Can be used after jab canceling near the edge.
The impact creates a massive explosion which launches the victims and any bystanders towards the upper blast line. Ike is a moderately heavy character with slow, but powerful attacks and a high KO abillity. He then teams up with the two swordsmen. Once he has rejoined the team, he is available for use in the The Great Maze, as well as against Tabuu. According to Masahiro Sakurai, Ike was not intended to be on the roster early on. However, Ike definitely has his drawbacks. Low vertical range limits its usefulness, considering Ike's inferior jumping capabilities, though it possesses deceptive horizontal range. Ike is also known for his sense of sympathy, even toward his enemies and those who betray him (worrying about what could have driven them to that point), and offers almost every boss he faces an opportunity to surrender and leave the battlefield alive. Deceptive range with a quick, good for low-percent combos, but punishable if it misses. Additionally, his recovery is linear, predictable, and highly susceptible to gimping, with semi-spikes being especially deadly. The fact that Ike says "You'll get no sympathy from me" is odd, as Ike is characterized as somewhat blunt, but far from asympathetic. If the close-in war is being waged at the edge, Ike can be an effective edge guarder, having his long-ranged fair, his d-tilt spike, his Aether special, and his deadly dair spike or bair as options to harass the opponent (as well as the aforementioned jab/throws). 16% if meteor smashed, 12% otherwise. 17% damage. In the tradition of all Fire Emblem protagonists, his death in battle causes an immediate Game Over, but his good statistical performance and high utility makes him a consistent front-line force nonetheless. Good surprise move at a distance and is a true combo out of the Back Throw to DA percents and it is also guaranteed out of grab releases against characters like Meta Knight. Ike quickly swings Ragnell behind him. on August 1st, 2007. 15%. [1] Unlike his fellow Fire Emblem representative Marth, Ike's moveset features a number of unarmed strikes (specifically punches, kicks, and a headbutt) alongside sword swings. Ike holds Ragnell on his left, before heaving it in a wide arc over himself, slamming Ragnell to his right. His one true desire is to someday be as capable a warrior as Greil was, even long after his father's death. Ike is also one of the best characters to crouch-cancel a jab with, as the move can accrue upwards of 20% on opponents when crouch-canceling the original hit into another jab a few times.

Because he is a large heavyweight with fast falling speed, he is susceptible to chain grabs and walls of pain. This is the strongest d-tilt. Frank:With his Super, Frank can stun the enemy IKE turret and other enemy Brawlers. However, all three of those moves are very punishable if they miss. It also hits characters standing on platforms above Ike and hits diagonally down on characters hanging on the ledge. In the end, Ike must rely on careful prediction and spacing of the opponent to even land a single attack, much less win the match, but when effectively doing so, smart Ike players can end or mostly obliterate a stock within a matter of seconds. Ike performs a very powerful overhead swing. His forward aerial has the distinction of having the most horizontal attack range of any normal aerial in the game. He boasts high strength and speed, and good physical defense, but his big weakness is his resistance to magical attacks. Ike is a heavyweight, being tied with Wario as the eighth heaviest character in SSB4. Ike's journeys with Elincia - fleeing to the Begnion Empire, assisting its Empress Sanaki in destroying a slave trafficking ring, being knighted by Elincia, and raising an army to march on Daein and take back Crimea - brings him into contact with the ancient racial tensions between the laguz (clans of animal shapeshifters) and his fellow beorc; with a plot by Daein's Mad King, Ashnard, to unleash a dark god sealed within a bronze medallion and remake the world; and with the sacrifices his parents made to try and stop that plot decades prior. DOJO!! The attack is shorter ranged than most of his aerials, but covers almost 360°. It is by far the strongest tilt meteor and it is one of the better tilt meteors in the game (though that's not saying much). Ike charges Ragnell before thrusting it in the ground, creating a pillar of red fire. Warps onto the stage using warp magic, then slashes Ragnell. Ike throws the opponent backwards while kicking them. The attack stays out for a long time and has good horizontal range, though low vertical range limits its usefulness, considering Ike's inferior jumping capabilities. He hasn't had notable changes throughout the updates until Patch 8.0.0 came out which actually significantly buffed him. 8% damage. When compared to these two, Ike's f-smash has the least start-up lag out of the three, but it has the most ending lag. Using the attack to effectively approach depending on the situation, Ike can pursue follow ups such as more forward aerials, his far-reaching dash attack, or an attempt at outwitting the foe into his Quick Draw side special. Despite his appearance, Ike is also a heavyweight, which hinders his mobility and renders him very susceptible to combos. Also powerful, long-ranged, and slow (weaker but faster than his forward smash). This is because "Aether" is said with two syllables in Japanese (天空 Ten-kū, literally "Sky"), thus necessitating the changed battle cry. Ike is one of the many to be turned into a trophy by Tabuu's Off Waves. Should Ike have to deal with opponents close in, he can easily use his competent jab to either put the spacing back on or to transfer to a throw, with either the back or forward variants capable of putting the opponent in a vulnerable position should they be at the edge. Can be angled. 6% damage. Ike works best when playing the range game, best maximized by using his forward-air whenever retreating. Decent range, but cripplingly slow. The attack stays out for a long time and has great priority, starting in the front and ending in the back of Ike. Upon its defeat, Galleom grabs the two and attempts suicide with its built in Subspace Bomb. Pummel - Headbutts the opponent with a 3% damage. Ike is ranked 23rd on the tier list in mid-tier. Ike holds up Ragnell. The attack's speed and its very wide arc allow it to intercept foes air-dodging back to the stage near Ike, or it can be used like his down smash to punish rolls. Jessie:During pushes or defending, enemies tend to group up so her bounce shot can deal high amounts of damage. Ike is also one of the game's deadliest air-dodge/roll trappers, given his far-reaching forward smash and its tremendous power; it is a useful move so long as Ike is never predictable with it. These stickers can only be used by Ike or by a select few including Ike.

While Ike is an infamously slow character in. Luckily, Mario and Link's team arrive to help out, after which they join up. The international success of the former prompted developer Intelligent Systems to begin work on a more ambitious, large-scale Fire Emblem game for the Nintendo GameCube: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Ike's debut starring game, which released in 2005.

If the move hits while the blade is swinging down, it will powerfully.

Although Ike himself is also slow, his attacks will surprise opponents when hitting from maximum range. Can be angled up or down. It also hits people standing on platform's above Ike and hits diagonally down on people hanging on the ledge. Fire Emblem Awakening features him as a bonus character, albeit unrelated to the main story, via SpotPass and DLC. Ike is briefly seen at the Glacial Peak level when they see the battle between the Halberd and Great Fox, in which at that point, Meta Knight leaves the party. Ultimately, Ike's buffs have somewhat improved his viability since Brawl and especially SSB4's early days. Elincia hires the Greil Mercenaries to assist her in escaping Crimea, but after Greil himself is killed by his former student, the Black Knight of Daein, Ike is forced to take command of the Mercenaries. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, Palette Swap (Super Smash Bros. Dash Attack - Ike lunges forward with Ragnell with excellent range, but is slow and predictable. Ike and his team are later seen in the The Wilds, tracking a tank. Notably, he is to date the only protagonist of a Fire Emblem game to have absolutely no royal, noble or divine ancestry at all; this is reflected in his initial character class in Path of Radiance not being the usual Lord, but rather the unique Ranger, instead promoting into a Lord when he is temporarily knighted.