Harvard, Homeschooling Should Not Be Banned, Plagues Over the Centuries Have Caused Radical Political Shifts - Examples From the Last 2500 Years, For-Profit Health Insurance Industry Uses Irrational Scare Tactics to Discredit Medicare for All, The AngloZionists Are Launching a Strategic PSYOP Against China, WW2: 100,000 Women, Children and Men Too Old to Fight Were Burned Alive in Six Hours, COVID Is Exposing the United States’ Ragged, Shameful Safety Net, GAME OVER: The Swedish - Belarus COVID Herd Immunity Strategy Has Won, Watch the COVID Documentary Charged With 'Antisemitism' for Pointing out 'Gang That Controls State Medicine', Jews Worry That When Trump Talks About the 'Invisible Enemy', He's Talking About Them, Jewish Financial Swindles Through the Ages, With a Focus on the Last 20 Years, LIVE! Biden Accused of Sexual Assault, Pelosi’s Coronavirus Plan Would Make Election Fraud Easier, Watch – Gaza Imam: Coronavirus Is ‘Soldier of Allah,’ to Harm West but Spare Palestinians, Muslims, A Few Recent Political Developments Which Should Not Go Unnoticed, As 911 Gets Calls for Coughing Neighbors, Hotline Allows People to Snitch to Govt During Outbreak, Jews Demand National Guard Protect Them From ‘Neo-Nazis’ Who Want to Infect Them With COVID-19, Brazil: Gangs Implement ‘Social Distancing’ as Coronavirus Hits Favelas, Cape Cod, Hamptons Overwhelmed by Rich Americans Fleeing to Their Summer Homes, Julian Assange’s Lawyers Will Apply for Bail Release Over Coronavirus Fears. Topics may differ from politics to social concerns, but Sputnik will remain true to its aim – bringing a new perspective, a different view. On Russia’s refusal to respond to the deadline set by May for it to give its account of the Skripal poisoning, Galloway said: “The reality is Russia has every right to be offended here.