Abstract. Hydrological drought often gets less attention compared to meteorological drought. It is already used as benchmark for drought forecasting in the EU ANYWHERE project (http://anywhere-h2020.eu/, last access: 1 June 2020). 12.6 Advancing stream ecology and flow management. This was expected, since the longer the drought, the more water would be lost. Based on drought onset and termination analyses, 10 % of the European regions (10th percentile area) had drought in the end of summer, which lasted up to the autumn. In some regions, the drought may last longer than 4 months (see Fig. 2b). Processes and Estimation Methods for Streamflow and Groundwater, Developments in Water Science, 48, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, p. 579, 2004. . This has been repeated for 25th, median, 75th and 90th percentile areas. Early droughts during spring to summer struck a quarter of European area. 7.9 Calculation of drought characteristics based on an analytical approach. In this study, we selected the onset and termination date from the longest drought event (duration) in each year. This paper aims to analyze hydrological drought characteristics in the pan-European region based on past drought events from 1990 to 2017. In this study, the threshold values were derived from the 80th percentile of the duration curve (Q80, Hisdal et al. For groundwater data, we summed groundwater data from upper layer and deep layer. Again, if we deduct the termination day from the onset day, the most extended drought duration of the longest drought per year is situated in the same regions as those having the maximum total drought duration (Fig. 2b). Eastern Europe has earlier drought onsets (spring) than West Europe (summer). Composition and Structure, Atmospheric It includes a qualitative conceptual understanding of drought features and processes, a detailed presentation of estimation methods and tools, practical examples and key aspects of operational practice. Drought is a complex natural hazard that impacts ecosystems and society in many ways. Hydrol., 375, 363–372, 2009. a, Tallaksen, L. M. and Van Lanen, H. A. J. Eastern Europe has earlier drought onsets (spring) than West Europe (summer). Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the, Samuel Jonson Sutanto and Henny A. J. L'homme est-il responsable du réchauffement climatique ? This has been repeated for 25th, median, 75th and 90th percentile areas. The European 2003 drought was considered severe, but it appeared not the most extreme, in term of duration and water deficits. Res. IMPORTANT: not all chapters are already available, but we will publish as soon as possible. Drought events become longer when moving from precipitation, soil moisture to subsurface or groundwater storage, associated with fast and slow responding variables (Tallaksen et al., 2009; Van Lanen et al., 2013). Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse hydrological drought characteristics in the pan-European region based on past drought events from 1990 to 2017. Res., 50, 2468–2487, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013WR015051, 2014. a, b, Heim Jr., R. R.: An overview of weather and climate extremes-products and trends, Weather and Climate Extremes, 10, 1–9, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2015.11.001, 2015. a, Herring, S. C., Hoerling, M. P., Kossin, J. P., Peterson, T. C., and Stott, P. A.: Explaining extreme events of 2014 from a climate perspective, B. Lett., 13, 03042, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaafda, 2018. a, De Roo, A. P. J., Wesseling, C. G., and Van Deursen, W. P. A.: Physically based river basin modelling within a GIS: the LISFLOOD model, Hydrol. 3.4 Saturated zone - Groundwater discharge and water tables. Compared to runoff, the average onset day of the longest drought in each year for groundwater is earlier with a onset day of 150 (May) for most of European regions and of 60 (February) for Northeast to Southeast European regions (Fig. 6a). Runoff usually takes an intermediate position. Soc., 96, S1–S172, 2015. a, Hisdal, H., Tallaksen, L. M., Clausen, B., Peters, E., and Gustard, A.: Hydrological Drought Characteristics, in: Tallaksen, L. M. and Van Lanen, H. A. J., Hydrological Drought, Processes and Estimation Methods for Streamflow and Groundwater, Development in Water Science 48, Elsevier Science B.V., 139–198, 2004. a, b, Llyod-Hughes, B. and Saunders, M. A.: A drought climatology for Europe, Int. Am. The frequency and severity of hydrological drought is often defined on a watershed or river basin scale. Hydrological drought is related to negative anomalies in surface and subsurface water (including groundwater). Software from textbook ‘Hydrological Drought’ (Tallaksen and van Lanen, 2004), List of Worked Examples, Self-guided Tours and Case Studies, Abbreviations, Symbols and