Caleb was betrayed into no word injurious to Bulstrode beyond the fact which he was forced to admit, that he had given up acting for him within the last week.

The efforts made in France, Germany and England, in the 17th and 18th centuries, to improve the manufacture of glass in those countries had a very injurious effect on the industry of Murano.

With regard to any offensive trade which has been established or may be consented to in any urban district, if it is verified by the medical officer or any two legally qualified medical practitioners, or by any ten inhabitants of the district, to be a nuisance or injurious to health, the urban district council are required to take proceedings before magistrates with a view to the abatement of the nuisance complained of. On assuming the directorship of the Nautical Almanac he became very strongly impressed with the diversity existing in the values of the elements and constants of astronomy adopted by different astronomers, and the injurious effect which it exercised on the precision and symmetry of much astronomical work. 260.

Read our series of blogs to find out more. wide, should not be cropped heavily with culinary vegetables, as deep trenching is very injurious. cannot be made to yield cast iron either free enough from phosphorus for the acid Bessemer or the acid open-hearth process, neither of which removes that most injurious element, or rich enough in phosphorus for the basic Bessemer process, which must rely on that element as its source of heat.

They are vegetable feeders, both in the perfect and larval stages, and are often highly injurious. Only the first error is very injurious, and I dare say a clever reader will notice what is wrong. The growth of the Nationalist party in Russia led to measures injurious Russia. iii.40 (50,4) [Oh, injurious love] Her execution was respited on account of her pregnancy, the effects of her love: therefore she calls it _ injurious _; not that it brought her to shame, but that it hindered her freeing herself from it. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of new words and meanings inspired by the events of the summer. Food premises are governed by numerous regulations to ensure that all food intended for human consumption is not rendered injurious to health. Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary. Study guides for every stage of your learning journey. II. The perpetrator faced serious jail time because the attack proved injurious to his victim. Sudden variations in the amount of water supplied are injurious: a sandy soil cannot retain water; on the other hand a clay soil often maintains too great a supply, and rank growth with excess of foliage ensues. Illegal drugs are injurious to your health.

, If you are not properly warmed up, performing any sport can become injurious. metalloid arsenic are phytotoxic to plants as well as injurious to human health. Until 1909, when Mr. Alexander Carlyle published his edition of the " love-letters," the full material was not accessible; they had been read by Carlyle's biographer, Froude, and also by Professor Charles Norton, and Norton (in his edition of Carlyle's Early Letters, 1886) declared that Froude had distorted the significance of this correspondence in a sense injurious to the writers. But her ambition and strong personal prejudices often led her to actions injurious to the realm. The district council are also empowered to obtain an order of justices directing the closing of any well, tank or cistern, public or private, or any public pump the water from which is likely to be used for drinking or domestic purposes, or for manufacturing drinks for the use of man, if such water is found to be so polluted as to be injurious to health. But a return of cold weather, injurious to vegetation, is very frequently observed in central and E. Lintner extend from 1882 to 1898, in yearly parts, under the title of Reports on the Injurious Insects of the State of New York. Smoking is injurious to the health. was always injurious to Fox.

Incurious definition is - lacking a normal or usual curiosity : uninterested. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android.

Sniffing glue is injurious to your health. mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant This thorny plant is injurious to the gut of animals which eat it (Burkill 1935 ). Injurious; 1.

There's no question that cheerleading is a highly disciplined and occasionally injurious sport. The defendant argued that the jury was improperly instructed on the standard of fault required for commercial disparagement aka injurious falsehood or trade libel, since that tort requires actual malice and the jury was instructed that negligence was sufficient. Reading in bed is injurious as a rule.

In other cases the injurious effects of free sulphur are obviated by using instead of it a metallic sulphide, - generally the orange sulphide of antimony; but, for the best results, it is necessary that this should contain from 20 to 30% of uncombined sulphur. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES.

The reforms proposed included the adoption of European time, the European calendar, and the Latin alphabet; the abolition of veiling of women - as a practice of far-reaching, injurious influence upon the race; the abolition of the annual, month-long fast of Ramazan, and of the Feasts of Bairam. Horne, thereupon, by a bold libel on the Speaker, drew public attention to the case, and though he himself was placed for a time in the custody of the serjeant-at-arms, the clauses which were injurious to the interest of Mr Tooke were eliminated from the bill. Last 50 years The result was that the sugar content of the blood of the patient fell to the normal, the passing of sugar into the urine was reduced to a minimum, and the general state of poisoning, acidosis, which is caused by certain injurious substances which are formed in this kind of diabetes mainly through disturbance in the fat metabolism, often in great quantities, was checked.

This duoregnum proved even more injurious to Hungary than the dreaded interregnum. On the increase of or the protection from, Must he not fear and avoid that which he judges, Are my own domestics suborned to spread tales, Injurious in a sentence | Short example sentence for injurious, Gantry in a sentence | Short example sentence for gantry, Snooker in a sentence | Short example sentence for snooker, Stile in a sentence | Short example sentence for stile, Mutton in a sentence | Short example sentence for mutton, Chic in a sentence | Short example sentence for chic, Knot in a sentence | Short example sentence for knot, Way Too in a sentence | Short example sentence for way too, Sacrament in a sentence | Short example sentence for sacrament, Dustbin in a sentence | Short example sentence for dustbin. An instance of his injurious language was found in his use of the term " trinitaires " to denote " ceux qui croyent en la Trinit6.". 70.

53. If you say another word injurious to my brother's memory, I'll leave this house and let you starve for all I'll do for you. Whilst objecting to the prevention of the export of wool, he proposes a tax on that export as somewhat less injurious to the interest of growers than the prohibition, whilst it would "afford a sufficient advantage" to the domestic over the foreign manufacturer. Sentence Examples for injurious. Economically the results were also injurious.

To this restriction, as regards foreign intercourse, was added a no less injurious system of inland duties impeding the commerce of the different provinces with each other.

How to use injurious in a sentence. A nearly vegetarian diet and a complete abstinence from alcoholic stimulants is the ideal in such cases, but it must be modified to suit individuals, as sometimes very strict limitations prove injurious. insidious. Since Exist

They cannot, therefore, be classed among the especially beneficial birds, neither can they be termed injurious on account of what they eat. ACCLIMATIZATION, the process of adaptation by which animals and plants are gradually rendered capable of surviving and flourishing in countries remote from their original habitats, or under meteorological conditions different from those which they have usually to endure, and at first injurious to them. The climate is superb for nine months of the year, and the three months of rain, heat and damp are not injurious to health. the book to my brother for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately these differences, growing out of the opposite policies of the two countries at the court of Madrid, increased in each succeeding year; and a constant but sterile rivalry was kept up, which ended in results more or less humiliating and injurious to both nations. Nothing can be more injurious to the frog than this.