), Iron Head / Zen Headbutt Is it possible for a Jirachi to legitimately have Moonblast? It also provides a 60% flinch rate that allows Jirachi to muscle past threats it needs to chip in order to obtain KOs or 2HKOs. Calm Mind- once set up Jirachi is nearly impossible to take down However it needs heavy team support depending on the moves it chooses. Psychic/Future Sight- STAB and just good special psychic moves, (( More Likely that this is my first post... )), Jirachi @ King's Rock The problem with this set is that it can't take consecutive hits. Ability: Serene Grace U-turn is useful for giving Jirachi a way of generating momentum as well as doing chip damage to foes earlier on in the match. Iron Head - U-turn / Stealth Rock Jirachi: What are the status inflicting moves Jirachi can learn.

Jirachi is famously known for its unpredictability and annoyance.

Out of 3 Choices, each have their own good Effect. Nature: Careful/Impish - Stealth Rock can actually provide some unexpected support in Doubles against dangerous Fire-types like Mega Charizard Y and Volcarona. More likely a Jolly Physical Attacker, Jirachi is more than majestic. . And lastly to my explanation, Kings Rock might sound useless but its just there to help boost that Flinch Chance by 10% to all moves. Trick Room provides a different type of speed control for teams that appreciate a slow mode, this option is useful for more than just dedicated Trick Room teams. nature: Impish ability: SandStream evs: 252HP / 252 SpD/4 att [Set Comments] ... EQ vs 0 HP / 0 Def Neutral Jirachi = (51.24% - 60.61%) And Jirachi can 2HKO with SR up with 252 Atk Jolly Iron Head And Crunch fails to 2HKO [well 50% with Rocks up] 252 HP / 220 Def Bold Celebi, and Celebi can just recover + Grass knot away. Moves: Thanks to the extra speed granted by the Choice Scarf, Jirachi can effectively use Healing Wish to sacrifice itself and bring back a fully healed ally in the battle. EVs: Def 252 Spe 252 Sp Def 4 Moves: Doom Desire (to get rid of trouble). Iron Head is Jirachi's most reliable STAB to deal with Fairy types like Clefable.

Item: Light Clay It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years. • Jirachi has access to Reflect and Light Screen, however, screens are a weak support considering the huge amount of Defoggers available in USUM.

What are the odds of getting a shiny Jirachi in or?

How to use impish in a sentence. Heart Stamp, a Psychic type version of Iron Head, allows Jirachi to beat Keldeo and Toxapex consistently; keep in mind the move's lower base power however. This set allows you to switch into Starmie's and Vaporeons surfs, Heatran's Earth Power Fire Blast and Explosion, Various Leaf Storms, Grass Knots and nuetral physical attacks with over half your hp and ready to strike back. 248 HP / 108 SpD / 152 Spe

156 SpA EVs allows Jirachi to 2HKO defensive Landorus-Therian after its +1 boost with Psychic or OHKO it with Icy Wind after SR damage. 252 Atk. It is known as the Wish Pokémon.

Serene Grace - The chances of a move having a secondary effect is doubled. [email protected] Sash/Leftovers/Life Orb/Assault Vest

Evs: 252 sp def, 252 def, 4 hp, Reflect: To dampen any physical attacks (use first if the attacker is a physical attacker), Light screen: To dampen special attacks (use first if the attacker is special), Doom Desire: (it damages when you switch out right?) Wish Upon Jirachi! - U-turn

Heart Stamp/Zen Headbutt(Heart Stamp has higher chance of flinch while Zen Headbutt does more damage) It's really one of those Pokemon that works differently with every team that it goes on, and unfortunately, we can't put every single defensive spread on-site. However, the lack of power makes it really hard to justify its use considering it fails to OHKO most of its targets. - Iron Head

EVs and Nature: Body Slam has an explanation and despite being a Normal Move, it has a possibility to Paralyze, which can cripple your opponents speed.

