At around 4:00 a tornado warning came over the television. While in Wakita, Oklahoma, visiting Jo’s aunt Meg, Dusty says that the television reported an F-3 tornado. If you survived a tornado or know someone who did, share your story and help save lives. My nana, who unfortunately would be in another massive tornado in Mossy Grove, TN, several years later, was terrified of storms. Directly behind me, sitting perpendicularly to my pickup truck, was a semi-truck. We could sense the winds inside the bathroom with noticeable pressure waves that matched the gusts and there was a noticeable breeze from the door as the pressure equalized between the house and the outside through the exhaust vent in the ½ bath. Very disturbing, especially with continuous lightning but NO thunder. The deck furniture was shoved into our house and a few chairs found the neighbor’s yard to the south. What a foolish thing to say, especially since Mossy Grove almost got hit again later but the skies showed mercy that day and settled down almost as if it took pity on us and our non-Walmart or McDonalds town. The hail within it was chomping up the branches of shrub oak and Ponderosa pine, mixing them with blasted up dirt and grass, and spewing them out like missiles. 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However, the supercell (which was real in the movie) was close to them so it is operationally correct to increase the PRF as it also increases the velocity range. I was so happy and grateful that I was still alive and safe. After all, the storm chased me!! Twister fact check #13: The first tornado obliterates a … Bill and Jo strap themselves to pipes that go down “at least 30 feet”, according to Bill’s line. After we composed ourselves and kissed, thanking God we were alive, we got off the floor and started our survey. I was 7 and knew it must be serious. Looking west, I could see the sky turning a greenish brown hue and all of a sudden the trees began to bend under the strain of the wind. Answer. No noise. They said they could see a black cloud approaching them fast and then the hail hit. They say that the tornado hit Canton, Oklahoma. My neighbor came running and wanted to know if I had damage. 5 6 7. I have to say that praying and getting into that closet most likely saved our lives that night. There was one small dusty window right across from us ground level and I saw the tornado almost as if it were framed like a picture coming towards us. People really need to pay attention to the forecast, especially in spring time. I was scared, our power went off, we couldn't find our candles but then we found it so I was happy. The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. Suddenly my friend's dad turned with a look of absolute terror and started screaming "get inside, good God get inside now!" The EF-4 took two lives, one in Celina and one in Harrison Township. This was the 90s before camera phones were a thing. On this day storms were everywhere and sirens were going off. We were fortunate. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. It was still so calm and then the sirens started to go off. The Fujita Scale (F-Scale) was not introduced until 1971 by Dr. Ted Fujita and Allen Pearson, the Director of the National Severe Storms Forecasting Center Center (currently the Storm Prediction Center). Tons of debris in the cover. Adjustors set up tents in the mall parking lot for you to drive your car into to assess damage assembly-line style. There have been other successful deployments of in-situ instruments being very closely impacted by tornadoes that have been carried out by other field missions. Seconds later, sirens sounded. The April outbreak was a nightmare and I got stuck in a Food City that was about to close while there was another tornado warning for where I was. My first thought was why is that car in the bathroom with me. Then in the spring when it finally got warm enough that you could actually go outside – that’s when you notice the weird stuff. Lightening can and it will strike twice, three, four times in the same spot. That is 13 football fields wide. Roofing companies were going door to door. The tornado jumped over our house and took a few shingles off with it. I've never felt a house shake and shudder like that and the sound of dirt, debris, whatever else raking the house was unearthly almost. They leave Wakita, Oklahoma, only to end up near Ames, Iowa, for the fourth tornado in the film. I called KOA news to find out whether more storms were expected. It wasn't until one of their staff tried to make an unrelated insurance claim, and was told that every available claims adjuster in the entire United States was busy with a natural disaster in Parker, Colorado... that KOA and the rest of the country became aware of the storm. Seemed like an eternity. We were all just standing there watching it. Raindrops ticked along the glass of the apartment living room window on this warm, stormy day. Watch the footage below. We heard the winds increasing at this point and sounds of sporadic hail hitting the house and roof. I went out to cover the baby vegetable plants in my mother's garden, on the hillside about 100 yards south of the house. I convinced my friends to take shelter inside of the end hall closet. But my dad had built the house with 3/4 inch plywood where only 1/2 inch was required, and no hail penetrated it. We started the journey to the basement and upon getting down the stairs, saw the