Here’s a look at some of the many things we can do this MLK Day (and, as Bernice King notes, beyond it) to restore our hope and honor MLK’s work. Visit here for a comprehensive database of all registered MLK Day volunteer opportunities in your area. “The ‘Eyes on the Prize’ documentary series and the movie ‘Selma’ are all great places to start if people want to further reflect on MLK's contributions to America.”. “Help your child find books that identify with themselves and those that are different from them,” says Harris. NBC News BETTER is obsessed with finding easier, healthier and smarter ways to live. Dr. King was all about speaking up for what is right and peacefully protesting injustices in his world. Durfee specifically recommends Dr. King’s 1964 Nobel Peace Prize address.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day should be a day when we look at the entire scope of the racial justice movement, past and present. Most important, be critical of the dominant narrative so you learn more about King’s life and legacy — and bring this critical eye with you as you look at the racial justice movements of today. But King was a racial justice leader and organizer whose influence is still felt today, which deserves to be meaningfully recognized on MLK Day and beyond. To critique yourself, it always helps to go back to the basics: Start with these initial tips on how to be a thoughtful ally, then build out.

Martin Luther King Jr.: Strategist, negotiator and risk taker. He helped plan the March for Jobs and Freedom, or the “March on Washington,” which brought out about a quarter-million people to the National Mall in our nation’s capital.

Read books by King, his family, and black authors and leaders to broaden your scope. This year, instead of taking Monday, January 21 as just a day off work, use this day to pause and reflect on who you are, what you stand for, and what legacy you want to leave behind for your community. The third Monday in January is Martin Luther King Day. “That was the main drive of the civil rights movement: hope. Middle-grade readers with interest in superheroes may appreciate books like “The Stupendous Adventures of Mighty Marty Hayes” by Lora L. Hyler. Believe and trust that these turbulent days are a necessary phase in our collective growth as a society.

Be an example to your peers, and see how many will follow suit. Check with your local branch to see if they’re doing something special. How would someone like Dr. King impact our current generation? You can start by donating food or clothing to your local homeless shelter. My well of positive thinking has run dry and I struggle to see how our nation, so painfully divided, can ever come together. If you’re not willing or able to get out and about, you can do this by watching a relevant documentary, film or reading a book. There are many things you can do to pass on MLK’s legacy and show your respect to a fellow human. Your email address will not be published. Calling out racial injustice happening around you forces others to confront it as well, starting an important, informal critique of our society and ourselves. When you lose sight of that, you stop being an ally in a way that is responsible, necessary and useful. Ask them about some of their favorite leaders who made an impact on their lives.

Every third Monday in January, we as Americans honor one of the most important leaders of our modern time. For more reading ideas, consider these recommendations provided by Hoopla Digital. A MLK Day parade is a great opportunity to teach children about the civil rights movement and King’s pioneering work. Start by learning more about your nation’s history. Rewatch the famous “I Have a Dream” speech, or spend some time reading and reflecting on other pieces of Dr. King’s published work. If you aren't able to donate your time, donating your money can also make a big impact by tangibly helping organizations who fight for racial justice. From books to movies to parades, here's how to bring hope and meaning to your Martin Luther King Day holiday. Group of people holding hands during a civil rights rally in front of the Washington Monument. You can meet new people in your community and discuss how MLK and other civil rights leaders have impacted our society by serving their communities in the past. 1/20: The American Visionary Art Museum is throwing its annual “MLK Dare to Dream Day”, a birthday celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. that runs from 10a.m. Notice where you could be doing more, and then do it. If your child has Martin Luther King, Jr. day off from school, set aside some time to learn about the civil rights leader together.

Dr. King’s birthday was January 15, so we celebrate his legacy on the third Monday of his birth month. Being a meaningful ally to any community means constantly critiquing your allyship, working to better yourself so you can be a more thoughtful and impactful advocate. “This book is a great springboard for discussions about what it means to make an impact, and how Martin Luther King Jr. was one of many individuals who changed America.”. Or, if you have older family members who lived during Dr. King’s time, interview them to hear their experience!

Teaching the six principles of nonviolence of Dr. Martin Luther King to grades K-6 by the school counselor. Melinda Harris, franchise field consultant at Children’s Lighthouse, notes that there are many ways to impart the meaning of MLK Day with children. Discrimination, bias and disadvantage still exist daily for people of color, which needs to be recognized before it can be challenged. Brendan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images During this even, MLK delivered his well-known “I Have a Dream” speech.