Trick is worth mentioning due to its ability of being able to cripple something like Chansey or Skarmory. In them, it has woken up as part of its usual wake up cycle. Jirachi has made several appearances in the anime. Bold/Timid/Modest/Calm Nature for the items respectivly. •Meteor Beam:Raises special attack, goes in one turn because of the power herb Celebi has 7 weaknesses and can be defensive, and Tyranitar it just takes on any hit like a pro except for heavy Fighting hits, sure, he has counters, but every other Pokémon has counters as well. However, Jirachi struggles on fitting the appropriate coverage moves to deal with his various checks and counters.

Moveset: Classic ParaFlinch Jirachi. Hit you like a schoolgirl from that uninvested Atk? - Healing Wish / Ice Punch Item Attached: Normalium Z EVs and Nature: 152 EVs are dumped in Speed in order to allow Jirachi to outspeed and flinch max Speed Jolly Tapu Bulu before it can do anything.

I have my doubts about the effectiveness of this set.

[email protected] Clay Z-Happy Hour gives Jirachi a boost to all of its stats and grants it the power it needs. I call this one my Red Wishmaker.

Basically, you're taking away what it does best and giving it a rather mediocre option. Doom Desire On the other hand, Ice Punch allows Jirachi to check and revenge kill Pokemon like offensive Landorus-Therian or a weakened Zygarde. + Moves like Body Slam, Heart Stamp and Iron Head have their secondary effects doubled thanks to Serene Grace, making Jirachi a very annoying Pokemon to face because of this (30% -> 60% chances of flinching/paralysis). Body Slam is there to provide damage and paralyze your opponent, Iron Head is STAB and is part of the ParaFlinch. Impish Nature. - Protect


Ability: Serene Grace - Psychic / Hidden Power Ground - U-turn / Body Slam Ability: Serene Grace which are all very common pokemon. Item Attached: Leftovers

Fire Punch is here for its burn chance. Have fun annoying the crap out of opponents!

The Seven Days Miracle!.

Energy Ball lets Jirachi destroy Rotom-W, Hippowdon, Quagsire and Gastrodon if those threats are more problematic, though Grass is a poor coverage option in general. Ability: Serene Grace Changing the chance of moves getting their secondary hits in such a way is a great, so you have moves like Zen Headbutt with a 40% flinch rate, - Stealth Rock As one of OU's biggest threats Tyranitar doesn't need much help scaring foes, but one problem is many people packing counters to it such as Starmie Jirachi and Celebi. [Please excuse our look during the redesign :)].

Jirachi, The Wish Pokémon.
Iron Head is Jirachi's main STAB to deal damage and flinch anything slower than it. It can run Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Drain Punch, Icy Wind and Hidden Power Ground as coverage options on most sets.

Not the best idea.

Combined with a solid 100 base stat bulk and HP, it grants Jirachi plenty of opportunities to switch in.

•Flash Cannon:STAB, Serene Grace helps it’s chance to lower opponent’s Sp.Defense Ability : Serene Grace Protect eases prediction, though Helping Hand aids your sweeper to create a more potent attack. The rest is dumped in attack to power up Jirachi's physical attacks. Jolly Nature A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the value of two of its stats, ultimately increasing one of its non-HP stats (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed) by 10% and decreasing another by 10%. However, its lack of power makes it undesirable.

It's outclasses by CB tar.

Finally, Healing Wish allows Jirachi to sacrifice itself in order to fully heal another teammate, which can be useful for late game sweepers like Volcarona or Charizard-X. Nature:Timid Maximum Spd and Attack with slight HP complimented by a +Atk Nature allow Jirachi to deal decent damage. Careful Nature.

Jirachi @ Life Orb/Choice Scarf Near maximum HP and the rest of the EVs in Special Defense, allows Jirachi to tank hits more easily from threats like Tapu Lele and Magearna. Item: power herb

EVs: 252 Spe/252 Atk/4 HP Pokémon Battle TrozeiPokémon Link: Battle, Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad, Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness, Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom, The Wishing Star of Seven Nights - Jirachi. Iron Head is STAB Flinching.