The origins of this interpretation can be traced in earlier sources: the contrast between the cowardly coastal peoples and more warlike and brutal nations in the interior goes back to Bosman, New and Accurate Description, 395–8; the explanation that the coastal peoples (or at least those of Whydah) had been rendered effeminate by trade is found already in Snelgrave, New Account, 3–4. 94 Cf.

the calculations of Patrick Manning, ‘The slave trade in the Bight of Benin’, in Gemery and Hogendorn, The Uncommon Market, 117, which would reduce exports from the Slave Coast to 1,700 annually on average in the 1660s and 5,500 in the 1680s. Le Herisse, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey, 90.

Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. The Dutch factory at Allada had been destroyed in a local war in 1692.

Some are even told that they descend from the “royal lineages” of  Dahomean kings. 92 Le Herisse, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey, 55, 243. Le Herissé, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey, 276–89. 151 Le Herissé, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey; Herskovits, Dahomey. Argyle, The Fon of Dahomey, esp. 107–14; Peukert, Der Atlantische Sklavenhandel, esp. 161 Law, ‘Fall of Allada’, 162; Jacques Lombard, ‘Contribution à l'histoire d'une ancienne société politique du Dahomey: la royauté d'Allada’, Bull.

Pruneau de Pommegorge, Description de la Nigritie, 164–5. 181 Manning, Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth, 42. These groups brought with them their own Haitian Vodou traditions, adding to (or merging with) the Vodoun traditions that were already well established in free townships and underground as late as the 1800's by the Africans already enslaved in America. 10 Les femmes soldats du Dahomey – Bande dessinée Founded in the early seventeenth century, the Kingdom of Dahomey began to spread from the city of Abomey during the reign of King Houegbadja (1645-1685), known as the third King of Dahomey. 28 Bosman, New and Accurate Description, 343, 362a. 14 The earliest evidence of significant Dutch trade at Allada seems to be a Portuguese complaint of 1636: ‘Consultado Conselhode Estado’, 16 Jan. 1636, in Brásio, Monumenta Missionaria, vin, 348.


126 In 1727 the king paid (in cowries) £ 1 for each adult male captive, 10s. Due to the fact that women are considered better at home, catering for the family; in the kitchen, preparing food; or at the market place, selling or buying goods, it may then be amusing that Dahomean women instead of men fought in battles. Another factor was the role certain Yoruba kingdoms played during the war in favour of Egba. War wi