Along with recognizing discrimination comes the obligation to talk about what you are noticing. “Since my novel's March 2018 publication date I've enjoyed school visits, book festivals, education and library conferences all over the country. Instead of using the day as an excuse to sleep in or binge-watch a new Netflix series, commit to taking steps to support your local community directly — especially local communities of color. It was one of the best giving experiences.”. Become a part of the movement for a better tomorrow. is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. These movements, in fact, were highly successful, chipping away at a large issue that often feels overwhelming to tackle. When something does not seem right or moral, do your job by challenging it. These biases and boundaries have a history, one that stems back long before a sole leader like King. This is one of the more chaotic times we’ve known as a nation in the days since King was among us. It’s easy to notice history on a day like Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which encourages it. King, CEO, The King Center, expanded on this sentiment, telling NBC News BETTER in an email: “My father’s ultimate dream was to have people from all backgrounds come together and celebrate our differences as well as our commonalities. The are many ways to give back and honor the spirit of my father not only on this King holiday, but every day, and make this time of commemoration meaningful.”. If you’re in a metropolis, you’ll probably find several options. Learning about the past can be a great way to put things into perspective about how far we have come as a nation. Let communities needing a hand define your role for you — then, get to work.

8 Martin Luther King Jr. quotes that don't sanitize his legacy. Discuss your thoughts in MLK’s words and actions with your closer friends and family. This MLK Day, look for places where you can give back.

Martin Luther King became the face of a movement that was all about the idea that this nation can be better if we all come together and work towards making it a better place.”, Dr. Bernice A. Because we honor civil rights leader, Dr. King on January 21 this year, it’s important to remember the man who sparked such impactful events.

As a spokesman for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, he helped fight for the integration of Alabama’s city buses. Looking for ways to observe MLK Day with your kids? The best way to find a parade in your vicinity is to do a Google search. Action is always a risk, especially when you are an activist of color pushing against a society deeply privileging whiteness. MLK was devoted to helping form a respectful, diverse community. Ask others, “Is there a better way of doing things?”, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”, – Martin Luther King Jr., Letters from Birmingham Jail. Take this as a chance to get out of your comfort zone and interact with people you may not be involved with on a daily basis. Ask questions and explore different possibilities about how better our society can become. “As technology, economic inequality and political polarization cleave us still today, we must consider what constitutes a wealthy society. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in fighting for the wellbeing of all mankind. It's important to note, especially at a time like MLK Day, that recognizing racism still exists today is not devaluing racial justice movements of the past by saying they were unsuccessful. Interviews and Podcasts on Everyday Power, How to Recognize and Stop Self-Sabotaging Behavior, How To Improve Your Attitude And Reach Your Goals, 10 Best Motivational Business Books for Entrepreneurs, 50 Body Positive Quotes to Promote Self-Love, 80 Best Nike Quotes From Their Ads and Commercials. This year, the event falls on Jan. 20.

While MLK Day is talked about as a national day of service, often it stops at just that — merely talk. What can we do right now to help create a better world for our future generations. “‘Old systems of exploitation and oppression are passing away, and out of the womb of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born.’ Uncertain times while scary, are also an opportunity for growth, meaningful change and healing.”. “Attend an MLK parade in your town. Even if you aren’t the type to be on the frontlines of a mass protest, supporting those who are by helping to organize and execute advocacy-related events and initiatives is one way to move beyond just talk.

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. To help fully honor King and his legacy, here are six ways to celebrate a man and a movement that continue to challenge and break barriers. “I organized a Giving March on MLK Day to remind others one of the most important beliefs Dr. King stood for and that's making sure everyone felt loved and equal, while showing children of all ages the importance of giving and gratitude,” says Jayda Atkinson, founder of the Love Lives Foundation.

We can all take some inspiration from Dr. King and become leaders in our own communities. to 5p.m. If you’re in the mood for a gripping novel, check out Oprah Book Club 2018 pick “An American Marriage” by Tayari Jones. My mother, Coretta Scott King, put that dream into action by establishing The King Center.

King’s War on Poverty remains unfulfilled as does his vision that society learn ‘the simple art of living together as brothers.’”. You'll feel personally connected to their mission, which might motivate you to raise more money on their behalf.