When situations like these come up, they need to make sure the rules are hard and clear. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If you purchased the DLC pack for SSBU, you will have just received the Hero.This Dragon Quest character has become surrounded by controversy, and has even been banned in several SSBU … As soon as they saw RNG, people were calling for a ban, which is absurd. It is less him being potentially overpowered and dominating results, and more with just how heavily reliant he is on rng. Got it. I'd rather he just keep the crit system as it is. I'm for a complete ban.

Some characters require much more skill than others but I think Hero is not one of the easiest characters to use if you are up against a good player. A tipper system doesn't add anything to him either and makes him a worse Marth.

Smash icon Gonzalo ‘ZeRo’ Barrios recently made a video about the fighter drama and remarked that the “ban hero” movement was a “tremendous knee-jerk reaction”.

Ultimate Edition, Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Say someone flies to another country to play in a smallish tournament, and their dreams are crushed because they can't read. Isn't that the same thing SSB4 Bayo mains told people complaining about her broken combos? If there's a single instance where there isn't a second switch, that's not fair to the disadvantaged player. How is dodging a simple, straight-moving projectile while off stage in any way difficult? The way you make Hero a viable tournament fighter even with the RNG is to adjust the character's most problematic RNG elements to not cause as many issues with competitive, and you could actually create enough support for something like that as opposed to a ban (We see how split the results are as it stands from this poll, a good portion are going to oppose a ban no matter what). Do people not know how to air dodge? Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! Instead of making them less frequent, they need to make them. Isn’t that scene like only 50-60 people?

Ultimate (SSBU) is supposedly the most balanced of all the games in the series.However, Nintendo’s latest addition to the SSBU lineup makes me feel as if this game is anything but.. In conclusion, 'The Hero' has certainly stirred up some controversy in the Super Smash Bros.

We’ll go over the arguments for each side and then I’ll give my opinion.

Down B gives you 4 random options and you have to decide what to do in like 1 or 2 seconds. What I'm pissed about is how people have been completely unwilling to let things play out. He can be really frustrating yes but like all characters he takes at least some amount of skill. Sure We’ve have characters introduced with a move or two with rng in the past, but those characters were never heavily reliant on it. Hero's sword design and arcs wouldn't lend well to tipping. It eliminates the low RNG kills and becomes a move that you only have to worry about at higher percentages where you should be more prepared for it. Even if that never happens at the EVO's or Genesis' type of tournaments, what about the midsize, smaller, to local tournaments? Ultimate professional player William 'Leffen' Hjelte has quickly came out in support of the decision to ban the new Hero character from the roster in Australia. Super Smash Bros. What I'm pissed about is how people have been completely unwilling to let things play out. I don't know if he is ACTUALLY overpowered. Smash tournaments should be based on mostly skill, with a very low amount of luck.

Just remember to treat every option like it's always a possibility. I fought him on level 9 cpu this weekend for the first time just to see what would happen. I just hope they can tone him down and/or make changes so a ban won't be necessary. Ultimate Edition Pro Controller - Switch, a Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Hero has to stand perfectly still onstage and telegraph all of them. Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community!

Once again, having two Switches that can connect to each other while docked is literally all that's needed to fix the entire Language Barrier. Challenge a top player to a money match as Hero and then say that again.

That's why it's something that needs to be discussed as a standard. go premium to hide all advertisements and this notice. I've been thinking on it a bit and I just wanted to throw out that just because you don't know if Hero is going to have a move or not doesn't mean you can't anticipate or play around it. Alternatively, this ad may have just failed to load.

They might not be able to properly work within the limitations of what they have. Marth's animations were taken into consideration when designing him so tippers can be had on every move with a clear, distinct attack arc. I guess if majority just doesn’t want to play against it, they won’t. Back when I played competitive Pokemon, I didn't just pray that Scald didn't trigger it's 30% burn rate when I swapped into it, I usually just swapped in a pokemon who didn't mind being burned so much just be safe. Recently, the Hero from the Dragon Quest franchise was added to Super Smash Bros. So, just play around 6 random projectiles that can be pulled out at a moments notice when your off stage (and glancing at their mp and where your character is). The Hero from the Dragon Quest franchise was released only a few days ago, but already the Smash community is in a tizzy over whether this crazy new character should be banned in competitive tournaments or not. I mean, to me that sounds a bit silly. Just don't get hit and you'll be fine? You have to let a meta develop over time to really gauge the best way to handle a character and even start addressing his issues is to see data and see what really needs to be specifically tweaked.