60 Cf. 88 It may be noted that on the Slave Coast (as elsewhere in Africa) Europeans also were suspected of being cannibals: Barbot, ‘Description des Cotes d'Affrique’, I lie Partie, 136; Bosman, New and Accurate Description, 365. HARD AND SOFT POWER POLITICS: THE DYNAMICS OF OYO-DAHOMEY DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 1708-1791 Femi Adegbulu (Ph.D) ABSTRACT: This paper, following the assumptions of the Realist School, takes a critical look at ‘power’ and the use of it, with relations to pre-colonial Oyo and her neighbor, Dahomey in the eighteenth century. 98 Forbes, Dahomey, I, 7; Le Herisse, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey, 315. To further obscure and complicate matters, in the West, the first independent black republic, Haiti, is also universally credited by western scholars of  developing the Vodoun religion, or at least, linguistically, spiritually and culturally ignorant, It would however, be correct to state that groups of Haitians, were brought to the, Lastly, the only historic connection of Nigeria to the Vodoun religion is the nation of Ketu, in what is now the, of the Vodoun religion. 117 Norris, Memoirs, 137.
Akinjogbin, Dahomey, 64 n. 3, 100–1. Hist, vii (1966), 67–78;Waldman, Loren K., ‘An unnoticed aspect of Archibald Dalzel's The History of Dahomey [sic]’, J. Afr. Babatunde Folorunsho – The First Armed Robber To Be Publicly Executed In Nigeria, The Original History Of Ibadan – City Of Brown Roofs, The Nigerian Independence Constitution of 1960, Indirect Rule in Nigeria – Overview, Reasons and Results, Pre-colonial Political Administration In Yoruba land, Real Accounts of The Nigerian Civil War (1967- 1970), Colonial Rule in Nigeria and Nigeria’s Struggle for Independence, Yoruba Folktale: How Aaye And Aigboran Became Enemies, Old School Jam: Download Oko Mi Ye By Stella Monye, Obitun: Initiation of girls into womanhood in Ondo Town, See How 50 kobo Caused Nationwide Protest in Nigeria in 1978, Download Selected Bobby Benson Songs – Biography Included, List of International And Local Airports In Nigeria, The Youngest Grandmother in the World is a 17-Year-old Nigerian, The story of Cudjo Lewis- The last survivor of Clotilda (the last ship to transport slaves from Africa to America), Speech By The Governor General Of Nigeria, Sir Frederick Lugard On January 1, 1914 (Amalgamation Proclaimation of 1914), How Ibrahim Babankowa Found Tafawa Balewa’s Decomposing Body Along Lagos-Abeokuta Road, The Story Of Gloria Okon, Nigeria’s Controversial Female Drug Smuggler, Sarah Forbes Bonetta- The Yoruba Slave Who Became Queen Victoria’s Goddaughter, Thanks to this Nigerian herbalist, British colonialists in West Africa survived Malaria in the 1900s, This is Why Every House in Ibadan Had to Switch off Outdoor Lights in 1941, This Is The Reason No Other Female Has Been Crowned Ooni of Ile-Ife After Queen Luwoo, E. Ola Abiola; A Textbook Of West African History; 3rd edition; Ado Ekiti; Omolayo Standard Press & Bookshops co. Jean Bayol, a French naval officer, who visited Abomey, the capital of Dahomey, in December 1889, said he watched how a young N’Nonmiton-to-be Dahomean girl named Nanisca, who had never had blood stains on her hands, killed a prisoner in cold blood; “she walked jauntily up to the prisoner, swung her sword three times with both hands, then calmly cut the last flesh that attached the head to the trunk[…] She then squeezed the blood off her weapon and swallowed it.”. 118 Du Bois, W. E. B., The Negro (London, 1915), 67–8, 154; cf.

A., Dahomey and its Neighbours 1708–1818 (Cambridge, 1967). Check if you have access via personal or institutional login, COPYRIGHT: © Cambridge University Press 1986, The History of Dahomy, an Inland Kingdom of Africa, Dahomey and the Slave Trade: An Analysis of an Archaic Economy, Modes of production in Africa : The Precolonial Era. ibid. dissertation, Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham, 1978). 29 Snelgrave, William, A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea and the Slave Trade (London, 1734; reprinted 1971), 2. 20 Van Dantzig, Albert, Les Hollandais sur la Côte de Guinée à l'époque de l'essor de l'Ashanti et du Dahomey 1680–1740 (Paris, 1980), 74.

However, the victory of the Egbas over Dahomey was backed by certain factors. 1 I.e. 138 Wrigley, Christopher, ‘Historicism in Africa’, African Affairs, LXX, 279 (1971), 114–15.

King Houegbadja, whose motto was ‘making Dahomey ever greater’, succeeded in imposing his authority on 168 Le Herissé, L'ancien royaume du Dahomey, 290. 56 Journal of the Commissioners for Trade, 201. 6 Akinjogbin, I. 67 Labat, Jean-Baptiste, Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guinée, Isles voisines, et á Cayenne (4 vols, Paris, 1730), I, xi. 65–8, 95. Either then or soon after an English factory was established in Allada: cf.

Aguessy, Honorat, ‘Le Dan-Home du XIXe siècle: était il une société esclavagiste?’, Revue Française d'Etudes Politiques Africaines, L (1970), 71–91;Elwert, Georg, Wirtschaft und Herrschaft von ‘Daxome’ (Dahomey) im 18 Jahrhundert: Ökonomie des Sklavenraubs und Gesellschaftsstruktur 1724 bis 1818 (München, 1973). The Amazon women or ‘N’Nonmiton‘ (which means our mothers) as they were called in Fon language, were even said to be stronger, more skilled and ruthless than the men of Dahomey. 127 Dalzel, History, xii. 89 Cf.

