Though the Conference’s official task was to seek solutions to poverty, its “undeclared goal” was “to recognize a new religious movement encouraging the poor to rebel against the ‘institutionalized violence of poverty,’ and to recommend the new movement to the World Council of Churches for official approval,” he said.

In his book, Shevchenko said the road to success was not easy and that his CIA handlers proved insensitive to the trauma of defection. Disneyland’s push to reopen sets up critical moment in California’s coronavirus fight. Oleg Protopopov is a famous figure skater from Soviet Russia.

He was working on a book about the Soviet Union’s foreign policy establishment at the time of his death.

WestView Press, This page was last edited on 27 August 2020, at 17:21. Pacepa claims that the Theology of Liberation was not merely infiltrated by the KGB, it was actually the brainchild of Soviet intelligence services. In a startling new interview, a 3-star general and former head of Communist Romania’s secret police who defected to the United States in 1978, claims that the Theology of Liberation was the creation of the KGB, who exported it to Latin America as a way of introducing Marxism into the continent. Key takeaways from the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden. The ensuing publicity, Geimer said, devastated Shevchenko. Highest Ranking Cold War Defector: ... Pacepa says that he learned details of the KGB involvement with Liberation Theology from Soviet General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, Communist Romania’s chief foreign intelligence adviser, who later became head of the Soviet espionage service, the PGU. Defector, Soviet subversion of the free press : a conversation with Yuri Bezmenov, Shifting interpretations of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe. ),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, KGB colonel, as well as officer in the SVR. Shevchenko died Feb. 28 in his home in Bethesda, Md., of an apparent heart attack. “No wonder he is now credited with being the founder of Liberation Theology,” he said. When he announced through his attorney that he would not go home, Soviet officials said he was being held in the United States under duress. Here are the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board endorsements for president, California ballot measures and more. The stated purpose of the first “instruction” was to draw attention “to the deviations, and risks of deviation, damaging to the faith and to Christian living, that are brought about by certain forms of liberation theology which use, in an insufficiently critical manner, concepts borrowed from various currents of Marxist thought.”, The Vatican instruction also warned that the theologies of liberation generate “a disastrous confusion between the ‘poor’ of the Scripture and the ‘proletariat’ of Marx.” In so doing, it said, “they pervert the Christian meaning of the poor, and they transform the fight for the rights of the poor into a class fight within the ideological perspective of the class struggle.”, In Pacepa’s words, Liberation Theology was “deliberately designed to undermine the Church and destabilize the West by subordinating religion to an atheist political ideology for its geopolitical gain.”, Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter @tdwilliamsrome, FaithNational SecurityCatholic ChurchChristianitycommunismKGBLatin AmericaLiberation TheologyMarxismRomania. “It’s really a shame that someone who contributed so much to this country and to the West in general had such an unfortunate and lonely end here,” said Bill Geimer of the Jamestown Foundation, which promoted high-level defections from the Soviet Union and provided career counseling and other help to defectors.

Soviet Subversion of the Free Press: A Conversation with Yuri Bezmenov [Videotape]. Six years after Pacepa’s defection to the West, the Vatican issued its first of two scathing critiques of Liberation Theology, under the guidance of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

The U.S. Intelligence Community: Fourth Edition [Book]. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden faced off in Cleveland in their first presidential debate. Key Soviet Spy in N. Africa Defects to U.S. Tower of Secrets: A Real Life Spy Thriller, Сколько стоит продать Родину? Pacepa said that although he has good reason to suspect that there was an organic connection between the KGB and some of the leading promoters of Liberation Theology, he has no evidence to prove it. The moonlight confessions of Stevie Nicks. Arkady Shevchenko, the highest-ranking Soviet diplomat to seek asylum in the United States, has died. “Most of the WPC’s employees were undercover Soviet bloc intelligence officers.

Richelson, Jeffrey. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Ion Mihai Pacepa has been called “the Cold War’s most important defector,” and after his defection, the Romanian government under Nicolae Ceausescu placed two death sentences and a $2 million bounty on his head.

Disney’s blunt criticism of coronavirus restrictions is putting more pressure on Gov. OCLC [45810551] –, List of Soviet and Eastern Bloc defectors, Soviet Defectors: A Study of Past Defections from Official Soviet Establishments Outside the USSR, The Spy Who Came in From Geneva: Nosenko, the K.G.B. Considered the CIA’s catch of the 1970s, Shevchenko defected in April 1978. On the eve of the release of a solo concert film, Fleetwood Mac star Stevie Nicks opens up on Lindsey Buckingham’s exit and looking for love in her 70s. He represented Russia on the international stage and won the Olympics twice, with his wife as partner. He was 67. The program mandated that “the KGB take secret control of the World Council of Churches (WCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, and use it as cover for converting Liberation Theology into a South American revolutionary tool,” Pacepa said.

Think California is bouncing back? It also bought the KGB-born name ‘Liberation Theology,’” he said. Shevchenko was undersecretary-general of the United Nations in the mid-1970s, when he began providing secrets to the Central Intelligence Agency. With the breakup of the Soviet Union, Shevchenko disappeared from public view. The Soviets were aware that the WCC was the largest international ecumenical organization after the Vatican, he said, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations throughout 120 countries. Pacepa says that he learned details of the KGB involvement with Liberation Theology from Soviet General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, Communist Romania’s chief foreign intelligence adviser, who later became head of the Soviet espionage service, the PGU. “Liberation theology has been generally understood to be a marriage of Marxism and Christianity. Pacepa said that Liberation Theology was born of a 1960s top-secret “Party-State Dezinformatsiya Program” approved by Aleksandr Shelepin, the chairman of the KGB, and by Politburo member Aleksey Kirichenko, who coordinated the Communist Party’s international policies.

During the more than ten years that Pacepa worked with the CIA, he made what the agency described as “an important and unique contribution to the United States.”, He is reported in fact to have given the CIA “the best intelligence ever obtained on communist intelligence networks and internal security services.”.

Fact-checking the debate: President Trump unleashed a blizzard of falsehoods; Joe Biden hewed closer to the truth, but strayed at times. Its main task “was to bring the KGB-created Liberation Theology into the real world,” he said.