Catchment Descriptors, Part I: Drought as a Natural Hazard (ONLY cover), Chapter 5: Hydrological Drought Characteristics, Part III: Human Influences, Ecological and Operational Aspects (ONLY cover), Chapter 10: Stream Ecology and Flow Management, Appendix 2.1: Köppen’s Climate Classification, Appendix 3.1: Water Balance and Catchment Domains, Part II: Estimation methods (Not including Chapter 7), Part III: Human Influences, Ecological and Operational Aspects (Not including Chapter 10), GRDC Data Download provides River Discharge Data online, The 2018 northern European hydrological drought and its drivers in a historical perspective, Interview to Henny van Lanen about the ANYWHERE project, PhD Position on “Quantifying drought impacts on water resource using large-ensemble simulations and machine learning” (1.0 FTE), Drought and Water Scarcity: addressing current and future challenges, Open access book on Prognosis of hydrological drought development in Slovakia, POLICY BRIEF – Towards successful implementation of preventive drought risk management in Europe, An EU-wide citizen science network to monitor hydrological conditions in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. 1.4 International low flow and drought studies. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. The longest drought duration obtained for Europe does not reflect the highest drought intensity. The Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index (PHDI): By modifying the PDSI calculation procedures to produce the PHDI, an index is developed that should better assess moisture anomalies that impact river flow, ground-water availability, and lake or reservoir levels. Groundwater is slower responding than, e.g., precipitation and streamflow. Moreover, drought impacts, such as water supply, water-borne transport, and hydropower energy production are more closely linked with hydrological drought rather than with meteorological ones. One should keep in mind that drought duration and deficit volume were calculated from all drought events occurring in a year. All data used in the study can be obtained from the authors (samuel.sutanto@wur.nl). Drought events were determined using the variable threshold method (Yevjevich, 1967; Hisdal et al., 2004). Res., 50, 2468–2487. The PHDI (Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index) developed by Palmer (1965). All authors conceived and implemented the research. Specific hydrological drought studies also indicate that hydrological drought diverges from meteorological drought due to its complex phenomenon and different catchment characteristics (Peters et al., 2003; Vidal et al., 2010; Van Dijk et al., 2013; Van Loon and Van Lanen, 2012; Van Lanen et al., 2013; Wanders et al., 2017). Spatially-distributed thematic data on soil, vegetation, and land use obtained from European datasets were used to set up the LISFLOOD model. Figure 5Spatial distribution of the average drought onset (a) and termination (b) of the longest drought per year (in drought years) derived from drought in runoff over the period 1990–2017. Small Bodies, Solar Systems Figure 1Groundwater storage modelled by LISFLOOD SFO in South-West Germany from 1990–1997. Process., 17, 3023–3040, 2003. . Centre for Water Resource Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/OEAW,WU), Vienna, Austria. where Dvk(x,y,z) is the total deficit volume in runoff drought in mm for hydrological variable k, grid cell x and y, and year z. Drought onset and termination are defined as the starting date and ending date of drought event over a number of uninterrupted time steps with a hydrological variable below the threshold value. The model was run from 1990 to present. from the ECMWF. 700099)). Van Lanen, H. A. J., Laaha, G., Kingston, D. G., Gauster, T., Ionita, M., Vidal, J-P., Vlnas, R., Tallaksen, L. M., Stahl, K., Hannaford, J., Delus, C., Fendekova, M., Mediero, L., Prudhomme, C., Rets, E., Romanowicz, R. J., Gailliez, S., Wong, W. K., Adler, M-J., Blauhut, V., Caillouet, L., Chelcea, S., Frolova, N., Gudmundsson, L., Hanel, M., Haslinger, K., Kireeva, M., Osuch, M., Sauquet, E., Stagge, J. H., and Van Loon, A. F.: Hydrology needed to manage droughts: the 2015 European case, Hydrol. Part III: Human Influences, Ecological and Operational Aspects. Process., 30, 3097–3104. Earth Syst. Spinoni, J., Naumann, G., Vogt, J. V., and Barbosa, P.: Meteorological Droughts in Europe. Slightly lower drought durations were found for the longest single drought event in a year, which were derived from the difference between termination and onset values. (Eds. J. 12.7 Communication and transfer of knowledge. The capability of the LISFLOOD model to simulate hydrological droughts (here runoff and groundwater) opens an opportunity to determine drought characteristics across Europe that will be presented in the next sub chapters.