Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data. This approach is … SP – Assurance report on non-financial statement, URD 2019 p. 200 – (Corporate Governance) 4.5 Statutory auditors’ report on related party agreements ; p. 282 – 8.1 Statutory auditors’ report on the Consolidated Financial Statements; p. 440 – 10.1 Statutory auditors’ report on the financial statements, Explanation of the material topic and its boundary, URD 2019 p. 4-30 – 1 Presentation of the Group – Integrated reportSP – Challenges identification, The management approach and its components, URD 2019 p. 4-30 – 1 Presentation of the Group – Integrated reportSP – Becoming the responsible energy major, URD 2019 p. 4-30 – 1 Presentation of the Group – Integrated reportSP – Creating and sharing value, Direct economic value generated and distributed, URD 2019 p. 23 – 2019 Group results; p.286 – 8.2 Consolidated statement of income; p.288 – 8.4 Consolidated balance sheet; p.336 – Note 10 Payroll, staff and employee benefits obligations; p.421 – 9.3 Report on the payments made to governmentsSP -  Creating and sharing value, Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change, SP – Climate > Strategy > Risk managementURD 2019 p. 84 – 3.1.2 Climate challenges CDP Climate 2020 p. 16 Risk Disclosure, Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans, URD 2019 p. 336 – Note 10 Payroll, staff and employee benefits obligations, Financial assistance received from government.
Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services, UDR 2019 p. 101 – 3.5 Legal arbitration proceedings, Requirements for product and service information and labeling. Total has developed energy efficiency programs to limit its own energy consumption.

Die Berichtsqualität wird anhand folgender Kriterien beurteilt: Verwendung der Prinzipien der Berichterstattung (siehe oben). Binde sie ein, indem du zu Beginn die Erwartungshaltung deiner Stakeholder klärst. Non available URD 2019 p.4 – 1.1.2 2019 Key Group figures; p.7 – 1.2 An ambition: become the responsible energy major; p. 8 – 1.3 Advantages that allow the Group to stand out in a changing energy world, URD 2019 p. 20 – 1.5.2 TOTAL S.A., parent company of the  Group and its subsidiaries, URD 2019 p. 10 – 1.3.2 A differentiating geographic presence; p. 375 – Note 18 Consolidation scope, URD 2019 p.7 – 1.1.2 2019 Key Group Figures; Shareholding structure ; p. 20 – 1.5.2 TOTAL S.A., parent company of the  Group and its subsidiaries; p.267 – 6.4 Shareholders, URD 2019 p. 31-73 – Business overview for fiscal year 2019: p. 32 – 2.1 Integrated gas, renewables & power segment; p. 40 – 2.2 Exploration & Production segment; p. 47 - 2.3 Upstream hydrocarbons activities; p. 60 - 2.4 Refining & chemicals segment; p.67 - 2.5 Marketing & services segment, URD 2019 p.4 – 1.1.2 2019 key Group figures ; p. 22 – 1.6.1 2019 results, SP – Employment and social inclusion > Attracting and retaining talentsSP – Social indicators, URD 2019 p. 30 - 1.6.4 Significant changes ; p. 295 – Note 2 Changes in the Group structure. SP – Environment > Managing impacts to biodiversity and ecosystems during projects and operations Hier erwarten dich umfassende Praxisbeispiele und Best Practices nachhaltiger Unternehmen!

Total does not publish a quantitative indicator, Total’s Code of conduct p. 19- Respect for human rightsSP – Challenges identificationSP – Reporting scope and methodSP – Human rights, SP – Human rights > AssessmentsHR 2018 p. 14 Improving our assessments and actions, Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments, Employee training on human rights policies or procedures, SP – Human rights > Awareness-raising and training, Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening, SP – Value creation for host countries > Operational societal approach Standards wie die der Global Reporting Initiative helfen dir, auf die richtigen Dinge einzugehen. Authorized translations ensure that the world’s most widely used standards for sustainability reporting are accessible to a diverse global audience. Erkläre deinen Managementansatz. SP – Employment and social inclusion > Promoting social dialogueSP – Value creation for host regions > Local stakeholders engagementSP – Human rights. Berichterstattung zu ökologischen Standards, betreffend Materialien, Energie, Wasser, Biodiversität, Emissionen und Abwasser und Abfall.