So many people are arguing whether his kit has counterplay, or whether a move is reactable, and I find it quite ironic.

Well in that case, the only complaint I would have is the random crits. Make a loud enough outcry and Sakurai will address those issues: -Adjust Whack and Thwack to only be kill moves above 100% (maybe higher, but just starting out we'll put the cutoff there). I guess he doesn't need to banned in my personal opinion. Success with Hero takes no skill; winning a tournament in which Hero is allowed is basically just a lottery, even if you yourself aren't playing him. Ultimate, making him the second of five characters to be put … JavaScript is disabled.

Success with Hero takes no skill; winning a tournament in which Hero is allowed is basically just a lottery, even if you yourself aren't playing him.

I think he has a unique and creative moveset but on the other hand he feels unfair to play against and is difficult to play around imo. Basically, they need to do research on various things to avoid problems with a full tourney. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. A tipper system for him would be terrible due to his animations making it difficult to 'tip'. You are currently viewing our boards as a visitor. Ultimate community, with some even calling (perhaps facetiously) for a ban …

This site uses cookies. GameCube Controller Super Smash Bros. Smash tournaments should be based on mostly skill, with a very low amount of luck.

Also, that's why I said "larger tourney". It's not hard for another player to bring a system itself. I find the discussion going on quite fascinating, especially regarding Hero's gameplay. The fix isn't hard to deal with.

Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! Saying Hero takes no skill is a bit ridiculous lol. I don’t think lame of the criticism I’ve heard on the game is really legitimate though, seriously. If he gets banned I would feel sad for all DQ fans who finally got their characters but can't even use them in tournaments. Personally I think he's also kinda OP but that's my own opinion. His was so funny. Otherwise they need to come up with a workaround within the tournament itself. You must log in or register to reply here. Ultimate Edition Pro Controller - Switch, Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Also, it's probably annoying to have to accommodate that for the rest of Ultimate's history at all tournaments for one character. New DLC character Hero is only a couple of weeks into his time as a Smash Bros. fighter, but he’s already got the ban hammer from the South Australian Smash community.Hero… There's a lot of good communication out there. This randomness immediately made Hero a contentious figure in the competitive Super Smash Bros.

Forgive me for my ignorance (having never been to a tournament) but isn't that a large assumption? Actually posting it online early enough for criticism can easily help resolve these issues fast. A TO by default is supposed to provide all the tools. I agree to the first but not the second. This character doesn’t fit into the same patterns of any prior ones, and we have no idea which elements of his kit are truly the most problematic and how he needs to be tuned. Super Smash Bros.

I have 2 issues with this kind of thinking for hero.. One, people have tried to use this argument in the past for controversial characters, most notably Brawl Meta Knight “ we cant ban him yet, the meta needs to develop, there’s not enough data yet, give things more time” etc., and then after delaying and arguing this for so long, those same people then say “we can’t do anything now, the character is too popular, banning him now would be even more detrimental, just leave them legal”, and nothing ever gets done. There are several characters that aren't the most fun to go against but with them at least you know what to expect which allows for counterplay instead of Hero giving opponents a lot of pressure just because his down-B exists and is so unpredictable. I think it would really help if nintendo would make two small changes to the character: I think the most realistic changes we can expect for Hero are RNG numbers getting adjusted (Twack having a lower chance of killing, Smashes having a lower chance of critting) or knockback/frame data nerfs. The way to not rear-end another driver is to treat EVERY driver as if they might suddenly stop, and keep a safe following distance. I'm for a complete ban. Banning him immediately essentially means you intend to ban him forever instead of actually working to achieve some sort of fix to his most problematic issues, which is the lazy and easy way out for a fighting game community that. Why is it that as soon, AS SOON as any Smash character demonstrates anything even SLIGHTLY unorthodox, people jump on the "NO FAIR BAN NOW" train? It appears that you are using ad block :'(. Not very big implication for us here.

I never said this works for small-end ones. Besides, there's always a bit of uncertainty to what move your opponent is going to use regardless - in this case this uncertainty just has another layer in RNG.