basement was completely flooded except for one small spot in the far corner that was on a hill. The assessor thinks we need to tear off and replace our siding, but we have the option to have a building inspector validate his findings. As it left Laura and was heading east toward West Milton we were on the phone with my wife’s sister who lives on Rangeline Road two miles south of the radar indicated path. You don’t notice things right away. It was an unforgettable event. The tornado was classified two days later as an EF-1 tornado. Dusty says to Jo that the NSSL is predicting an F-5 the next day. After my father got pulled out with the help of everyone that was around, someone performed CPR but there was no saving his life. The film. As it went through our area the entire house felt and sounded like it was in a wind tunnel/sand blaster. There were no sirens, no warnings, nothing. AMAZING! I was looking outside through the closed door because I saw leaves that were in my backyard and my neighbors backyard and I was like "Whoa, the leaves are floating! According to the National Hurricane Center, that tiny eye was replaced by another eye around a day later that was 40 nautical miles wide. The shingles were nearly gone off my parents' house, the siding had been hammered and splintered, all the north and west windows were broken, and the screens ripped to shreds. Ever since then we have carried flood insurance. I am lucky to be alive for sure. Her papa was trying to rush her to safety from the mobile home they were in. It was June 1st of 2011 when a Tornado touched down that would affect the lives of many and take the lives of three. When they arrive in Wakita again, the damage that you see in the movie was real. Water rose, and homes that you never would have expected to flood did. My uncle was there for days but he was released and is still going strong today. It had held. There was another close call in 2008 in Barren county, but the wind recorded then wasn't as strong as this time. 'As dangerous as the Abdication': Prince Harry and William's breach is WORSE than anyone thinks (and started... SNP suspend 'utterly indefensible' MP Margaret Ferrier who went 400 miles to the Commons after taking Covid... New rules are unjust, cruel and illogical: Mayor of Middlesbrough ANDY PRESTON explains why he REJECTS local... A-Levels 'will be delayed next summer by three weeks after Downing Street insisted that they must not be... JAN MOIR: I've joined the bitter flotilla of women let down by Boris Johnson. That was the scariest drive ever. Things started to happen pretty quickly after that. I agreed and since we were downstairs in our lower level anyway we got in our downstairs ½ bath and kept the door open so we could at least track status on the TV. There were no deaths, few were injured, but for being mobile homes, they were still holding up strong. I found her a flashlight, and scoped the inside of the house. My husband started to fuss with him, but you could tell Hobo was upset. My dog would just stand in the yard and howl for hours those entire 3 days as well as acting off in other ways. I hadn’t felt this effected in a very long time. It was partly cloudy and warm but it turned cool so quickly that I thought it was over and I walked back inside my house. The shelf collapsed with my father under it and the F1 lifted up and was over. A plastic bucket full of sand for the swimming pool steps had been shattered. As a side note I had never seen her act like that before or after that time period. It might be an F-5.”. That means the tornado track length in excess of 80 miles if it were to have occurred in real life. Our street was littered with paper, siding, tree limbs, etc., but we sustained very minor damage over all. After it moved by, we hung up and they were in good shape and safe with little impact to them. Bill says: “Look at the updraft, the angle. The eye remained 40 to 60 nautical miles wide for the rest of Wilma's existence. Wiki User Answered . As they cycled through the storm, I noticed that the rotation was heading due east from Brookville and there was a debris ball associated with the rotation signature. This went on for like 10 minutes. At that time, 10:40 pm approx., the on air meteorologist changed views to show the storm that was spinning up a rotation signature over Brookville, Ohio. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The storm ripped through north McAllen and windows on the north sides of homes were shattered. I had covered the outside furniture and anchored them together as I normally do when there is a threat of rain or storms to protect them. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM. A microburst is a rapid downward acceleration of air out of the downdraft, and can often lead to minor or major wind damage. Bigger bums help athletes run faster: Large gluteus maximus can boost performance by up to 44 per cent,... 'I slit their throats, there's blood everywhere': Jealous headteacher's chilling 999 call after murdering... Former England rugby star Sam Burgess denies sensational claims in Australia that he had to be injected with... SARAH VINE: Prince Harry is so busy polishing his halo all he can see is his reflection. We watched, and it was obvious to me that the rotation on the storm was very strong and I mentioned that to Terry about a half minute before WHIO said the exact same thing. It was extremely odd to see paper debris from Alabama falling from the skies in TN.