Correspondence between the GRI standards and the Sustainable Development Goals was established following the SDG Compass inventory of relevant business indicators against SDGs. Die Kenntnis über die Erwartungshaltung musst du im Nachhaltigkeitsbericht glaubhaft darstellen. Health Safety Environment Quality CharterSP – Challenges identificationSP – ClimateSP - EnvironmentSP – Reporting scope and method, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Environment > Limiting the environmental footprintCC 2019 p. 30 Controlling Methane Emissions; p. 38 – Curtailing emissions from our sites, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicatorsSP – Environment > Limiting the environmental footprintSP – Environmental indicators, Direct (scope 1) greenhouse gas emissions, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicatorsCDP Climate 2020 p. 36 Targets and performance, Energy indirect (scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions, Other indirect (scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicatorsCDP Climate 2020 p. 50 Scope 3 emissions data, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicators, SP – Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesCC 2019 p. 30 Controlling Methane Emissions; p. 38 – Curtailing emissions from our sites, Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), Non available Die Standards stellen also sicher, dass du über alle wesentlichen Themen deiner Corporate Social Responisbility (CSR) Aktivitäten berichtest. Looking for the Standards in your language?
Hydrocarbons (oil and gas) are the main raw material used by Total in its activities. Die GRI-Standards sind globale Standards für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung. Mit einem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht bist du zudem verpflichtet dir konkrete Ziele für deine CSR-Maßnahmen zu setzen und machst so deine KPIs einfach sichtbar. No Substantiated complaints have been recorded. 24 Aug 2020 . Die Global Reporting Initiative hat globale Standards für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung entwickelt. A flexible framework for creating standalone sustainability or non-financial reports, or integrated ESG reports, Access individual Standards or the entire set for free, Find out about reporting within sectors, and our new Sector Standards Program, GRI’s standard setting activities are governed by the GSSB, Stay informed about Standards projects and priorities, Make the most of the leading global standards for impact reporting, Find and download Standards, guidance, supporting documents and more, View FAQs or make a request for more information, Translations of the Standards are available in many languages, Issued clarifications on reporting requirements, How the Standards link to other frameworks and initiatives, Upload a report or search the Sustainability Disclosure Database, Gain sustainability reporting expertise with our reporting support, Join our membership program - drive corporate transparency and contribute to GRI's mission, Online learning for sustainability professionals, GRI offers services that support sustainability reporters, Premium tools for better sustainability reporting, Upcoming events, webinars and speaking engagements, Working with partners, markets and policymakers to advance sustainable development, Supported by both governmental and institutional partners, we run programs with transformative impact globally. In addition, the Total’s Ethics Committee sits independently and directly reports to the Chairman. SP – Environment > Managing impacts to biodiversity and ecosystems during projects and operations The GRI Standards help organizations’ understand their outward impacts: on the economy, environment, and society. This choice has no impact on the volume of advertising. Erkläre hierbei, was du in Zukunft planst. Wie soll ein Kunde, Mitarbeiter oder Partner sonst von deinen Aktivitäten erfahren? Total’s code of conduct p.32 - Customers Explore GRI's Resource Center and get acess to the latest GRI Standards, as well as articles, research, videos, and more to support your organization in its sustainability reporting journey. Reclaimed products and their packaging materials, Health Safety Environment Quality CharterSP – Challenges identificationSP - ClimateSP – Reporting scope and method, SP - Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesCC 2019 – p. 38 Curtailing emissions from our sites; p. 45 Energy efficiency:supporting our customers as they reduce their emissions, SP - Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicators, Energy consumption within the organization, SP - Climate > Targets and metrics to measure climate-related risks and opportunitiesSP – Climate indicatorsCDP Climate 2020 p. 63 Energy-related activities, Energy consumption outside the organization. Sorry, your search did not return any results. Full avoidance of certain biodiversity priority areas and activities is applied:

A new Standard to help organizations report on waste and embrace circularity published in May 2020. Erklärung der Verwendung des GRI Standards. Non available Dieser ist allerdings weniger umfangreich als die GRI Standards, weshalb hier nur auf die GRI Reporting Standards eingegangen wird.