The Russo Brothers have stated that Thanos is "unbeatable in one-on-one battle", and I think Thanos would be Hela's clear superior in hand to hand combat. A "you should've gone for the head" to Hela won't result in a worried look and moment of terror; Hela won't hesitate for a moment in sending a second spike through the titan's brain. R4: Only black order, Hela wins.

Just look at Ragnarok again—in the battle against the Asgardian Legion, Hela was struck by a powerful metal ball armed with spikes that could easily impale her—and Hogun hit her in the neck with it.

Round 1- Hela Vs Thanos (No Infinity stones) This round can be close but Thanos treated Hulk like a child, beat him down, in seconds, so bad that Hulk was afraid to come back out the rest of the movie. @allstarsuperman: mid tiers and one high tier. Hela would’ve won but it’s not a stomp, Hela’s power set is cool but Thanos beat a more powerful version of Thor in Endgame even when he had backup superior backup so he wins in base. Not really, without the stones Thanos isn't an unstoppable force.

Even Valkyrie pierced her through the back towards the end of Ragnarok too. He can't destroy Asgard itself (the source of her power) like Surtur did, not without the stones.

Thanos can't destroy Asgard without the stones, he has no way to win the fight. Round 1: Hela can throw too many Necroswords. @erkan12: That's a statement and he has been cut by things far below her feats. He says Doctor Strange tried to do that in that other 14 million possibilities and he says it didn't work. Even Loki managed to cop out a one-liner before getting his neck borknen. Hahaha), “He will tank the few he cant block and close the gap, and from there he beheads Hela in 1 strike with his double-edged sword.”.

I think the blades can dent him at the very least, but EndGame Thanos will easily block this attack. Her large swords can still stop Thanos.

Many people are bringing up Thanos's pummelling of Hulk and Thor in the beginning of IW without use of the stones. @namebk: It's made from the same Eldritch Magic that he creates his shield which is durable enough to deflect a couple of energy blast from Dormammu and he also used it to slow down the spaceship before they crashed on the planet Titan. We have no idea how Thanos attacked the ship. It's unclear if it was reinterpreted into a power or not, but without any official word either way I'd lean towards it being a property of a weapon and no innate to her.

Beating Thor isn't something that puts Hela ahead of Thanos. And in Age of Ultron’s mid-credits, it’s after Loki and Ronan, both mere pawns, have already failed to get the stones from him.

What a ways Thanos has come, right? But the thing is, when we look at the situations, Hulk didn't even come close to stopping it, while Hela effortlessly did. They are capable of killing Thanos provided that even Cap was able to knock him down pretty hard with Mjolnir, a hammer (granted, made of Uru metal, but not even a sharp blade). Hela does. Where are people getting this from?

If the axe she generates is made of Uru metal, she can easily block Endgame Thanos’s double-edged sword with one hand, and then generate more weapons in her other hand to kill him. Thanos is an amazing tactician.

Round 1- Hela Vs Thanos (No Infinity stones).

Interestingly, Odin in Ragnarok states that he was never able to actually defeat Hela-only imprison her. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.

“These piercing attacks won’t do shit to Thanos.”. All and all Thanos should be more than fine if he gets close enough to grab Hela. She’ll send more spikes at Thanos and behead him instantly. And Thanos is even more durable than the Hulk. Thanos can be hurt. As long as Asgard is around, Hela is still nasty powerful.

Odin himself couldn't kill Hela and had to banish her instead, and there's a reason why Thanos didn't try to take the stone from Asgard until Odin was gone. Does the Black Order include that army of whatever those were in Wakanda? If yes then Hela wins since he didn't seem THAT powerful during his fights. Thanos, throughout the film, was pretty handily injured by petty characters/attacks- Gamora managed to bring him to his knees him with a simple knife (there's really no strategic reason or evidence for this to be fake/illusion) at two/three stones, Mantis managed to overpower him mentally at four stones (including soul), Cap managed to give him a good resistance for an unreasonable amount of time before Thanos could pass him (as did Scarlet Witch for even longer), Thor manages to mortally wounded the titan at full gauntlet (yes, with an ax specially designed for killing Titans, but without any special infinity stone resistance powers from the MCU- it's implied Thanos would've been immediately killed if Thor had "aimed better"), and other times. Fenris can take out everyone on the Black Order except maybe Maw. I am sure Thanos would overpower Hela, but it's hard to deal with her regeneration ability. With the outraiders could go either way. The only ones that matter are Hela and Fenrir.

That was right after both Odin and Hela were gone. Odin himself obviously couldn't kill her and had to banish her instead, and there's a reason why Thanos didn't try to take the infinity stone from Asgard until Odin was gone .

Hela wins round 1 and 4.

Easily held her own against Thor and Valkyrie combined, and destroyed Mjolnir even before getting to Asgard.

Anthony Russo: "The difficult road that Thor's traveled ultimately gave him strength. Thor (non awakened) with Odin's spear pierced her easy and put up a good fight till she got the upper hand. Giant Thanos vs Wakanda! According to him, he was still never powerful enough to actually stop her. Resisting to Scarlet's power requires piercing durability when she was rage amped. Hela: The extremely powerful Goddess of Death, the ruthless villain of Thor: Ragnarok.