133 Ofori was unable to press his attack against Whydah because of a failure of supplies of gunpowder; Bosman, New and Accurate Description, 332.

56, 73, 102, 173. Norris, Memoirs, xiii-xiv. Hist, x (1969), 401–2;Ronen, Dov, ‘On the African role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade in Dahomey’, Cah. For similar complaints by Portuguese officials in 1729–30, cf. 37 Norris, Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahadee, xvi, estimated the date as c. 1625, and has generally been followed by more recent writers. 62 Davidson, Black Mother, 241; Akinjogbin, Dahomey, 23–4. 7 Important archival material not utilized in Akinjogbin's work includes Dutch records, the potential value of which may be gauged from the published collection by Van Dantzig, Albert, ed., The Dutch and the Guinea Coast 1674–1742 : A Collection of Documents from the General State Archive at The Hague (Accra, 1978), and the Letter Book of the Royal African Company covering the period 1681–99 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS Rawlinson, C. 745–7), the Slave Coast material in which is summarized by Van Dantzig, Albert, ‘Some late seventeenth century British views on the Slave Coast’, in Actes du Colloque International sur les Civilisations Aja-Ewe (Cotonou 1–5 Décembre 1977) (Université Nationale du Benin, Cotonou, n.d.), 85–104.

Birds 1966-67 DAHOMEY 50 FR100 500FR 200 FR250 AIR POST STAMPS Industrial Symbols 1966 Dr. Albert Schweitzer 1966 100FR 100FR 100FR WHO Headquarters 1966. Newbury, C. W., London, 1966), 106–7.

Dahomey, kingdom in western Africa that flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries in the region that is now southern Benin. 91 See esp. Le Dan-Home du XIXe siècle: était il une société esclavagiste? Kindly give us credit and backlink.

167 Cf. By far, some of the  most popular claims that continue to endure, is the notion that the Vodoun originated in either Haiti, Nigeria or in the former Dahomean, West African Kingdom now known (since 1975) as Benin. Also the illuminating analysis of the ‘Annual Customs’ by Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, ‘La fête des coutumes au Dahomey: historique et essai d'interprétation’, Annales: E.S.C., xix (1964), 696–716. Cf. LIV: Papers Relative to the Reduction of Lagos, item 13, inclosure 3, Journal of Lieutenant Forbes, on his Mission to Dahomey, entry for 4 July 1850; cf. 25 ‘Journal du Voyage du Sieur Delbée’, 436–7; corroborated by ‘Short Memoir on Trade within the present limits of the Charter of the West Indian Company’, 1670, in Van Dantzig, The Dutch and the Guinea Coast, II. At Whydah in 1694 the proportion was two-fifths: Thomas Phillips, ‘A journal of a voyage made in the Hannibal of London’, in Churchill, Awnsham and Churchill, John, eds, Collection of Voyages and Travels (London, 1732), vi, 227.
(Nig.) A., Dahomey As It Is (London, 1874). But in 1727 the price of a slave at the coast was £15 (Bean, The British Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 147): since the king paid only £1 for each captive (cf. Yoruba kingdoms like Ibadan and Ijebu were said to have given Egba their ultimate support during the war. 81 Norris, Memoirs, 49; Dalzel, History, 97, 175. Ghana, x (1969), 24–6. the History, vi–vii. Your email address will not be published. Polanyi's work is in fact an elaboration of an analysis originally offered a few years earlier by his associate Arnold, Rosemary, ‘A port of trade: Whydah on the Guinea coast’ and ‘Separation of trade and market: great market of Whydah’, in Polanyi, Karl, Arensberg, Conrad M. and Pearson, Harry W., eds., Trade and Market in the Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory (New York, 1957), 154–76, 177–87. I, “How is it possible that a 10,000 year old religion originated in a country [Dahomey] whose existence date no further back.

The kingdom became a major regional power in the 1720s when it conquered the coastal kingdoms of Allada and Whydah. ibid. The over 3000 Amazon women, under the command of the Dahomean king, Gelele the son of Gezo, were defeated again in 1864 when they attacked Abeokuta for the second time. 244, 281.