@erkan12: What's his best piercing feat?

10 months ago. Round 2- Hela Vs Thanos (Power stone) Thanos Stomps.

Hela was good, but not that good.

In the MCU when the stone is used it glows with their respective colour. Raw power I just one of he reason one has a chance in combat.

Fenris is gonna be a difficult puppy to put down.

But we did see Thanos brutally beat down the Hulk (without the gems) and swat Thor like a fly, after holding him in submission via his head.

If not then I don't know.

Breaking the Godslayer wasn't piercing resistance, she didn't hit him. Thanos if he fights smart, but he'll probably come out looking like a pincushion. He has ''almost impenetrable'' skin, confirmed by the director. 2 - Idk, it's very unclear what difference does the power stone make.

When did Thanks destroy a planet with the power stone? In the throne room, Hela was just testing Thor and managed to cut out his eye. She was beating the ever living crap out of Thor without much issue, she would be at least a match for Thanos flat out.

I think the fact that he was too durable to be cut by Strange's rings is very impressive though.

Thanos overpowered a pissed Hulk, who as far as I know, is (was) the physically strongest thing in the MCU. I don't think weight advantage has really anything to do with alien races fighting. Those were the only two times he was ever pierced by anything. Not so easy? It's just not a good comparison when neither villain struggled. But on Asgard? And he did. He’s the Genghis Khan of the MCU. And she was definitely able to hurt even the mighty Surtur who was at his full power! . Er anyway, he's got no shot at taking Hela's necroswords.

Remember, Thor, Loki, Valkryie, Korg, Heimdall were all defeated by the Black order and Thanos.

If he does, it will be minor damages.

Press J to jump to the feed. She could totally gut him with it.

So much wrong in some of the post in this thread, Hela didn’t stomp awakened Thor. But considering this is Thanos, who has genius level intellect, I would say he finds a way to incapacitate or lock Hela away. @erkan12: Some of the things you listed aren't piercing durability and I don't recall Strange cutting anything with his sword.

This same Thor realized he had zero shot of winning Thanos without Stormbreaker. @erkan12: Do you have a link about EG Thor confirmed to be the strongest Thor please. All copyrights belong to Marvel Entertainment. Just, Hela, please don’t get Power Stone-punched. You actually have a good point with the Mjolnir thing. @rajjarsalt: Thanos killed Loki as slowly as he wanted to.

Hela wins this one easily especially now that she also has her undead army with her. I'd say he would beat Hela even without it, and so, should beat her in every single round.

Thanos very clearly did NOT want to mess with Asgardian magic, ESPECIALLY that of someone like Odin or Hela. His defense is powerful, his offense shouldn't be any different. @anthp2000: Thanos had the power stone, but he never used it in his fight against Hulk.

He also tore the mind stone from Vision's vibranium head.

The reality stone, again, was hyped up in Dark World, but used once for one or two illusions. Even then the cut only drew "a drop of blood". The “hero” of Infinity War. Thanos. If they fight on Asgard with no stones, Thanos has no victory condition. she was winning for sure but her best hits were landed while he was distracted . After rewatching Ragnarok recently I think Hela could take this.

Round 2- Hela Vs Thanos (Power stone) This round isn't close. Surtur is an immensely powerful being who easily defeated Hela and destroyed Asgard at the end of Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor was quite even with Hela towards the end of Ragnarok, after unlocking his potential. But then again Hela toyed with Thor (who also stomp Hulk) and was able to fight a fully powered Surtur while Thanos had problem with Iron Man.

If he gets in close, her healing factor won't stop him from crushing her head into jelly. His strength was incredible too.

Hela wins. There is a lot of confusion regarding this, and quite frankly this is one of those questions we will never have an answer to, but I think they are pretty evenly matched. When he punched Black Panther, it was powerful enough to force all the energy in the suit to be released.

. Hela on Asgard IS, at least as far as we know.

So, she's at least strong enough to put up a solid fight against Thanos to begin with, and she ALSO can't die. He dragged Thor (granted, a Thor who had literally just gotten his tail handed to him by Hela). You are indeed where you belong.

If Thor had failed to stop her, y’all thought Loki’s attack on Earth in the Avengers was bad? HOW TO WIN A $50 AMAZON GIFTCARD 1. If the small blades don’t kill Thanos, the big Necroswords are going to just completely embarrass Thanos’s Power Stone moon barrage. And while the Avengers may be able to defeat the Big Bad in the end. That same Thor with same spear against Thanos = Death (of Thor) in Seconds, The closest approx of stat comparisons - Thanos:Loki::Hela:Thor. Thanos was underwhelming, yes, but he stoll went fisticuffs with Hulk and still destroyed him within seconds. And, if need be, it’s nice that Hela has bigger swords if she needs to throw those. He couldn't kill her, but he could fight on par with her. Thanos best piecing feat I think is breaking Gamora's sword which in the Visual Dictionary is comfirmed to cut even asgardians. He was stronger than ever by the end of Endgame.".